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Here's the secret to a post scarcity society. You can't get one by providing unlimited resources to everyone. No society has unlimited resources, not even the Culture and especially not the Federation. The Federation wouldn't be looking for new energy sources if it had unlimited resources.

No, the secret to a post-scarcity society is to successfully indoctrinate your population so they'll never want more than society can (or should) provide them. They can have all that they want, if you manage what it is that they want. Realistically there's no reason why anyone wouldn't want to have their own personal FTL vessel...if only to escape when their planet is about to be destroyed, an eventuality that I must point is totally routine on Star Trek.

But they have managed people's expectations so they don't ask for more than they can get. The people who want to do the kinds of things you imagine are simply identified and treated for their mental illness until they have more reasonable and socially responsible desires. Tada! Post-scarcity achieved!

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During the early 90's, 93 specifically - I was living in a hotel (I was only 17, my b***h mother kicked me out the house - for no reason other than wanting to be free of her kids). This hotel was out the way, with lots of woods and forests around - I used to go for long walks after taking numerous different drugs, I'd put a walkman on, put some early trance and walk for miles on my own late at night. I was a chef, so didn't finish till 11, then didn't want to go sit in my small box bedroom room all night. I'd roll a few joints, sometimes take 1/2 a pill or a bit of acid and go. Was a magical time, but also a lonely time for me. I had no family (even though I have a huge family), I was shut away in that hotel for 4 years. No one called or asked how I was, it was like I disappeared from the rest of the family and the world, sometimes not leaving the hotel for 3 weeks. Part of my soul was lost in those walks, the sorry feeling you have when your young and your entire family disowned or didn't want to know. Most friends I had were a-holes, it was a lonely time, but a fun time as well. Listening to this reminds me now, that part of my sad soul is still lost on those long walks at night, out there somewhere and I've never been able to get it back. Things were, have never been the same with my family since; well, most are dead now. :)

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Prestidigitation feels like it was made to make the wizard look a little more put together and on top of life than they actually are (I totally didn't spill this test tube on my spell book. Nuh uh. There's no liquid there. It could never have been there because you never saw it). And who wants to look on top of life more than a noble trying to maintain their dignity? Imagine noble high elves with their free cantrip, and human nobles with some magic tuition. Mostly ways to avoid embarrassment and embarrass others, enjoy the following ideas:

  • The obvious—clean any muck off you or your clothes to avoid embarrassment. Accidentally got food on your fancy dress or tux at a banquet? Clean that right up with a little Prestidigitation! Poof, never happened! You a tyrant the poor are chucking rotten food at? Just clean that off and keep going.

  • The nastier version—soil other nobles' clothing and make them commit a terrible faux pas (or yourself if you're discovered). Imagine making it look like the pompous trading rival of your merchant family just pissed himself in this very important business meeting?

  • Touch up your make-up with the colour or mark function. Lipstick losing it's colour? 18th-century French-style beauty spot fallen off? No fear, prestidigitation can take care of that for you.

  • Give yourself a nice perfume/change yours, especially if you've just learnt what kind someone you're trying to woo likes.

  • Never ever be forced to eat poor food. Spent too long chatting and now it's cold? Not anymore, it's not. So hot you're worried you might burn yourself and look the fool? You can adjust that too. Tastes like garbage but telling the masters of the house that would be a major no-no? Take care of it discretely yourself. And if, for whatever reason, absolutely not your illegal activities, you are forced into prison—even the horrid gruel tastes like a prime steak.

  • The opposite—make someone eat something disgusting. Want someone to commit the above faux-pas of insulting the masters of the house? Make them swallow something that literally tastes like crap and watch the fun.

  • Power plays galore. Sweep all the torchlight in the room out with one wave of the hand. Fake having the important/valuable trinket of your enemy to send them into a panic. Make someone think they're going mad by playing faint music right in their ear. Chill someone's clothing and force them to stand there shivering (works best in the middle of a party while the rest of you are having casual conversation).

  • Make people itch. 'Harmless sensory effect'. Make some self-important noble have an itch where the sun don't shine and watch the hilarity unfold.

  • Bored during an important meeting? Make symbols appear in unorthodox places to pass the time.

  • You could rule that 'cleaning' includes things like smoothing wrinkles and neatening up hair (that's how those LotR elves do it!) which means lots of bonus points in the dignity department.

  • Find the colour of your clothing happens to be horribly out of fashion or clashes with your date? Problem solved!

  • You a noble character forced into the adventuring life? Flavour your tasteless traveling food, warm your blankets/clothes, clean the dirt right off, light the campfires instantly, get the mud and damp out of your boots, and otherwise make sure you're still living with as much dignity and comfort as you can muster.

  • Time for some grislier uses. Committed a murder to cover something up? Clean any blood off you and your murder weapon, and maybe soil someone else with 'blood'.

  • Slip poison into someone's food or drink—and cover up the taste with prestidigitation. This way you could get around taste testers by using strong-tasting but slow acting poison without giving it away.

  • Someone you want to off standing near an unlit torch sconce or sitting too close to an unlit candle? Set that alight and watch them burn. Candle is probably easier to get away with, since it's easier to miss that it's off.

  • If businessmen use symbols or marks to indicate important things in their ledgers, you have a neat 1-hour window to make some forgery count.

  • Not to mention the various ways you could humiliate servants if you were a noble with a sadistic streak (drow noble wizards, looking at you).

  • Also just need to put it up here— someone suggested “walk around with faint aristocratic harpsichord music everywhere” and it's just yes

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Dragon, Deep

2125 • 2140

Dragon, Deep

Climate/Terrain: Hill and mountain caverns, subterranean
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Solitary or clan
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivorous
Intelligence: Exceptional (15-16)
Treasure: Special
Alignment: Chaotic evil
No. Appearing: 1 (2-5)
Armor Class: 0 (base)
Movement: 12, Fl 30 (C), Br 6, Sw 9
Hit Dice: 14 (base)
THAC0: 7 (base)
No. of Attacks: 3 + special
Damage/Attack: 3-12/3-12/3-24
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: Variable
Magic Resistance: Variable
Size: H (24’ base)
Morale: Fanatic (17-18)
XP Value: Variable


Deep dragons are little known on the surface world. They are the hunters of the Underdark. Cunning and patient, they place their survival, followed by their joy of hunting, above all else. Deep dragons carefully amass and hide treasure in various caches, guarded with traps and magic. They are able to use most magical items.

Deep dragons are an iridescent maroon when they hatch, soft-scaled, and unable to change form. They keep to their birth-lair until they have mastered both of their other forms – a giant winged worm or snake and a human (or drow) form.


Combat: Deep dragons burrow and fight with powerful, stone-rending claws. They love to fight and hunt prey through the lightless caverns of the Underdark, employing their varrious forms. In snake form, they are AC 6, MV 9, Fl 4(D), Sw 11, losing claw attacks, but gaining a constriction attack (attack roll required, inflicts 3d8 points of damage per round, hampers movement, spellcasting, and causes -1 on attack rolls and a 1-point AC penalty).

In human form, a deep dragon is AC 10, MV 12, Sw 12, and causes damage by spell or weapon type. Armor can be worn, but it is always destroyed (inflicting 2d4 points of damage to the dragon) in any transformation of shape. A deep dragon can alter its features to resemble any humanoid of roughly human size. It is 66% likely to copy a specific being well enough to be mistaken for the actual creature.

A deep dragon’s breath weapon is a cone of flesh-corrosive gas 50 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 30 feet high. Creatures in the cloud can save vs. breath weapon for half damage (if they have dry, exposed skin, they save against the flesh-eating gas at -2). Cloth, metal, and wood are not affected. Leather is treated as dry, exposed skin.

Deep dragons cast spells at 9th level, adjusted by their combat modifiers. They are born with infravision, true seeing, and unerring detect magic abilities, and immunities to charm, sleep, and hold magic. Deep dragons are immune to extremes of heat and cold (-3 on each die of damage taken, to a minimum of 1 hp per die).

As deep dragons age, they gain the following additional powers:

Very young: assume snakeform 3 times/day; Young assume “human” form 3 times/day; Juvenile: one more form change/day (each), regenerate 1d4 hp/turn; Adult: regenerate 1d4 hp/6 rounds; free action at will; Mature adult: regenerate 1d4 hp/4 rounds; levitate 3 times/day; Old: transmute rock to mud and telekinesis 3 times/day; Very old: move earth 3 times/day; Venerable: passwall and disintegrate 2 times/day; Wyrm: one additional use/day of powers gained since Old age; stone shape 2 times/day, tongues once/day; Great wyrm: repulsion 3 times/day, affecting all except dragons. One additional use/day of stone shape and tongues.


Habitat/Society: Deep dragons roam the Underdark and are great explorers. Most often deep dragons are found in well-defended lairs in the Underdark. They often use their powers to reach caverns inaccessible to most creatures. Deep dragons often work with drow.


Ecology: Deep dragons have been known to eat almost anything, but they particularly prize the flesh of clams, fish, kuo-toa, and aboleth. They view cloakers and mind flayers as dangerous rivals in the Underdark. Deep dragons avoid confrontations with other dragons and never fight or steal from others of their own kind.


Age Body Lgt. (’) Tail Lgt. (’) AC Breath Weapon Spells W/P MR Treas. Type XP Value
1 Hatchling 1-5 1-4 3 2d8+1 Nil Nil Nil 2,000
2 Very young 5-14 4-12 2 4d8+2 Nil Nil Nil 3,000
3 Young 14-23 12-21 1 6d8+3 Nil Nil Nil 4,000
4 Juvenile 23-32 21-28 0 8d8+4 1 Nil H,Q 6,000
5 Young adult 32-41 28-36 -1 10d8+5 2 25% H,Q×2,E 8,000
6 Adult 41-50 36-45 -2 12d8+6 2 1 30% H,Q×3,E,S 10,000
7 Mature adult 50-59 45-54 -3 14d8+7 3 2 35% H×2,Q×4,E,S 12,000
8 Old 59-68 54-62 -4 16d8+8 4 2 1/1 40% H×2,Q×4,E,S,T 15,000
9 Very old 68-77 62-70 -5 18d8+9 4 2 2/2 45% H×3,Q×5,E,S,T 16,000
10 Venerable 77-86 70-78 -6 20d8+10 4 3 2 1/2 1 50% H×3,Q,E,S,T,U 17,000
11 Wyrm 86-95 78-85 -7 22d8+11 4 3 3 2/3 2 55% H×3,Q,E,S,T,U,V 18,000
12 Great Wyrm 95-104 85-94 -8 24d8+12 4 3 3 2 1/3 3 1 60% H,Q,E,S,T,U,V,X,Z 19,000


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Coins 62527 gp, 11315 ep, 48917 sp
  1. 4 x Alexandrite (500 gp)
  2. 6 x Amethyst (100 gp)
  3. 5 x Aquamarine (500 gp)
  4. 6 x Azurite (10 gp)
  5. 8 x Banded Agate (10 gp)
  6. 2 x Black Opal (1000 gp)
  7. 9 x Black Pearl (500 gp)
  8. 2 x Black Star Sapphire (1000 gp)
  9. 4 x Bloodstone (50 gp)
  10. 2 x Blue Star Sapphire (1000 gp)
  11. Bright Green Emerald (5000 gp)
  12. Brown Diamond (5000 gp)
  13. Brown-green Garnet (100 gp)
  14. Carnelian (50 gp)
  15. Chalcedony (50 gp)
  16. 2 x Chrysoberyl (100 gp)
  17. 2 x Chrysoprase (50 gp)
  18. 5 x Citrine (50 gp)
  19. Coral (100 gp)
  20. 8 x Deep Blue Spinel (500 gp)
  21. Deep Green Spinel (100 gp)
  22. Emerald (1000 gp)
  23. 4 x Eye Agate (10 gp)
  24. Fiery Yellow Corundum (1000 gp)
  25. 5 x Freshwater Pearl (10 gp)
  26. 3 x Golden Pearl (100 gp)
  27. 4 x Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp)
  28. 2 x Hematite (10 gp)
  29. Iolite (50 gp)
  30. 4 x Jade (100 gp)
  31. 4 x Jasper (50 gp)
  32. 4 x Jet (100 gp)
  33. 3 x Lapis Lazuli (10 gp)
  34. 3 x Malachite (10 gp)
  35. 4 x Moonstone (50 gp)
  36. 2 x Moss Agate (10 gp)
  37. 4 x Obsidian (10 gp)
  38. 6 x Onyx (50 gp)
  39. 2 x Peridot (50 gp)
  40. 2 x Pink Diamond (5000 gp)
  41. Pink Pearl (100 gp)
  42. 3 x Red Garnet (100 gp)
  43. Red Spinel (100 gp)
  44. Red-brown Spinel (100 gp)
  45. 3 x Rhodochrosite (10 gp)
  46. Rich Purple Corundum (1000 gp)
  47. 6 x Rock Crystal (50 gp)
  48. 3 x Rose Quartz (50 gp)
  49. 3 x Sardonyx (50 gp)
  50. 2 x Silver Pearl (100 gp)
  51. 2 x Smoky Quartz (50 gp)
  52. 2 x Star Rose Quartz (50 gp)
  53. 3 x Tourmaline (100 gp)
  54. 2 x Turquoise (10 gp)
  55. 6 x Violet Garnet (500 gp)
  56. White Opal (1000 gp)
  57. 2 x Zircon (50 gp)

Total value = 54120 gp

  1. Gold bracelet set with gems (6000 gp)
  2. Gold brooch set with gems (5000 gp)
  3. 2 x Gold brooch set with gems (6000 gp)
  4. 2 x Gold brooch set with gems (8000 gp)
  5. Gold earrings set with gems (2000 gp)
  6. Gold earrings set with gems (6000 gp)
  7. Gold pendant set with gems (6000 gp)
  8. 2 x Gold ring set with gems (3000 gp)
  9. 2 x Gold ring set with gems (4000 gp)
  10. Gold tiara set with gems (4000 gp)
  11. Ivory bracelet (700 gp)
  12. Ivory brooch (200 gp)
  13. Ivory earrings (100 gp)
  14. Ivory earrings (600 gp)
  15. Ivory ring (800 gp)
  16. Jade bracelet (2000 gp)
  17. Jade crown (1600 gp)
  18. Jade necklace (1800 gp)
  19. Jade necklace (2000 gp)
  20. Jade tiara (1700 gp)
  21. Jade tiara (2100 gp)
  22. Platinum bracelet set with gems (6000 gp)
  23. Platinum earrings set with gems (5000 gp)
  24. Platinum earrings set with gems (7000 gp)
  25. Platinum pendant set with gems (9000 gp)
  26. Silver bracelet set with gems (6000 gp)
  27. 2 x Silver brooch set with gems (3000 gp)
  28. Silver crown set with gems (6000 gp)
  29. Silver earrings set with gems (1000 gp)
  30. Silver earrings set with gems (2000 gp)
  31. Silver earrings set with gems (4000 gp)
  32. Silver necklace set with gems (1000 gp)
  33. Silver pendant set with gems (3000 gp)
  34. 2 x Silver ring set with gems (1000 gp)
  35. Silver ring set with gems (2000 gp)
  36. Silver ring set with gems (3000 gp)
  37. 2 x Silver ring set with gems (6000 gp)
  38. Silver tiara set with gems (5000 gp)
  39. Wrought Platinum brooch (2300 gp)
  40. Wrought Platinum crown (1600 gp)
  41. Wrought Platinum earrings (2500 gp)
  42. Wrought Platinum necklace (1500 gp)
  43. Wrought Platinum necklace (2100 gp)
  44. Wrought Platinum ring (1800 gp)
  45. 2 x Wrought gold crown (1100 gp)
  46. Wrought gold earrings (1000 gp)
  47. Wrought gold necklace (800 gp)
  48. Wrought gold necklace (1200 gp)
  49. Wrought gold pendant (1400 gp)

Total value = 183000 gp

Magic Items
  1. Amulet of the Planes (30000 gp)
  2. 9 x Bolt +2 (300 gp)
  3. Chain Mail +1 (human size) (3500 gp)
  4. Cleric Scroll (Locate Object) (900 gp)
  5. Crossbow of Speed (7500 gp)
  6. Dagger +1 (+2 vs small creatures) (750 gp)
  7. Flame Tongue Longsword +1 (4500 gp)
  8. Longsword +3 (7000 gp)
  9. Phylactery of Monstrous Attention (2000 gp)
  10. Potion of Levitation (400 gp)
  11. Protection from Undead Scroll (7500 gp)
  12. Ring of Spell Turning (17500 gp)
  13. Ring of Warmth (5000 gp)
  14. Shield +2 (5000 gp)
  15. Studded Leather +1 (human size) (2500 gp)
  16. Wand of Illusion (90 charges) (20000 gp)
  17. Wand of Lightning (83 charges) (30000 gp)
  18. Wings of Flying (7500 gp)

Total value = 154250 gp

Total value 462000 gp 7 sp
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"A fair fight." - a battle between two flaxen-haired maidens.


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I find freedom in restraint. That sounds almost paradoxical, doesn't it? Consider this: if we submit to every impulse, we quickly become slaves of those very same impulses and, as we know, not every whim is beneficial. If I can properly channel and temper the more mercurial emotions that wander into my mind, at least I can be somewhat confident as to the validity of my actions.

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