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Supe My Ride 1: The Superjet
This week we start a new series on super powered vehicles for personal and team use. To kick things off we're going jet, be it invisible, quin or otherwise.
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising
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The Fear Factory - A Metahumans Rising Adventure
After being abducted the heroes find themselves in a strange lab. As they struggle to escape, they find their worst fears have somehow slipped into the real world.
Is escape even possible or are they sinking deeper into Chimera’s Fear Factory?
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising
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albarrana: efreet fortresses that serve as regional centers of

bashem ustun: upon my head be it!
be chesm: by my eyes!
cherkajis (wheelers about): skirmishers, generally the most expert
horsemen and the best soldiers

dalil: guide
daroga: a police magistrate
effendi: master
hazneh: treasury
ins: non-genie sentient creature
jinn: a general noun for a genie of any type
kalian: smoking pipe
khon khors (blood drinkers): a title among the dao
kizzil bash: redhead
mihrab: prayer niche in a mosque
minbar: pulpit
sukhteh: burnt
thurgur: an efreet military zone

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Playing Jacks (Part 2), Page 25: Eightsies
This is it, the last page of Playing Jacks. We hope everyone has enjoyed going on this journey with with us as much as we have.
We regularly publish new content, like adventures, character tools, and play ideas for the Metahumans Rising RPG. Pick up a copy of the Super Powered RPG at Itch: https://housedok.itch.io/metahumans-rising
#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Comic #SteelAces
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Aside from mass killing his congregants, Jim Jones was a an effective and knowledgeable Christian. Those "aside from arguments" are some of the worst fallacies people can commit. You basically eliminate my sound argument, sweeping it under the rug, to make your weak argument shine. Again, this is what you are doing, Aside for beating his wife and children all these years, he was a great husband. All I am saying is her living is vital to the survival to earth. She is the most knowledge about alien tech than anyone where hardly anyone can grasp how they work and, God forbid, how to reverse engineer and repair said tech. This is a crude and hasty argument but Carter is like the only swordsmith in a village where no one else know much about making one but the enemies has several swordsmiths. You dont send out the only swordsmith out to fight and potentially get killed. That swordsmith is a national resource vital for the village's survival wroth more staying behind making, repairing, and reverse engineering swords rather than swinging one around.


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Lemons, tangerines, oranges, pomegranates, and
passion fruit hang from the trees, and glittering
fountains splash and bubble. Peacocks roam freely
throughout the garden, and nightingales,
mockingbirds, doves, curlews, and swallows flitter from
cherry trees in bloom to flowering almond trees. The
streams flow with nectar, and the sky is covered with
rippling banners of silk.
When initiates are brought here, huriye wait on
them - they are women as beautiful as the moon, and
men as bright as the sun. The huriye attend them,
graceful as gazelles, cooling the fevered novices with
fans, cool ices and juices, and savory dishes. The
initiates may dally as they wish, and beds of soft moss
are hidden in numerous odd corners and dens.
The initiates may spend days here, resting in the
pavilion by night. The pavilion is of rose-colored stone
with pillars of lapis lazuli and a roof of carved and
painted wood. Jasmine and roses surround it,
perpetually in bloom.


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"The object of what is now called free-trade is that of securing to the people of England the further existence of the monopoly of machinery, by aid of which Ireland and India have been ruined, and commerce prostrated. Protection seeks to break down this monopoly, and to cause the loom and the anvil to take their natural places by the side of the food and the cotton, and that production may be increased, and that commerce may revive....”

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