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FRED Question


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Re: FRED Question


Depends on the special effect. If the Flash is some sort of bright light, then I would say that the Darkness "wins" (though it hardly matters since the person is inside of a Darkness field anyway). If the special effect is chemical (Pepper Spray) or some sort of physical attack (Poke in the Eye), then sure. Again, it hardly matters if the Darkness field is in effect. Same net result. If the Flash were AoE, I would say that it fires, but would only have an affect if it were larger than the the Darkness field and then only on those between the edge of the Darkness and the edge of the Flash AoE.

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Re: FRED Question


Like others have said. This is an instance where I would let special effect rule. If the flash was light based then yes the darkness would block it in one of my games so long as it originated inside the darkness. or if it originated outside the darkness it would not effect anyone inside (not that it would matter they would still be unable to see because they are in darkness). On the other hand if the flash was some sort of cloud of acid that makes the targets eyes water and sting... then sure it would still work.


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Re: FRED Question


Even light-based Flashes might not all be completely blocked by the Darkness. Consider the difference between a Flash that originates from a single point (an "explosive" blast of light) vs. one that creates a bunch of bright flashes all throughout the area (imagine those firework fountains that send off a bunch of bursting flashes...). The first might be blocked by the Darkness if the origin point is inside it. The second logically wouldn't (but might also not affect targets on the other side of a window, if all the flashy bits can't extend past it to affect targets at close range).

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Re: FRED Question


I agree with the consensus that the SFX should determine whether the Flash works or not. But if you want a rule of thumb for two powers with the similar SFX (e.g. impenetrable fog vs. blinding fireworks) you might subract the active points of one from the other, and whatever you have left over is the effect. So if you have a Darkness field built with 30 active points, and a Flash with 40 active points, then the net result is the target is hit with 10 active points of Flash. For more accuracy (but more math) you might want to figure the active points before any AoE modifiers are added.

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Re: FRED Question


Yes, this would be a light based flash that is set off in the middle of a darkness field. I believe the character wanted to cancel it out or at least blind the originator of the darkness field. I think darkness wins but I wanted other opinions.

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Re: FRED Question


Since Darkness blocks the use of a sense, I think mechanically speaking a Flash would have no more effect than it does being used on someone who has already been flashed and lacks the use of that sense (in other words, none). Now if you, as GM, want to rule differently based on SFX, that is of course your prerogative...

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Re: FRED Question


Yes' date=' this would be a light based flash that is set off in the middle of a darkness field. I believe the character wanted to cancel it out or at least blind the originator of the darkness field. I think darkness wins but I wanted other opinions.[/quote']

The Darkness wins. However, he could always link in a Dispel Darkness to it to try to change that.

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