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A Pale Reflection


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(Ever see the series Fringe? If not, I recommend it, because this inspired by that)


You discover by whatever means, a recording/letter/video of your deceased parent/creator. It lays out for you in detail some facts that you were not aware. Primarily, that you are not from this plane of existence. You are from a parallel world and that when the YOU from THIS world died, the heart-broken parent went to the other world and nabbed your duplicate. He/she has been wracked with guilt ever since because ever since that time the other world has fallen into disrepair. It seems the act of removing you irrepairably changed the path of that world and even your return may not stem it because it's over the edge.


The question: You have the option to go to this world that desperately needs help and try to fix things even as it spins into decay, or you can stay in your world where you have friends/family/teammates and a much higher chance of surviving.


(note that taking any DNPC's or NPCs would result in duplictes of them in that plane; something that would obviously be frowned upon by the other world versions)


Do you say goodbye to everything and take the plunge into the muck? Or is it better to keep the world you've been adopted into and make sure it stays on track?

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Re: A Pale Reflection


Iron Maiden and Hell's Angel (same person, different power sets in different games) tear up said letter/recording and ignore it. Given her background (absent father, neglectful/abusive mother and relatives...the story is laughable on its face. Her father left when she was three. Her mother couldn't be bothered to feed her everyday, much less go out of her way to care for her. The idea that either of them would do something so drastic is ludicrous. Besides, she's invested in THIS world. They'd both stay.


Man-Ape has a good life here, and no incentive to go gallivanting around the multiverse. He'll stay put.


Black Mask or Le Fantome would seriously consider it. But ultimately, they'd stay where they are. There are an infinite number of worlds/realities out there. There's ALWAYS one that's worse off than the last. They'll stick to the one they know best, and in which they're invested.


Raven, knowing as she does, that the "real world" (so-called) is simply a collective dream, has absolutely no interest in what happens in dreams still farther removed. She stays.

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Re: A Pale Reflection


Wow, this story would work really good for one of my NPC concepts. But it doesn't go with any of my player characters.


So, the Crimson Mage, a retired hero in the city who advises active heroes on mystic things, would gladly go to this other world to fix it, along with his longtime mistress Scarlett.


Which would lead to the Players having to go to this other world to rescue him and/or bring him back to prevent the same thing from happening here.

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Re: A Pale Reflection


Interestingly, even though I proposed the WWYCD, it's not applicable to any of my heroes. Anthem's father is an abusive a-hole who resents that her mother died in child birth and he was left to raise her alone. Uncle Slam was born in the late 1800s; I don't see this fitting any background plot of his. Audra Blue is a poor South American orphan who was implanted with cybernetics by a Nazi refugee doctor.

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Re: A Pale Reflection


Black Falcon would have a serious problem believing this. especially that SHE (or her absence) is the cause of a catastrophic doomsday. She would either ignore this or smell a trap and stay away.

--The trap part would stand out to her, what an excellent way for a Hunted to rid himself of her by cooking up a silly story and trapping her on a dying world.


Psidestep IS a dimensional traveler. He too would be suspicious. Any universe dependent on his presence to remain in existence simply has to be a fantasy. One person simply cannot be the key to everything.

and even if it was, the part where, "even your return may not stop the path to destruction" would prevent him from going.

certainly with an intra-dimensional hunted, this would look like a trap to him. too bad so sad, hey look: Gilligan's on!

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Re: A Pale Reflection


Iron Maiden and Hell's Angel (same person, different power sets in different games) tear up said letter/recording and ignore it. Given her background (absent father, neglectful/abusive mother and relatives...the story is laughable on its face. Her father left when she was three. Her mother couldn't be bothered to feed her everyday, much less go out of her way to care for her. The idea that either of them would do something so drastic is ludicrous. Besides, she's invested in THIS world. They'd both stay.



Badger- in the same boat father wise (he left a little after Badger's sister 4 years his junior was born. Though, his mother was a good parent (so different in that regard). But, she was a commoner with absolutely no means to any tech to do that (and no she had no powers, he inherited his powers from his father, and presumably his sister would have to if she had lived).


Sense a trap that a nemesis is trying to get rid of him. Though, if they wanted to do that, it would more likely to fool him into going if it was sort of in reverse (his other self died. And that version of his sister needed protection*)



Frosty Bob- Might go, not that he believes it. He just might like the challenge. :rolleyes:



* Badger's mother and sister died when he was little. Her mother tried to protect his sister and they both died together. It could be plausible to him that he and his sister were reversed in that scenario in another dimension. he wouldnt care about the dimension per se. But, he lives with some guilt that he couldnt somehow have save his sister and mother. Or at least one. So, he might be tempted to bring her back to his dimension if possible.

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