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Training exercises?


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OK, so we're at a school for supers in training. Heavy on theory, and leaning toward the heroic, though some bad apples slip in.

Last session was paintball; if you get hit, you're out until the colorchanger girl in the side hall can fix the paint, then you need to make your way through a long hallway to the starting base.


Can anyone think of other training activities that might be done?

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Re: Training exercises?


Hide & seek. Sounds rudimentary, but make it some place complicated (Like some old tunnels or mines or a massive junkyard). Heck, if it were sewers it's a good place for them to accidentally bump into criminals or a crime in progress.


Blind fighting. Characters would have to do the Luke Skywalker-like feat of attacking an object while their primary sense is disengaged. Could be a robot or simple as a pinata.


Obstacle courses are fun, especially if there is an obstacle in there that plays to a weakness of each participant.


There's the classic "Killer" game; the RPG where you stalk one another on campus during the day and kill with fake props (There was a movie like it called TAG: The Assassination Game).


Scavenger hunt--the more modern variety, where teams analyze clues that lead them from location to location. Compose the teams of folks who specifically don't get along.

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Re: Training exercises?


"King of the Mountain" - Choose someone to be the King. Give him an area to defend (the Mountain). He can use any method and device available in the defense. Everyone else can use whatever method and device is available in their effort to take the Mountain.


CRISIS ALERT - There is some crisis that either will or has happened. How will everyone respond?

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Re: Training exercises?


"The Dirty Name" - essentially, this is a series of wooden logs set at irregular heights and intervals, set up to make it as difficult as possible to get across. Eg: if you jump high enough to make one log, you then have to jump long enough to make the next one. It teaches timing, co-ordination, balance - and determination. It is set up that way to make young wannabe SEALs (that's for whom it was created) that they could do 100% more than they thought they could.


Oh, and the logs aren't planed smooth either, so if you miss the log, you get a faceful of splinters, plus a crack on the chin. So - best not fall, eh?


(A fuller, and much more, shall we say, intimate description can be found in Richard Marcinko's Designation Gold, pp 263 - 264)

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Re: Training exercises?


OK, so we're at a school for supers in training. Heavy on theory, and leaning toward the heroic, though some bad apples slip in.

Last session was paintball; if you get hit, you're out until the colorchanger girl in the side hall can fix the paint, then you need to make your way through a long hallway to the starting base.


Can anyone think of other training activities that might be done?


Escape the (fake) deathtrap? points based on time, take too long and fail? Sneak into "evil" agents guarded base? (Good training for the local PD at the same time!) Heroic rant and rave? (Scored by audiance)....?

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Re: Training exercises?


Here is a good classic:


WarGames: Split everyone into two teams. This could either be within the team or between two or more different teams. Each team will have its own base that they need to defend. At the same time they need to go out and capture the opponent's base. Any method and trick for both offense and defense are allowed. The first team to capture the opponent's base will win the war.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Training exercises?


Scavenger/Maguffin Hunt was covered, but I've found this to be a common trope so I'll mention it again.


Problem Solving (if no one flies, how do you get to the burning yacht to save the passengers?)


Skills challenge - Things that cause the PC's to think outside the box. Can you talk to the Seamonster?


Give credit for creativity! In a similar game I had a character with limited combat abilities win a danger room session by mimicing the voice of the Principal.

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Re: Training exercises?


And give credit for guts and determination too. For example, for student A, everything comes effortlessly but Student B has a harder time of things, maybe even finishing last in some things. The difference between them? Student B never, ever quits, no matter how tough things get.

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