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Human Manufacturing: Is It Effective Slavery?


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Suppose we have a quite advanced civilization that has managed to get a decent clip going with genetic engineering and social science. They've been going over the human genome for decades, comparing and contrasting to animal genes, etc. They've isolated and uncovered various human mental peculiarities in terms of genetics. They've got an excellent understanding of in utero effects and childrearing. They carefully tailor a specific, homegrown individual's genetic code and youth to predispose them towards a specific activity, say, assassination.


Legally, this individual is an adult, capable of making all their own decisions. They don't have to do their job if they don't want to. They completely understand that they were specifically created and tailored for this purpose.


But, in 99% of all cases, they will do their job until they die or are retired.


Is this a form of slavery? Legally, it obviously isn't - the individual has given informed consent - but morally?

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Re: Human Manufacturing: Is It Effective Slavery?


A quick poll of the clones I know (technically they were produced gametically, but it's awfully narrow-minded to restrict our idea of clones to amagogenetic individuals in this modern day and age) has established that it is, in fact, slavery.


Amongst the more horrifying aspects are: bedtime; eating your vegetables; cleaning up your room; "you're not wearing that to school," and "no more computer tonight!",

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Re: Human Manufacturing: Is It Effective Slavery?


Suppose we have a quite advanced civilization that has managed to get a decent clip going with genetic engineering and social science. They've been going over the human genome for decades' date=' comparing and contrasting to animal genes, etc. They've isolated and uncovered various human mental peculiarities in terms of genetics. They've got an excellent understanding of [i']in utero[/i] effects and childrearing. They carefully tailor a specific, homegrown individual's genetic code and youth to predispose them towards a specific activity, say, assassination.


Legally, this individual is an adult, capable of making all their own decisions. They don't have to do their job if they don't want to. They completely understand that they were specifically created and tailored for this purpose.


But, in 99% of all cases, they will do their job until they die or are retired.


Is this a form of slavery? Legally, it obviously isn't - the individual has given informed consent - but morally?


Genetically engineering people to be inclined toward a given career but leaving them free to decide where and for whom is not slavery.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Human Manufacturing: Is It Effective Slavery?


Yes its slavery.

The clones who are engineered for a special task have the genes that makes you want to do other tasks removed. This is brainwashing. Just because the brainwashing does not always take does not make any less evil.


The clones in the star wars saga were slaves since they were not paid. And most likely had their genes messed with to make them perfect soldiers. The Jedi got what they deserved to use slave soldiers and it also answer the questions about why the jedi allowed the slave trade on tatoonie, the jedi protect the peace they dont care about slavery. The only one who showed some democratic spirit was Obi Wan.

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