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Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


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using stinging insect swarm inside thicket with thorns.


the thicket would not move and would be a set area. a plant


the swarm would be able to move in the thicket unharmed.


anything larger than insectile would be slowed and take thorn damage.


how does the swarm being unaffected part work.



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Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


You are touching on one of the great sticking points of Hero gaming. Does everything have to be modelled with points? I feel very strongly that the answer is no. There are two ways to look at this thicket:


1) The thicket is a character or base, or a piece of equipment attached to a character or base.


2) The thicket is a part of the environment.


I prefer to treat the thicket as part of the environment. You just write down the game effect that you want it to have and know that that's what it does. No one asks a forest fire to pay points for itself. No one asks a rain cloud to pay points for itself. You just look in the chapter on Living in a Dangerous World and use it as a guideline. Apply the effect as needed using common and dramatic sense. A thicket of thorns that is not sentient and/or mobile is just a feature of world your characters inhabit.


In this case I would rule that it acts as a Change Enviroment that cuts all movement in its area of effect down to 2m per phase. Additionally, it inflicts 1/2D6 AP killing damage every phase that you remain in the area. I assume you want it to be nasty enough so that anyone who is not wearing at least decent armor will want to stay away from it. To avoid the effect, you must be desolid, small enough to avoid the thorns, or go over, under, or around it. Give the players enough info to make a reasoned choice and move on. Maybe show them something tough caught inside and dying. Don't lose a lot of time thinking about points.


If you do it that way, all you have to do is build your spiders with Environmental Movement (Safe in Fangberry Thicket) if you so choose. That assumes that they have a special dispensation. However, it sounds like any small enough creature can pass through unharmed. In that case, you can ignore adding it to the spider's character sheet.


If you really want to go all out. You can build the thicket as a base for the spiders. It would have all the stats of a base and buy the Change Enviroment and Area Effect AP Killing Attack with No Range, 0 END, Constant, Persistent as powers. Add a limitation about the size of creature involve, and there you go. Some folks would want to add a Trigger, but I don't see the need. All the points for the powers would go on the thicket's sheet, which would then be bought by the spiders using the base rules on their collective character sheet.


You could actullay do it the other way around too. That would be as if the bush was in charge of the spiders, which might be a nice trick in a Star Hero setting.


When in doubt, I vote to save yourself excess work.

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Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


The chew spiders live within the fangberry bush and are unaffected by it, the spiders aid in the growth and quality of the berries.. by laying their eggs in them or something like that.


The thorns and vines of the bush are like razor wire and moving within it is dangerous and slow.


A hermit has made a deal with the PC’s that if they bring him 2 fangberries he will make them a potion with one of the berries .. it takes him one berry to make a potion . .he will keep a berry for himself in payment.


The bush could easily be destroyed but there is not another known location for collecting fangberries as of yet.

The berries are like big over ripe tomatoes that will take agility and time to remove from the bush without destroying the berry.


I plan to have several berries handy and easy to get . but if the players wish for more over a short time I want them to have to deal with the conundrum of fetching the berries out of the bush. The spiders are a swarm.. if the players attempt to take too many berries the spiders might start to lose and a swarm of even worse flies might move in or the spiders might do something with web or the bush might be compromised.

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Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


See, you're not cruel at all. If I was doing this, I would set up a a sort of maze with the needed berries inside, so that the players shad to deal with the limitations imposed by the thorns. I would also set the spider on them in Phase 12/ I'm mean like that sometimes.


Anyway it sounds like a great game. I wish you luck, rep to you for an interesting idea that's not just the standard dungeon crawl while still preserving some of that flavor.

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Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


I was planning to use the stinging swarm from the bestiary page 489 maybe both as spiders and flies


Not sure how or why 64 charges rolls into the picture.. but I guess after 64 attempts to attack the swarm disperse or dies


The primary attack looks something like this.


21pts Stinging:

RKA ½d6

Constant (+½),

NND (defense is Life Support [appropriate Immunity] or being inside a hermetically sealed environment; +1),

Does BODY (+1),

Personal Immunity (+¼),

64 Charges (+½);

No Range (-½),

Must Target Unprotected Hit Locations (-½)

This is also an element of the swarm

24 pts Swarm Form:

Desolidification (affected by any attack)

Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);

Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-½),

Does Not Protect Against Damage (-1)


I am thinking this lets the swarm move through the smallest hole .. or will allow it to move about in the thicket of thorns unharmed.



There will be more than one swarm in the thicket



As far as the thorns acting like razor wire and cutting anyone that attempts to move in them .. I would love to hear build ideas. I would like to base the damage on the character/creatures movement.. it kind of makes sense that once they stop moving the thorns will not effecting them. In contrast to something like intense heat that while they remain in the zone they always take damage.


I could just play this without building it .. but I want the area to be very dangerous the characters don’t have to enter the area. I will encourage thinking about the box before they dive in. perhaps they may even attempt to create a new spell to deal with aspects of the thicket. I do want them to have to think a bit about this and not just grrr their way in and grrr there way out.




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Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


Just make each 1 or 2 meter hex a seperate attack.



Fang you Berry Much: (Total: 169 Active Cost, 19 Real Cost) Thorns of Legendary Viciousness - Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +1/4), Constant (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), +4 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1), Double Penetrating (x2; +1) (142 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Month, Growing time; -5), Limited Power Only attacks ONCE, when entering hex. (of course, attacks again if someone RE enters hex) (-1), IIF Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; One seed, one bush; -1/2), Conditional Power Only grows in the growing season, and in appropriate climate and soil conditions (-1/2), No STR Bonus (-1/2), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) (Real Cost: 16) plus All but Impassible - Change Environment (-1 to either EGO or CON Roll to avoid backing out, -1 to STR Roll to push into hex, Long-Lasting Permanent), Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +1/4) (27 Active Points); Same seed, growing time, and growing conditions modifiers (-6), No Range (-1/2), Linked (Thorns of Legendary Viciousness; Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; -1/4) (Real Cost: 3)



Now available from QuestGuard, the land's leader in merit based security - The Fangberry Bush, the fastest growing trend in security landscaping! Looking for a way to protect your wizard's tower or hermit's cave from wandering monsters like annoying door to door solicitors or even more annoying clueless adventurers? Wondering how to prepare for possible misguided mobs of local peasants with pitchforks? Or have you just granted an entire castle's residents, especially the beautiful princess, the deepest and most restful sleep of their lives and want to make sure no one disturbs their slumber - ever?


Upon entering the All but Impassable area an intruder must make a STR roll at -1 to even force a way in. In the process, they suffer two 1d6 Killing Attacks that are double Penetrating and with +4 STUN Multiplier from the Thorns of Legendary Viciousness and the STUN damage adds together to make this hedge a truly Stunning addition to any enchanted garden. To avoid backing out - possibly right into an already-passed bush if you have made the hedge several meters thick - the intruder must roll against EGO or CON, again at a -1. This process must be repeated for every hex entered, so a swiftly moving intruder is simply shredded that much faster if the thicket is thick enough. Intruders have been known to stop in terror and confusion, afraid to move until the proprietor or a security patrol arrives to deal with them!



Just look at these testimonials!



"Perfect for keeping animals and children out of my garden. Except as fertilizer of course." Baba Yaga


"Now THAT'S the shrubbery we're talking about!" Knights who Said 'Ni!'


"Please don't throw me in THAT briar patch" Br'er Rabbit


"It's like a nightmare!" Princess Beauty


"Maybe this'll keep 'em out of my swamp." Shrek the Ogre


"I kinda like those berries." Princess Fiona



Note: the large and alluringly colored berries of fangberry bushes are ornamental and not meant for Human, Elven, or Dwarven consumption. Berries are known to have thaumaturgic properties and should only be handled by qualified alchemists, druids, witches, and apothecaries licensed to handle magical herbs. We accept no liability.


Lucius Alexander


copyright Palindromedary Enterprises - we sell more than just palindromedaries!

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Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


Thank you Lucius that is a huge help.


I accually turned the Fangberry bush into a base .. and this is what i ended up with


VAL CHA Cost Notes

6 Size 12 Length 32m, Width 16m, Height 16m, OCV +8

4 PD 3 4 PD (4 rPD)

4 ED 3 4 ED (4 rED)

4 BODY 2

Movement 0”

Characteristics Total: 20

Cost Powers


73 Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Persistent (+1/4), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Constant (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Area Of Effect (1000 2m Areas; +2 1/2) (165 Active Points); Limited Power Power Does No STUN (-3/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Linked Change Environment (Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; -1/4) 0 END


7 Regeneration (3 BODY per Week), Inherent (+1/4) (7 Active Points) 0 END


232 Change Environment (-1 to either EGO or CON Roll to avoid backing out), -1 to STR Roll to push into hex, -12m of Flight (But no less than 1"), -12m of jumping (But no less than 1"), -12m of Movement Ground (But no less than 1"), Long-Lasting (Permanent), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (1,000 2m Areas; +2 1/2) (232 Active Points) 0 END


Powers Total: 312

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Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


You forgot to supply an 800-number for ordering' date=' and the obligatory fine print where you discover that shipping costs more than the product itself. Repped.[/quote']


That's not all I left out.


Now endorsed by Better Gnomes and Gargoyles!


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Enterprises, featured in Better Gnomes and Gargoyles and The Strolling Bones: The Journal of Popular Necromancy

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Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


Another satisfied customer


"Yes' date=' of [i']course [/i]I want a front garden full of plants with four-inch thorns and violently poisonous sap. That way when somebody climbs over the fence in the middle of the night, I can listen to the screams and go back to sleep happy in the knowledge of a job well done"


plus it puts me in an august company... Rappaccini, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Fu Manchu....


Edit: Endorsements keep coming in


"Just what the Doctor ordered!" Igor


Lucius Alexander


Feed it to a palindromedary

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Fangberry Thicket w/ Chew Spiders 6E


Thank you Lucius that is a huge help.


I accually turned the Fangberry bush into a base .. and this is what i ended up with


VAL CHA Cost Notes

6 Size 12 Length 32m, Width 16m, Height 16m, OCV +8

4 PD 3 4 PD (4 rPD)

4 ED 3 4 ED (4 rED)

4 BODY 2

Movement 0”

Characteristics Total: 20

Cost Powers


73 Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Persistent (+1/4), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Constant (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Area Of Effect (1000 2m Areas; +2 1/2) (165 Active Points); Limited Power Power Does No STUN (-3/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Linked Change Environment (Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time; -1/4) 0 END


7 Regeneration (3 BODY per Week), Inherent (+1/4) (7 Active Points) 0 END


232 Change Environment (-1 to either EGO or CON Roll to avoid backing out), -1 to STR Roll to push into hex, -12m of Flight (But no less than 1"), -12m of jumping (But no less than 1"), -12m of Movement Ground (But no less than 1"), Long-Lasting (Permanent), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (1,000 2m Areas; +2 1/2) (232 Active Points) 0 END


Powers Total: 312


Wow. That thing is deadly. Nice build.

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