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Power suit material and weapons


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Alright so I'm making a character with a powered suit. Problem is that the GM has already said that with the resistant defense I have on it it is going to weigh around 500 pounds. This will make me really slow even if it is supported by an energy source (which I've yet to find something good enough to fuel it), so does anyone know any materials that would still let me have the high resistant defense but let me still flip around and stuff like that and still be a powered suit of armor? Also I was considering using guns as the weapon of choice, I've no experience with firearms in Hero system games so does anyone have any suggestions about cheap, effective firearms that will have some stopping power? After making the suit I'm low on remaining points so I want something that can stop a person but not something goofy like a hooker pistol.

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


Is this for a Champions (Super-heroic) or for Dark Champions (Heroic) game?


If Supers, your character is spending character points on the special effect of "powered armor" and you (the player) should be able to decide if you wish to take a "Mass" or "Real Weapon" Limitation on the build.

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


Champions' date=' super powered people. What are the descriptions to those limitations?[/quote']


In 5er they are under the equipment section on page 486.

Building "equipement" using HERO rules is usually only necessary if playing in a Heroic game using equipment pools. Characters don't spend points on equipment directly. They buy an "equipment" Perk or spend in game money for it.

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


G, It doesn't matter how much your armor is supposed to weigh. It's either a special effect of the armor power, or a set of powers built with that special effect. the only way that weight matter is if the Gm is trying to impose real weapon limitations on it.


I got an armor that's a spaceship for my character. The only time weight comes into it is if I have growth on.


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Re: Power suit material and weapons


it could be just a set of force field generators a the ends of limbs and at joints with a helmet

so def could be anything you want

he may be thinking that you have battleship armor so is using that as a base to work from


you could also have 1 of the ium/ite metals that is super light yet strong




Orichalcum(atlantians don't to ite or iums)

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


When working on powered armor characters it's good to think about the original: Iron Man. The character's name and abilities are really just a play on words with Superman's nickname "The Man of Steel". When compared at similar power levels (points) the power sets of both characters is very similar. Superman has powers that don't function under a red sun or near Kryptonite. Tony Stark loses his abilities when he doesn't have his "armor" (meaning all powers in the "powered armor" are typically built with a Limitation like Only In Alternate ID). "Powered Armor" is just a special effect like "Kryptonian". The HERO mechanics can be virtually identical.

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


I would go with a blaster multipower so you can have different effects and attacks

Pulson blast 12d6

netrino bolt 6d6 nnd(def no resistant def as the Netrinos would just pass through the target

neruro paralyzer entangle break out with ego

laser 4d6 rka

meson bolt rka penatrating


all can be energy based and would either go with a large end reserve or 0 end cost

no need for bulky ammo

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


Sounds like the real problem is the GM doesn't want you to have powered armor. Have you talked to them and asked if that character does not fit the game he wants to run?

Or perhaps that the GM doesn't understand the basic precepts of the Hero system as a whole.


"How much does a special effect weigh?"

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


Alright so I'm making a character with a powered suit. Problem is that the GM has already said that with the resistant defense I have on it it is going to weigh around 500 pounds. This will make me really slow even if it is supported by an energy source (which I've yet to find something good enough to fuel it)' date=' so does anyone know any materials that would still let me have the high resistant defense but let me still flip around and stuff like that and still be a powered suit of armor? Also I was considering using guns as the weapon of choice, I've no experience with firearms in Hero system games so does anyone have any suggestions about cheap, effective firearms that will have some stopping power? After making the suit I'm low on remaining points so I want something that can stop a person but not something goofy like a hooker pistol.[/quote']


Sounds likes the GM wants to put limitations on your character.


Does he want to just give you the complication heavy and want you to spend points on Knock Back to simulate the heavy weight?


500 pounds is heavy but you get heavier supers.


What level of resistant protection have you got and what is the point maximum of your character (350 / 400?) and has he given any clue to the maximum AP on the resistant protection (say 30 resistant defence?).


You may have gone passed his "maximum" PC resistant defence so wants to limit you SPEED and other abilities to compensate you going beyond the resistant maximum.


He may be wanting to put you in the role of a "Brick" with low speed?


There are lots of power armoured discussions on the forums so you can get lots of advice by scanning those for builds.


It sounds like you have a lot of defences and not much attacking potential. You may have to drop some of the defence to build an attack power.


In a super powered game you can have powered armoured heroes and villains with no mention of weight so it should not be a problem unless the GM wants to limit your SFX for game reasons to balance out the high resistant defences.


You could also ask the GM at what level should the resistant defence be to have optimum speed and power use to get the rest of the character you want?


You have lots of powered armour characters with medium level resistant defence and lots of other powers and not over the top resistant defence. It depends what you want and also what the GM wants.

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


Talk to the GM about the tech level available in the campaign. It may be that the type of power armor you want isn't possible. In mine, for example, Turtle armor is about the best that can be gotten, and it adds an extra 18" and 200 pounds to the character. Super inventors like Reed Richards and Tony Stark don't exist in this world.

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Re: Power suit material and weapons


I agree with the others: in 99% of the chases, havign a power armored character with X Defenses should not be heavier than having a Superman homage with X Defenses.


Normally you just built a character with the overall fighting/adventuring power you want, then apply the Limitations for the Armor* (OIF or Only in Alternate identity are the usual ones) and invest the points in stuff he can use when not in armor (this last part is important, if you apply limtiations, your character should be able to do at least something heroic even if they kick in).


*This is only true if you want the power to be limited. I built a power armor character that can "summon" her armor. While I put some limitations on most of the powers, a lot other are simply there and they can't be taken away.

The GM has either some serious misconceptions, or wants you to go a certain route with the design and is unable to just tell you where his limits are. Even if the techlevel of the world would be to low, just declare it's an alien/time traveled, self-reparing, self-modifing suite that imparts knowledge of use to the it's wearer. Rule-technically there has to be no difference between Ironman and "Alien Powersuite".

They could use the same sheet, jsut with one line in the Background being replaced.

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