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The Basic Enimies Chalange!


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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


I picked up a copy of the Basic Rulebook last week* but haven't had a chance to really dig in and find what's 'missing' compared to the core books.

The main things I see are: No VPP's and Multipowers are 1 power @ a time unless all slots are 'multi/variable' (regardless of reserve size). I see HA and it even mentions the possibility of adding Advantages to them but I see no mention of how that would affect adding damage from STR to the Advantaged HA. So it's not outlawed but it's not explained either?! Pending that and any other clarifications I might be able to post a build or two. (I know this has probably been covered in other threads but I'm feeling tired & lazy and hoping someone could provide me a link for a change) :D


* Mainly because of this thread and possible future loaner when I find the right group to convert!

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


I picked up a copy of the Basic Rulebook last week* but haven't had a chance to really dig in and find what's 'missing' compared to the core books. [...]

* Mainly because of this thread and possible future loaner when I find the right group to convert!



The addign damage rules are allowed. They are just not properly explained. The same way Draining Frameworks or buying slots with Limitaions aren't explained.

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


not sure if I have this right


I'm using the two core hero systems book for 6th







10 Str: 20

08 Con: 18

11 Dex: 21

02 Body: 12

08 Int: 13

03 Ego: 13

05 Pre: 15


20 Speed: 4

10 OCV: 5

10 DCV: 5


08 PhD: 10

08 EnD: 10


05 Stun 30

04 End 40

06 Recovery 10


10 Running 22 m



3 360 degree vision (restrainable -1/2 must be spinning )


3 Martial Throw

4 Martial Block

5 Offensive Strike

5 Full Move Dodge


11 4 levels Martial Arts (restrainable -1/2 must be spinning )

(3 point skill levels cover 3 related maneuvers. These cover 4 so I increased the cost)


40 Reflect HTH Attack up to 60 points !!








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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!




00 Str: 10 (50)

08 Con: 18

-2 Dex: 8

02 Body: 12

08 Int: 18

03 Ego: 13

05 Pre: 15


10 Speed: 3

10 OCV: 5

10 DCV: 5


03 PhD: 5 [21(8)]

03 EnD: 5 [21(8)]

00 KnBR: 0(8)


15 Stun 50

04 End 40

06 Recovery 10



48 8 LEVELS DENSITY INCREASE cost no endurance


27 Tunneling 10 m 15 pd (linked to density increase)

21 spatial awareness soild vibrations (linked to density increase -1/2)

16 8/8 resistant defense (linked to density increase -1/2)

30 6d6 armor piercing damage shield (linked to density increase -1/2)










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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


Psimon Says: VPP with mental powers


Well, I think a mental power VVP would be overkill (and steping on the tows of Menton). With 6E1, you could add the "Telepathic" option to Mind Control, but it might not make sence with this charater. A nice vareant would be buying the advantage with Mind Control, then buying the limitation Incantations. This would mean that Psimon MUST say something, but what he says may not nesasary be the orders given via Mind Control. The limitations "Language Barrier" and "Literal Interptation" could also fit in nicely.

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


Well' date=' I think a mental power VVP would be overkill (and steping on the tows of Menton). With 6E1, you could add the "Telepathic" option to Mind Control, but it might not make sence with this charater. A nice vareant would be buying the advantage with Mind Control, then buying the limitation Incantations. This would mean that Psimon MUST say something, but what he says may not nesasary be the orders given via Mind Control. The limitations "Language Barrier" and "Literal Interptation" could also fit in nicely.[/quote']


I thought the Telepathic would overstep his Incantation Limitations. I like the Language Barrier and Literal Interpretation Limitations. Perhaps you can add those to the "How to make him weaker" list.

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


Matt' date=' I am haveing a hard time decipering your charater sheets. Where are the Complications? Are theas sheets works in progress, and not yet finished? And skills? Where are the charater's skills?[/quote']


I must admit, I thought of asking the same questions. But it was so nice to see someone besides myself submitting characters that I was afraid to ask.

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


I must admit' date=' I thought of asking the same questions. But it was so nice to see someone besides myself submitting characters that I was afraid to ask.[/quote']


I myself am still on my "Hero System Charater Creation Cheet Sheet" project. Prehaps when I am done with that, I might just put up some chalange villians.

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


Matt' date=' I am haveing a hard time decipering your charater sheets. Where are the Complications? Are theas sheets works in progress, and not yet finished? And skills? Where are the charater's skills?[/quote']



I may be jade but the basic enemy has no history


it was forged to fight the hero


a lot of motivations will become clear when one puts the villains together as a team with a crime





00 Str: 10

08 Con: 18

00 Dex: 10

02 Body: 12

08 Int: 18

08 Ego: 18

30 Pre: 40


40 Speed: 6

00 OCV: 3

00 DCV: 3

09 EOCV:6


15 PhD: 14(12) plasteal armor hardened OIF

15 PhD: 14(12) plasteal armor hardened OIF


05 Stun 30

04 End 40

06 Recovery 10


00 Running 12 m



40 Point Mental Multipower

4u 8d6 Telepathy (can make presence attacks and skill rolls through telepathic link !)

4u 4d6 Ego Bolt


3 Persuasion

3 Conversation

3 Oratory

3 Charm

3 Bargaining

3 intimidation

3 interrogation






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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


I may be jade but the basic enemy has no history


it was forged to fight the hero


a lot of motivations will become clear when one puts the villains together as a team with a crime



Methinks Matt has taken the definition 'basic enimies' to literly. All I wanted was to see that a complexe villian can be writen up using only the Hero System Basic Rulebook and your imagionation (well, you CAN also use both Advance Player Guide books and Hero Sysyem Martial Arts, but more limitedly).

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


Smither (the inheritor Alumnigator) one of the 5 coils of cobra

a bipedal alligator man of higher than human intelligence


08 Str: 18

08 Con: 18

01 Dex: 11

05 Body: 15

08 Int: 18

08 Ego: 18

05 Pre: 15


20 Speed: 4

10 OCV: 5

10 DCV: 5

09 DECV:6


21 PhD: 18(16) +12 (plasteal armor hardened OIF 15) +4 resistant scales (6)

21 PhD: 18(16) +12 (plasteal armor hardened OIF 15) +4 resistant scales (6)


20 Stun 60

04 End 40

06 Recovery 10


8 Running 20 m



03 martial throw (tail sweep) 8d6

03 grab bite 1 DC KA +5 strength to hold 3d6 KA 45 strength grip

05 death roll 4 DC KA must follow grab 4d6 KA

18 4.5 DC MA

12 4 levels martial arts



30 GENETICS , Biology, Zoology, Chemistry, Anatomy


9 Glass Cleaning




Smither was Cobra's lab assistant for many years before Cobra was ultimately chopped into five pieces


Smither knows a great deal about Cobra's work because if this and is adept an sterilizing glass ware


He is currently working in Brazil gathering a genetic library with his fellow Allumnigators







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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


I find writing backgrounds and creating costumes harder than mechanical builds, so I've done the first and will get around to the latter "later" - probably tomorrow.


PS: In case it isn't obvious, this is a very rough draft. Not all aspects of the character are firmly set in place, nor is the writing at an adequate standard.


Background/History: Rodney Plant had it all - a thriving career as a plant geneticist, and a beautiful fiancée. Sure, her wealthy family wasn't sure about letting an outsider to their social circles into the family, but what could possibly go wrong?


The shock was devastating. He'd long known he was adopted, but he hadn't known that his biological father was a serial killer.


His fiancée's father made it clear: he wasn't welcome into the family. He was a bad seed.


He turned to his fiancée, but she pulled away from him, unwilling to sacrifice her life of wealth and privilege.


Shattered, and swearing revenge, he stole samples of his work, and much of his equipment, from his laboratory, before fleeing to plan his revenge.


Personality/Motivation: Bad Seed is a loon. It's not clear if he is really a psychopath or if he is merely acting the part, but the difference doesn't really matter to his victims. Thankfully, his megalomania tends to minimize his body count, since he has larger goals that mere casual slaughter.


Even before his breakdown, he had pursued unorthodox lines of research, enabling him to swiftly turn his otherwise innocuous samples into deadly weapons.


Initially he will be focussed on revenge, but if he succeeds in that, he will turn his attention to conquest.


Powers/Tactics: Bad Seed uses a variety of plant based weapons, as well as controlling a variety of plant based monstrous minions. He tends to hide behind the latter, rather than directly engage opponents.


Quote: “They called me a bad seed! I shall show them how bad!”


Appearance: Rodney Plant is tall and slender, with dark, brooding eyes, straight dark hair, and pale skin. As Bad Seed, he wears a green hooded cloak.


Campaign Use: Plant themed Mad Scientist.


Plot Seeds:

1. Revenge! He will attempt to destroy his fiancée's family, and, he hopes, win back her love. By mind control, if need be.


2. A strange alien plant is discovered in the Antarctic. Naturally, he wants it…


3. Tiring of being defeated, he will seek to team up with the enemies of his enemies. Will he succeed in creating a new supervillain team?


Designer's Notes: The name came first. His appearance is influenced by the Australian musician Nick Cave, plus the Green Lama.


His origin is influenced by the lead character in book "The Bad Seed".


His powers are taken from the 5e Until Superpowers Database, checked for compatibility with the 6e Basic Rules.

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!


And, naturally, I spent yesterday evening creating an entirely different character... I will have to post him.


Brief summary: Johnny Chong, the Elemental Man. Powers: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen forms. Background: petty crook.


CHON powers are pretty sweet. Everything from becoming living diamond to becoming an invisible and completely tasteless gas. Great for high school.

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Re: The Basic Enimies Chalange!



What's wrong with my baby?"



"It seems as if you have a twin boy"



"Well don't sound so disappointed. I'll love them both."



"No, Mrs. Glen. You have "A" twin. A conjoined twin."



"You mean like you might find in a sideshow? Is is fixable?"



"It's a little hard to tell from this ultrasound. But I think that it's feasible to un-join your twin when it is born."



"Even if you don't, I will still love him or them".....



About 6 months later at the hospital...

"Are my boys out of surgery? Did they both make it? I can't take it, I want to see my sons! "


The doctor.... He's coming right now.



The doctor enters the room, not smiling.

"I'm sorry to say that we were only able to save just one of the twins.



Can I hold my other baby?”






Later that day Mrs. Glen is holding her new born baby. She stifles past the tears as she holds her new son in her hands for the first time..

Your name is Thomas William Glen, but everyone will call you 'Tommy'. And you would have also had a little brother. His name would have been Samuel Abraham Glen, but he would have been called 'Sammy.' I honestly don't know if I'll tell you about Sammy or not, when you're old enough to understand.



7 years pass by...

Thomas William Glen! How did you get into cookie jar? It was on top of the refrigerator!”



Sammy helped me mommy. I'm sorry.”



And Tommy's mother drops the cookie jar because she's never told her son about Sammy, and never told anyone else what his name would have been.



3 more years pass...

Mrs. Glen, your son is stronger, and more agile than any other student I have seen, but he's rather disruptive in class. He, well, he talks to himself consistently. Like a real conversation is going on.”



My son is rather reclusive. I know about his conversations with himself. He calls him 'Sammy'; his imaginary friend. He sometimes gets carried away with the conversations. He never really knew his father... Look, I'll talk to him about that.



Have you considered therapy?”


5 more years pass. Tommy still talks to himself. But he plays it off as a joke, or a prank. Tommy has been practicing with 'working” with Sammy for years now. But being different altered Tommy. He hates everyone who is "normal".



Personality / Motivation:

Tommy plays life as fun loving, and loves pranks and jokes. It's how he's gotten “away” with Sammy for years. He loves comic books and secretly calls Sammy “Duplex”, whenever he tries something sneaky or prank related.


But in reality, he's biding his time when he figures out how to get back at the world for making him different.


He still prefers to be called “Tommy” and pretends that has never really outgrown being a little kid at heart.




My imaginary friend saw where you went!



Powers / Tactics:

Sammy spirit has merged his spirit somehow with Tommy's spirit. So, when Tommy taps into Sammy's spirit, Tommy gets stronger, faster, etc.



So if that Strength, or speed is drained. All of those other aspects dwindle as well.



Tommy can “send” Sammy to do something, like get a cookie out of a cookie jar, or look around the corner for Tommy. And together they can pack a pretty good punch.



Campaign Use:

Duplex is a type of Duplicating character that doesn't actually use the Power of Duplication. Since The basic rules don't have duplication. The closest thing it has is Follower.



Duplex is only 15 and neither a full fledged villain, but he's no hero either; and could easily be either one. If he is continually misunderstood and not taken for granted, he'd become a worse villain. If he's ever shown real friendship, he's liable to become a hero.



To make Tommy weaker and more like a 'real' teenager, drop his base stats, and / or combined stats considerably.



To make Tommy stronger, beef up the same stats, or have Duplex be a 'real' duplicate.


To make it more full 6th Edition. Add sense modifiers to his clairsentience, or more options to his Danger sense. (or simply give him real duplication)


Plot Seeds:


Tommy want to know who his father is. And all of the information lead to the PC's secret ID (or significant npc).



Where did he go?

Tommy is sent to a therapy session – again. But this time the next day Duplex is nowhere to be found. He tries desperately to get one of the PC's to believe him and help him find his invisible imaginary friend.

Alternate plot: Duplex can't find Tommy and tries to get the PC's attention to illicit their help.



No! You talk to him!

Tommy and Duplex have a big fight. Is Tommy being childish, or is Duplex pulling a prank on Tommy. Or something is happening behind the scenes.





Tommy is a 5' 8” Caucasian teenager. He still hasn't hit his full growth spurt. He has bright red hair and a small nose, and brown eyes. Many individuals have mentioned he has a “mischievous look:



Tommy often wears blue jeans or short pants (depending on the weather). He has a variety of shirts, and hasn't wore a costume – yet.



Duplex is invisible and possibly all in Tommy's imagination to cover his powers. But he has been described (by Tommy) as Caucasion, Black hair, thin nose, and very tall.






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