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Picking Up Big Things

Black Rose

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I have a setting that allows for superhuman (30+) Strength. However, it's "realistic" in that, just because you have the physical strength to grab a 30 foot long stone pillar at one end and swing it like a wiffle-ball bat, that doesn't mean it won't snap off in your hands.


But I want a way to "buy out" of that setting rule. Is there an already-established way to do that? Barring that, does anyone have a good way to do it, and any other setting rules I might come across?

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I've posted similar questions in the past - links dead due to forum software change.

One idea was a +1/4 Affects Whole Object Advantage for STR. (too pricey IMO).


Here is the option I went with for my starting version of Superman.


This is a slot in a VPP where normally any 2 Powers can be used together (3 can be done with x2 END).

The slot costs 6 END to activate.


14) It's...SUPERMAN!: Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Hardened (+1/4), Impenetrable (+1/4) (60 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; Only to Activate; -1/4) Real Cost: 30
Notes: This could optionally be used for just 20 PD or just 20 ED. The "Protect Carried Items" adder can allow him to lift large objects from otherwise fragile lifting points without damaging them. (Examples: lifting an entire car with just his hands on its bumper, lifting a large ship without cracking the hull, etc...)



The KEY is a creative interpretation of the Protect Carried Items adder from Resistant Protection.  It is literally being used to enhance an objects 'structural integrity' while being lifted.

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Three ways come to mind:


One, it's a Superhero setting, therefore physics goes wobbly around Superhero Powers, the superstrong can just pick up whole objects and toss them around like their structural integrity will allow for it.


Two, the Hoist Skill (from the Ultimate Brick, I believe is the first appearance) - a STR based Skill designed specifically around the idea that super strong people know how to pick up large, heavy, objects without them instantly breaking and buckling from it.


Three, a low level Telekinesis Power, designed to only work on Objects being lifted, and only to hold the object "together" while it is being lifted and moved. Playing off the idea from Star Hero that each "gravity" level of pull is equal to 5STR of TK, then a 5STR TK "pushing inward on the structure" is enough to keep it from falling apart while the super strong character lifts it.


None of these options protect said object from actual Damage done to it, however.

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The usual solution is to just say "It's a genre thang" and go with it. :)


It depends how realistic you want your game to be. I've played both realistic and 4-color supers and they're both fun...as long as the GM and players are all on the same page. Nothing ruins the fun of a supers game like different expectations about what constitutes realism. So whichever solution you land on, just make sure you're players are in agreement.

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I get that, HM. And I've played in games like that, and enjoyed them immensely. I was just stressing the importance of making sure everyone's on board with the idea - I've seen games like that go sideways quickly when Player X sez: "I know you said realistic, but I thought you just meant gritty and bloody and stuff! I didn't realize you meant real physics and stuff!"

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I lean toward the "its comics!" and it works even if it makes no sense.  However, in the Fantastic Four, Gladiator of the Shi'ar picked up the Baxter Building and Reed notes.. well you can read here:


It turns out that Gladiator is a telekinetic, but he has no range, which was an interesting take; he could do outrageous stuff like that because he wasn't actually using his strength to lift things (although he's quite strong).  So a no-range Telekinesis would work, although its pretty spendy in terms of active cost.

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If we are going for any kind of realism, the problem is not going to be the object snapping off in your hand so much  as it being impossible to lift the whole object from one end no matter how strong you are unless you are properly anchored or really heavy.  I digress, though...


The base assumption of Hero is that 'strength just works' so you can pick stuff up and swing it around even if it would not be physically possible, hideous strength notwithstanding.  That would indicate that being unable to physically manipulate things in that way is a limitation, maybe -1/4, like the 'real' limitation for firearms.


That way people who want touch TK just buy normal strength and people who want to have fun with physics get some points back.

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