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HAs with Advantages


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If I place an advantage (autofire/penetrating/etc.) on a hand-to-hand attack, do I also need to buy a linked independent advantage on the character's strength?


This is what I'm trying to build


30    Multipower (60 point reserve, all slots OAF)

6v    HA    8d6 (0 end) (60 AP)

6v    HA    8d6 (penetrating) (60 AP)

6v    HA 6.5d6 (autofire 3 1/2 end) (58 AP)

        Other abilities



If I need the linked advantage on strength I'm guessing I would have to change this to


30    Multipower (60 point reserve, all slots OAF)

6v    HA 8d6 (0 end) (60 APs)

6v    HA 6d6 (penetrating) (45 APs) plus Penetrating for 20str (10APs) linked

6v    HA 6d6 (autofire 3 1/2 end) (53 APs) plus Autofire 3 for 20 str (5APs) linked

        Other abilities


If I have combat skill levels that add DCs to my attacks, would those DCs also be penetrating/autofire?  Or do I also need to buy independent advantages for those?


Does the 20 penetrating str cost 4 and 6 endurance to use?

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Welcome to the Forum queson!




See the rules for Adding Damage to Attacks with Advantages on page 100 of 6e2 (they are different from those in 5e/5er).

See this old post for a quote of those rules:



I recommend getting a copy of Hero Designer as it makes creating builds like the example below so much easier than doing it by hand.


I made every slot of this OAF HA Multipower 0 END because the character will still be spending END on the STR used to add to this.


30    Acme Club: Multipower, 60-point reserve,  (60 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)
3f    1)  Smash!: HA +8d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)

[Notes: STR and Maneuvers add damage normally.] - END=0
3f    2)  Poke!: HA +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)

[Notes: STR and Maneuvers add damage at 2/3 the normal rate.  15 STR adds +2DC.] - END=0
3f    3)  Spin!: HA +4d6+1 (Reduced Negation (1)), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; cost doubled due to Autofire; +1) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)

[Notes: STR and Maneuvers add damage at 2/3 the normal rate.  15 STR adds +2DC. The END cost of STR is counted for each 'shot' in the Autofire sequence.] - END=0



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As Hyperman said: No.

However the DC/dice calculation overall is changed by "DC affecting advantages" like Autofire.
You get overall fewer dice/DC, because the dice you do get are more powerfull.

In detail for your powers that means:

30    Multipower (60 point reserve, all slots OAF)

6v    HA    8d6 (0 end) (60 AP)

6v    HA    8d6 (penetrating) (60 AP)

6v    HA 6.5d6 (autofire 3 1/2 end) (58 AP)

        Other abilities


0 End needs nothing special. 0 End does not affect DC calculation.

You still pay full END for the STR you add to the attack, but the HA part costs no END. Pushing can be tricky (0 END prevents you from pushing that power, but your STR is not 0 END so you can push it and thus the attack indirectly).

Note that DC and AP limits are seperately just for 0 END cases like this - even with 20 STR (+4 DC), that is still just a 12 DC attack, even if the summed AP would be around 80.


HA penetrating:

Penetrating does affect DC calculation and the attack itself already is 12 DC. With even 20 STR (+4 DC) you might quickly exceed common campaign limits (16 > 12-14).

Penetrating was a +1/2 advantage. I think the 20 STR would add 2-3 Dice. Or maybe 2.5 Dice (2D6 + 1D3).



The trickiest one. I can not quite parse the advantages. Is that Autofire (3) plus reduced Endurance (1/2 END)?
Have you considered that Autofire halves the effectiveness of 0 END?

Autofire does affect DC calculation, while reduced END does not.

You would have to pay the Endurance for the each of the Shoots on both your added STR and the Power itself.

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27    Acme Club v2: Multipower, 60-point reserve,  (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (Added as a Pool-Only Private Modifier since HD does not even show it as an Unavailable Limitation that could be overridden.; -1/4); all slots OAF (-1)
3f    1)  Smash!: HA +8d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)

[Notes: STR and Maneuvers add damage normally.] - END=0
3f    2)  Poke!: HA +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)

[Notes: STR and Maneuvers add damage at 2/3 the normal rate.  15 STR adds +2DC.] - END=0
3f    3)  Spin!: HA +4d6+1 (Reduced Negation (1)), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; cost doubled due to Autofire; +1) (60 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)

[Notes: STR and Maneuvers add damage at 2/3 the normal rate.  15 STR adds +2DC.  Any STR used Costs END per Autofire 'Shot' used.] - END=0




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Thanks for the info, that certainly makes the character sheet simpler.  That link was super helpful.  Basically all the non-ability DCs (martial arts, hth bought elsewhere, from str, etc) will add up and then you run it through that table.  It's been over 20 years since I've built any hero characters so I am a bit rusty.


As for fixed vs variable, I'm building it with variable slots because of the special effect.  Its a magically growing staff so it has stretching and superleap as well.  The more it stretches (or the further you jump) the less effective the attacks are.  That's also why HtH isn't on the reserve.

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