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Killer Shrike

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I had fun wrapping up Arc 3 and starting Arc 4 last night. Some good roleplaying was produced and we set the balls in motion for Arc 4, checking all the necessary boxes. We also introduced justifications for various character growth options some of you want to make. So, from my story-plotting perspective it was a successful session; hopefully all of you are happy with where your characters and their individual stories are heading.


I'll be wrapping up the narrative of Arc 3: Trick of the Night and starting the Arc 4: Qlippothic Philosophic narrative on their respective threads as time allows.


Ending out Arc 3, I awarded everyone 10 xp, rounding the team off to the ~200 character point level which is where I want them for the next leg of the campaign as they take on bigger threats. @King Red was voted MVP by his peers. 


As discussed at the end of the session, I expect to hear from each of you via PM as to what you want to spend your Arc outro xp on, in a reasonable timeframe to allow me to adjust the character sheets before the next session. You can of course choose to save your points and leave some or all of them unspent. Depending on how things go, you may not have another opportunity to spend xp for a session or two, so consider your options carefully.




- your friendly neighborhood GM

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  • Joey is fresh off his two months of training, sporting a new haircut and a clean Fed-friendly look. @Scything
  • Drew survived a "cerveza, tequila, murdered girlfriend, Mexican prison, your enemies really do intend to kill you" kind of vacation, escaped, survived, resisted, evaded his way to Mexico City, and managed to stay alive long enough to call in his favor with SAIC Harker and get secretly extracted to the US on a banana boat headed to Miami by way of Guantanamo. In the process, divested of his trusty Glock 20 he was forced to rely more on his close quarters battle skills and make do from time to time with crappy pistols he acquired here and there from assailants and corrupt cops which incentivized Drew to broaden some of his "Glock 20" only skills to Pistols in general. He may have also gotten just a little bit luckier, if that can be imagined. @WilyQ
  • Forced to adapt his usually methodical and thorough magical acumen to exigent conditions under extreme stress and imminent risk of death, and to stretch himself to harness more raw power than he is used to, Murgatroyd has found new depths to his ability to work powerful magics. He's also taking the idea of the company he proposed, Unconventional Solutions LLC, very seriously and has busied himself with incorporating and bending his considerable intellect to learning the necessary lore of being an effective CEO for a small but savvy business venture. @Durzan Malakim
  • Killroy has been diligently taking care of the money and real estate side of things to get Unconventional Solutions LLC off the ground, but under his stoic outward demeanor he's quietly excited about being covertly approached by members of a very elite and secretive society he has been intensely interested in joining for many years. He's alert to possible further contact and also being very careful to always present himself in the best possible way just in case he is being clandestinely observed. @King Red
  • Baretta has flourished under Harker's tutelage; in particular Harker has trained her on how to maintain the optimal distance from threats in a gun fight and honed her already excellent situational awareness to a razors edge. Additionally, having sold her share in the questionable business arrangement the other Hunters invested in to Murgatroyd, Baretta finds herself even more financially comfortable than she was before...she definitely isn't continuing to hunt monsters just for the money...it's personal.  @Steve
  • Jack's time spent at Harker's left hand over the last few weeks and the ensuing after hours "cross training" has paid off; Jack's reflexes are even more honed and he can take a punch even better than before. Additionally, he had time to brew up a new batch of Vampire Repellent...sure to come in handy in the nights to come. And also, I finally got around to writing up Jack's Armored Van. @L0rd_Magg0t





Beretta 15 4     3     6     9     12 6 20 30 5 5 +2 with Colt M1911; OIF (Colt M1911; -1/2)
Jack  13 3       4       8       12 6 20 30 8 7  
Killroy 13 3       4       8       12 8 25 30 5 5 +2 Overall
+2 with Barret 95
+2 with Barret 95; OAF (Acog Doc Reflex Scope; -1)
Joey  10 2/3       4       8       12 4 20 24/36 5/7 4 +1 with Move Through, Grab, Strike
Drew 10 3       4       8       12 5 20 30 5 4 +1 Overall
+1 with CQB
+1 with Pistols
Murgatroyd 10 2           6           12 6 30 20 4 5 +1 with Ring of Arcane Blasting
+3 with Arcane Magic; Only for OCV or OMCV (-1)
+1 Any 3d6 roll pertaining to Cthonic SFX; (-2)


Name PD rPD ED rED Mental DEF Power DEF Powers & Equipment
Murgatroyd 2/8 0/6 2/8 0/6 0 0
Wristbands of Warding: Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED) (Impermeable) (18 Active Points); IIF (-1/4), Perceivable (Those With Supernatural Awareness Can Detect This Ability Being Used If Its "On"; -1/4)
Arcane Shield: Barrier 8 PD/8 ED, 5 BODY (up to 3m long, 3m tall, and 1/2m thick), Impenetrable (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Unanchored, Cost Endurance To Maintain, Emanates From Ring, Limited Range (up to 3'' away from self) ((Green Lantern style force shield); -1)
Supernatural Resistance: 7
Miraculous Survival: 1
Killroy 8/16 0/8 3/11 0/8 0 0
Ain't Got Time To Bleed: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED); Does not protect from first point of body (-1/2)
Joey Manegarm 5 1 3 1 0 0
Survival: Garmrhide: Damage Negation (-6 DCs Physical, -6 DCs Energy, -3 DCs Mental) (75 Active Points); Perceivable (Supernatural Awareness; -1/4)
Survival: Garmrhide: Resistant Protection (1 PD/1 ED), Impenetrable (+1/4)
Jack Maywood 8/16 0/8 2/10 0/8 5 0
Mental Discipline: Mental Defense (5 points total)
Bullet-resistent Trenchcoat: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Half Mass (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4), Torso, Arms, Legs (-1/4)
Drew Altman 5/14 0/9 2/11 0/9 0 0
Concealed Bullet Resistant Vest: (4 PD/4 ED) (12 Active Points); Torso Coverage (-1 1/2), Half Mass (-1/2), IIF (-1/4), Real Armor (-1/4)
Lucky Bastich: Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED)
Beretta Colt 5/11 0/6 2/8 0/6 0 0
Cool Shades: Sight Group Flash Defense (3 points); OAF (-1)
Armored Boots & Punching Gloves: Resistant Protection (2 PD/2 ED), Impenetrable (+1/4); Hit Locations 6, 17, 18 (-1)
Final Girl Survivability: Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED), Impenetrable (+1/4) (22 Active Points); Nonpersistent (-1/4)


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Here's how I imagine Drew's departure and return went:

Murgatroyd: "We should band together for mutual protection from L'Éminence Nocturne. They'll be coming for us, but together we can face any threat."

Drew: "Sounds great. Count me in. On a completely unrelated note, I'm taking a vacation in Mexico. See you in two weeks"

Murgatroyd: "I don't think now is the best time to..."

Drew: "Stay out of trouble, Kid, and make me proud at your agent training."

Murgatroyd: "You're risking making yourself a target..."

Drew: "I'm officially off the clock as of... now. Hasta la vista, hunters. Don't call me, I'll call you."

Murgatroyd: "If you'd allow me just a moment to ward..."

Drew: "No time for magic mumbo jumbo now, Murg. I've got a plane to catch." <Departs>

Murgatroyd: "Shit."

<Several weeks later at the Unconventional Solutions LLC offices.>

Murgatroyd: <Holding an old-fashioned phone receiver to his ear.> "Yes, we're well-equipped to deal with such situations. I'll send my best consultant out today..."

Drew: "I'm back."

Murgatroyd: <Speaking into phone> "...to review the scene and give you an estimate. I think your Pixie problem will be a thing of the past..."

Drew: "Those vampires have a long reach, Murg. I could have used your magic mojo down South..."

Murgatroyd: <Looking at Drew but speaking into the phone> "...Yes. One moment please, my associate has some new information." <He covers the phone mic with his hand>

Drew: "It's like you said. Together we can face any threat."

Murgatroyd: "Sounds great. Count me in. On a completely unrelated note, you've got a 2 o'clock appointment to purge some Pixies."

Drew: "Shit."

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It's even funnier when you know that L'Éminence Nocturne is strongest in South and Central America. Mexico City is one of their power bases.


From their perspective, this crazy Hunter makes an enemy of them and then heads directly to a beach resort an hour east of Mexico City to hang out and imbibe umbrella drinks, kills the goon squad sent to take him out, and then benefits from the most outrageous string of improbable outcomes leaving a trail of havoc to their operations in his wake and then exits the country unharmed aside from his `fridged` lady friend.


The next council of masters will have a few talking points RE: one Mr. Drew Altman...and his little friends too!



You guys are starting to comprehend how Drew got a negative reputation as a "reckless hunter".

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Yeah...I imagine Murgy looking at all of his teammates like "for serious?" most of the time. I see business meetings at Unconventional Solutions LLC going something like this, with Murgy attempting to break things down for his "colleagues"...





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PRIMARYS: STR: 10 DEX: 10 CON: 10 BODY: 10 INT: 18 EGO: 15 PRE: 15  
FIGUREDS: PD: 2/8 rPD: 0/6 ED: 2/8 rED: 0/6 SPD: 2 REC: 6 END: 30 STUN: 20 Run: 12m, Swim: 2m, Leaping: 2m

COMBAT: Initiative:10, PER:13-, ECV:4 - 4, OCV:4, DCV:5 plus +1 with Ring of Arcane Blasting, +3 with Arcane Magic; Only for OCV or OMCV (-1), +1 Any 3d6 roll pertaining to Cthonic SFX; (-2)

SKILLS/PERKS/TALENTS: +1 with Ring of Arcane Blasting, +1 with Warding, +3 with Arcane Magic; Only for OCV or OMCV (-1), +1 Any 3d6 roll pertaining to Cthonic SFX; (-2), Conversation 12-, High Society 12-, Linguist, Language: Aramaic (basic conversation; literate), Language: English (idiomatic; literate), Language: Hebrew (Israeli) (fluent conversation; literate), Language: Latin (fluent conversation; literate), Language: Yiddish (basic conversation; literate), Jack of All Trades, PS: CEO 13-, PS: FBI Special Asset 13-, PS: Wizard 13-, Scholar, KS: Cthonic Lore 13-, KS: Hermetic Lore 14-, KS: History of the Last Century 13-, KS: L'Éminence Nocturne 10-, KS: Mystic Lore 13-, KS: Secrets of Life and Death 13-, KS: Supernatural World 13-, MVP x 2, Fringe Benefit: (Story Reward), CEO / Partner in Unconventional Solutions, LLC, Mystic Pool (103) (plus Character Creation Resource Points), Professional Monster Hunter, Favor: SAIC Harker, Permits: FBI: Section M Special Asset, Supernatural Hunter License, Positive Reputation: Capable Monster Hunter (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6, The Magic of Compound Interest (Money): Wealthy, Supernatural Resistance: 7, Miraculous Survival

RESOURCES: (Mystic Pool (103/103)); Teleportation: Fixed Location (Section M Headquarters Quantico Teleportation Circle); Cognitive Cantrip(Improved Cramming); Working towards Immortality (Life Support); Amulet of Clear Seeing (Detect); Wristbands of Warding (Resistant Protection); Ring Mastery (Naked Advantage); Ring of the StoneRing of the Stone (Multipower); Arcane Blast (Blast); Arcane Shield (Barrier); Arcane Invisibility(Invisibility); Arcane Counter (Dispel); Hermetic Wizard Rote Magic (Variable Power Pool)

DISADVANTAGES: Custom Complication ; Hunted (L'Éminence Nocturne); Distinctive Features (Magi); Enraged (Heightened Circumstances); Negative Reputation (Bookish Academic Magi Ill-suited To Violent Circumstances); Psychological Complication (Aloof And Elitist Attitude); Psychological Complication (Starting To Pick At The Frayed Edges Of What Is And Is Not "Real"); Social Complication (Slightly Anachronistic, Behind The Times On Technology And Pop Culture)

PRIMARYS: STR: 20 DEX: 13 CON: 15 BODY: 15 INT: 13 EGO: 10 PRE: 15  
FIGUREDS: PD: 8/16 rPD: 0/8 ED: 3/11 rED: 0/8 SPD: 3 REC: 8 END: 25 STUN: 30 Run: 14m, Swim: 4m, Leaping: 4m

COMBAT: Initiative:13, PER:12-, ECV:3 - 3, OCV:5, DCV:5 plus +2 Overall, +2 with Barret 95, +2 with Barret 95; OAF (Acog Doc Reflex Scope; -1)

SKILLS/PERKS: +2 Overall, Urban Hunter, Climbing 12-, Concealment 12-, KS: Supernatural World 12-, PS: Hunter 12-, Paramedics 12-, Stealth 12-, Tracking 10-, WF: Small Arms, Blades, Recoilless Guns, Wheeler and Dealer Enhancer, Bureaucratics 12-, Conversation 12-, High Society 12-, PS: Real Estate Speculator 12-, KS: Conspiracy Theories 11-, MVP x 1, Fringe Benefit: (Story Reward), Partner in Unconventional Solutions, LLC, Money: Well Off, Professional Monster Hunter, Favor: SAIC Harker, Permits: FBI: Section M Special Asset, Heavy Weapon Permit, Supernatural Hunter License, Positive Reputation: Capable Monster Hunter (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6, Resource Pools, Contacts Pool (10) (Monitored Complication Offset), Equipment Pool (30), Professional Pool (72) (plus Character Creation Resource Points)

RESOURCES: (Professional Pool - Superskills (66/72)); Barret 95 Mastery (Combat Skill Levels); Barret 95 Mastery (Range Levels); Eyes of a Hawk(Range Levels); Heavy Hitter (Hand-To-Hand Attack); Ain't Got Time To Bleed (Resistant Protection); (Professional Pool - Gear (26/72)); SpecTech Contact Lenses (Supernatural Detection); Rapelling Gun (Swinging); Sniper Rifle (Killing Attack - Ranged); (Equipment Pool - Sniper Rifle Kit (8/30)); Acog Doc Reflex Scope (Telescopic); Acog Doc Reflex Scope (Combat Skill Levels); Concealed Rifle Harness (Skill Levels); Holycrap Rounds (.50) (Blessed Bullets); (Equipment Pool - Other Weapons (18/30)); S&W .460 Caliber, Model 460 XVR Revolver - 8 3/8" (Killing Attack - Ranged); Holycrap Rounds (.460) (Blessed Bullets); Fairbairn Sykes Fighting Knife (Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand); (Equipment Pool - Misc (4/30)); Flashlight (); Basic First Aid Kit (Paramedics); Cell Phone (Reliable); (Contacts Pool (9/10)); Societatis ex Monstrum Interfectorum (Contact)

DISADVANTAGES: Hunted (L'Éminence Nocturne); Custom Complication ; Hunted (Societatis ex Monstrum Interfectorum); Distinctive Features (A big man, stands out in a crowd.); Negative Reputation (Hardcore Hardass Hunter; Uncompromising; Not Always A Team Player); Psychological Complication (Loyal, Will keep his Word.); Psychological Complication (Unwilling to Sacrifice the Life of an Innocent, even if it is for the Greater Good.); Rivalry ; Social Complication (Conspiracy Theorist); Social Complication (Intense And Driven; Makes Some People Uncomfortable)
Joey Manegarm

PRIMARYS: STR: 20/30 DEX: 10 CON: 10/20 BODY: 10 INT: 13 EGO: 10 PRE: 10/20  
FIGUREDS: PD: 5 rPD: 1 ED: 3 rED: 1 SPD: 2/3 REC: 4 END: 20 STUN: 24/36 Run: 15m/20m,, Swim: 4m, Leaping: 4m

COMBAT: Initiative:10, PER:14-, ECV:0 - 3, OCV:5/7, DCV:4 plus +1 with Move Through, Grab, Strike

SKILLS/PERKS/TALENTS: +1 with Move Through, Grab, Strike, CK: Tierrasola 12-, Computer Programming (Automation / Robotics Scripts, Cell Phones, Internet) 13-, Monster Hunter Enhancer, Bureaucratics 8-, Criminology 8-, PS: Hunter 11-, WF: Small Arms, Scholar, KS: Computer Science 12-, KS: Pop Culture 12-, KS: Supernatural Lore 12-, MVP x 1, Equipment Pool (20), Fringe Benefit: (Story Reward), Partner in Unconventional Solutions, LLC, Innatus Pool (plus Character Creation Resource Points), Professional Monster Hunter, Favor: SAIC Harker, Money (Bounty Pay-offs): Well Off, Permits: FBI: Section M Special Asset, Supernatural Hunter License, Positive Reputation: Capable Monster Hunter (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6, Vampirism Immunity, Lycanthropy Immunity, Necromantic Immunity

RESOURCES: (Innatus Pool (101/156)); Senses: Alertness (Enhanced Perception); Survival: Garmr Resilience (Regeneration); Survival: Garmrhide(Damage Negation); Survival: Garmrhide (Resistant Protection); Stats: Garmr Strength (STR); (Innatus Pool - Only At Night (55/156)); Senses: Mooneyes (Nightvision); Senses: Tracking Scent (Tracking); Senses: Smell Supernatural (Detect); Stats: Garmr Durability (CON); Stats: Garmr Durability (STUN); Stats: Garmr Presense (PRE); Stats: Garmr Quickness (SPD); Stats: Garmr Reflexes (OCV); Stats: Garmr Strength (STR); Stats: Garmr Fleetness (Running); (Equipment Pool (20/20)); (Cell Phone - Reliable); (Laptop - Gaming / Programming); 12 Guage Pump-Action Shotgun (Killing Attack - Ranged)

DISADVANTAGES: Hunted (L'Éminence Nocturne); Custom Complication ; Distinctive Features (Demimonde); Enraged (When reduced below 5 BODY); Psychological Complication (Impetuous); Social Complication (Orphaned / Alone In The World)
Jack Maywood

PRIMARYS: STR: 15 DEX: 13 CON: 15 BODY: 15 INT: 10 EGO: 13 PRE: 15  
FIGUREDS: PD: 8/16 rPD: 0/8 ED: 2/10 rED: 0/8 SPD: 3 REC: 6 END: 20 STUN: 30 Run: 14m, Swim: 2m, Leaping: 4m

COMBAT: Initiative:13, PER:11-, ECV:1 - 3, OCV:8, DCV:7

SKILLS/PERKS: +1 with all Knowledge Skills, Scholar, KS: Alchemical Lore 11-, KS: Catholicism 11-, KS: Necromantic Lore 11-, KS: Philosophy and Theology 11-, KS: Supernatural World 11-, Vampire Hunter (Ordo Sanguine), Breakfall 12-, Combat Driving 12-, Fast Draw 12-, Language: Latin (basic conversation; literate), PS: Hunter 11-, TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Large Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Weaponsmith 12-, Fringe Benefit: (Story Reward), Partner in Unconventional Solutions, LLC, Professional Monster Hunter, Favor: SAIC Harker, Permits: Concealed Weapon Permit, FBI: Section M Special Asset, Supernatural Hunter License, Positive Reputation: Capable Monster Hunter (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6, Resource Pools, Contacts Pool (10), Equipment Pool (70), Mystic Pool (6) (Unlock (Professional Origin)), Professional Pool (31) (plus Character Creation Resource Points), Vehicles Pool (15)

MARTIAL ARTS: Ordo Sanguine, +2 HTH Damage Class(es), Divine Justice (1/2 Phase, +1/+0, 7d6 Strike), Final Judgement (1/2 Phase, +1/+0, Weapon +6 DC, Strike with Stake), Leap of Faith (1/2 Phase, --/+4, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove), Stalwart Perseverance (1/2 Phase, +0/+0, 40 STR vs. Grabs), Turning the other cheek (1/2 Phase, +1/+1, Block, Target Falls), Weapon Element: Empty Hand, Stakes

RESOURCES: (Professional Pool - Superskills (21/31)); Studied Lethality (Deadly Blow: +1d6); Mental Discipline (Mental Defense); (Professional Pool - Gear (10/31)); Bullet-resistent Trenchcoat (Resistant Protection); (Mystic Pool (6/6)); Elixir of Health (Recipe); Elixir of Enhanced Awareness(Recipe); Elixir of Vampire Repellant (Recipe); Unguent of Virtue (Recipe); Alchemical Smoke Bomb (Recipe); Alchemical Glue Bomb (Recipe); (Equipment Pool (70/70)); Desert Eagle .50 (Killing Attack - Ranged); Hi-Power Pistol Sights (Telescopic); Tactical Xenon Flashlight Attachment (); Holycrap Rounds .50 (Blessed Bullets); Holycrap Rounds .50 (Blessed Bullets); Holy Water Capsules (3 Hex AoE splash, Range Based On Strength, Triggers Susceptible to Holy Within Affected Area); Old Faithful (Wooden Stakes); Old Faithful (Wooden Stakes); Cell Phone (Reliable); Elixir of Health (Healing); Elixir of Enhanced Awareness (Supernatural Awareness and +1 PER and Night Vision); Elixir of Vampire Repellent (Vampirism Immunity and +15 PRE vs Vampires and trigger Vampiric Susceptibility vs Garlic); Unguent of Virtue (Cannot be Stunned & No Hit Locations); Alchemical Smoke Bomb (Change Environment); Alchemical Glue Bomb (Entangle); (Contacts Pool (9/10)); Ordo Sanguine (Contact); (Vehicle and Bases Pool (15/15)); (Armored Van)

DISADVANTAGES: Hunted (L'Éminence Nocturne); Hunted (Ordo Sanguine); Hunted (FBI: Section M); Psychological Complication (PTSD from Childhood Trauma); Psychological Complication (Vengeance Seeker); Social Complication (Subject To Orders)
Drew Altman

PRIMARYS: STR: 15 DEX: 10 CON: 15 BODY: 12 INT: 13 EGO: 10 PRE: 18  
FIGUREDS: PD: 5/14 rPD: 0/9 ED: 2/11 rED: 0/9 SPD: 3 REC: 5 END: 20 STUN: 30 Run: 10m, Swim: 2m, Leaping: 2m

COMBAT: Initiative:10, PER:12-/13-, ECV:3 - 3, OCV:5, DCV:4 plus +1 Overall, +1 with CQB, +1 with Pistols

SKILLS/PERKS: +1 Overall, +1 with CQB, +1 with Pistols, Accurate: +2 vs. Range Penalties with Pistols, Ex-SWAT Turned Monster Hunter Enhancer, AK: Greater San Diego 12-, Bureaucratics 13-, Combat Driving 12-, Criminology 8-, Demolitions 8-, PS: Hunter 11-, PS: SWAT Officer 11-, Teamwork 11-, WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Language: Spanish (basic conversation; literate), Survival (Central America) 12-, MVP x 1, Fringe Benefit: (Story Reward), Partner in Unconventional Solutions, LLC, Professional Monster Hunter, Money (Bounty Pay-offs): Well Off, Permits: Concealed Weapon Permit, FBI: Section M Special Asset, Supernatural Hunter License, Positive Reputation: Capable Monster Hunter (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6, Resource Pools, Equipment Points: 30, Follower/Contact Points: 10, Psychic Points: 78

MARTIAL ARTS: CQB, +1 HTH Damage Class(es), Bodydrop (1/2 Phase, +2/-1, 5d6 Strike, Target Falls), Defensive Strike (1/2 Phase, +1/+3, 4d6 Strike), Grapple Break (1/2 Phase, +0/-2, 35 STR vs Grabs, Abort), Ground & Cuff (1/2 Phase, +1/+0, Grab One Limb; 1 1/2d6 NND ; Target Falls), Gun! (1/2 Phase, +2/-2, Disarm, 30 STR to Disarm), Offensive Shot (1/2 Phase, -1/-1, Strike, +4 DC), Ranged Disarm (1/2 Phase, +0/+0, Disarm, +3 DC to Disarm), Spearing (1/2 Phase, +0/-1, 4d6 +v/10 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove), Weapon Element: Blades, Empty Hand, Handguns

RESOURCES: (Enhanced Perception); (Contacts (10/10)); Old Cop Buddies (Contact); Special Agent Benjamin Matthews (Contact); (Equipment Pool (30/30)); 10mm Glock 20 (Killing Attack - Ranged); Cell Phone (Reliable); Concealed Bullet Resistant Vest (); Cop-style Flashlight (); Holycrap Rounds 10mm (Blessed Bullets); Sheath Knife (Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand); Smooth Trigger Action (Penalty Skill Levels); Tactical Xenon Flashlight Attachment (); (Lucky Psi (78/78)); Lucky Shots (Penalty Skill Levels); (Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED)); (Extreme Luck Dice (1D6+1 )); (Luck Dice (5d6)); (Lucky Damage Dice (2d6)); (Lucky Guess (1))

DISADVANTAGES: Hunted (L'Éminence Nocturne); Custom Complication ; Distinctive Features (Psychic); Rivalry ; Negative Reputation (Reckless Hunter); Psychological Complication (Adrenaline Junky); Psychological Complication (Reckless); Susceptibility (When He Runs Out Of Luck Points); Susceptibility (When an 18 is rolled for this character)
Beretta Colt

PRIMARYS: STR: 15 DEX: 15 CON: 14 BODY: 12 INT: 8 EGO: 8 PRE: 18  
FIGUREDS: PD: 5/11 rPD: 0/6 ED: 2/8 rED: 0/6 SPD: 4 REC: 6 END: 20 STUN: 30 Run: 14m, Swim: 4m, Leaping: 6m

COMBAT: Initiative:15, PER:12-, ECV:0 - 3, OCV:5, DCV:5 plus +2 with Colt M1911; OIF (Colt M1911; -1/2)

SKILLS/PERKS/TALENTS: Cheerleader / Multiple Supernatural Event Survivor, Paramedics 11-, Concealment 11-; Self Only (-1/2), Acrobatics 12-, Breakfall 12-, Charm 13-, Climbing 12-, KS: Supernatural World 11-, PS: Cheerleader 8-, Persuasion 13-, Stealth 12-, Survival (Parks) 11-, Combat Driving 10-, Fast Draw 12-, PS: Monster Hunter 8-, TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, WF: Common Melee Weapons, Handguns, MVP x 2, Professional Monster Hunter, Money: Well Off (4), Favor: SAIC Harker, Permits: Concealed Weapon Permit, FBI: Section M Special Asset, Supernatural Hunter License, Positive Reputation: Capable Monster Hunter (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6, Pools (plus Character Creation Resource Points), Equipment Pool: 45, Vehicle/Base Pool: 6, Professional Pool: 53, +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. most men and some women), +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. most men and some women); Extra Time (20 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1 1/4), IIF (-1/4), Alert, Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty), Breath Control (Hold Breath twice as long as normal), Charm Resistance (+3 to roll); Only Vs. Charm Used For Sexual Seduction (-1), Fear Resistance (The effect of all fear and intimidation based abilities (including PRE Attacks) is halved vs this character.), Heroic Recovery: 3d6 (3), Necromantic Immunity, Vampirism Immunity

MARTIAL ARTS: Final Girl Fu, Flying Dodge (1/2 Phase, --/+4, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove), Defensive Block (1/2 Phase, +1/+3, Block, Abort)

RESOURCES: (Equipment Pool (29/45)); Adventuring Wardrobe (Striking Appearance); Cell Phone (Reliable); Cool Shades (Flash Defense); Emergency Rations ((1 person / 1 week)); Field Medical Kit (Paramedics); Hatchet (Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand); Miscellaneous Camping Gear ( Rope, Trail Supplies, Tent, etc); Mystic Rounds (Enchanted Bullets (.45 ACP)); Holycrap Rounds (Blessed Bullets (.45 ACP)); Wolfsbane Rounds(Silver Bullets (.45 ACP)); Old Faithful (Wooden Stakes); (Equipment Pool (15/45) -- Custom Punching Gloves And Combat Boots); (Climbing); (HA); (Resistant Protection); (Professional Pool -- Superskills (33/53)); Observant (Enhanced Perception); Crack Shot (Weapon Master: +2d6); Final Girl Survivability (Resistant Protection); (Professional Pool -- A Pair Of Custom Colt M1911's (20/53) ); Colt M1911 (Killing Attack - Ranged); Custom Grips & Trigger Action (Combat Skill Levels); Fast Draw Modification (Fast Draw); (Vehicle Pool (6/6)); (Small Sports Car)

DISADVANTAGES: Hunted (L'Éminence Nocturne); Distinctive Features (Athletic, Busty Young Woman); Enraged (when fighting zombies, vampires or slashers while alone); Negative Reputation (Women whose boyfriends/husbands 'react' to her); Psychological Complication (Avoids Any Romantic Entanglements / Chaste Heroine); Psychological Complication (Hunting Supernatural Monsters That Prey On Humanity); Psychological Complication (Looks Out For Number One / Always Stays Armed); Rivalry ; Social Complication (Tends to attract unwanted male attention)
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Unconventional Solutions, LLC

Privately held, board undisclosed

Private Investigation and Security Risk Management firm

Corporate Offices: Boston, MA


Wealth: 6

Holdings: 0

Renown: 0


@Durzan Malakim @King Red : tell me more about what Murgy and Killroy set up for the company while the other Hunters were doing their things for the last two months.


I'm also, I must admit, a bit fuzzy on what you intend for your company to actually do...who precisely are your clients? How do you advertise to them? How do you monetize your services? You know...what is your actual business plan, within the bounds of the setting and how hunting monsters for bounties is established as working?


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I believe we have several revenue streams and customers:

  • Mundane (likely corporate) customers with problems that we can solve better, faster, or cheaper with magic
  • Mundane (likely corporate) customers who've had past supernatural problems and want protection from future issues
  • Supernatural entities who have problems in either the mundane or supernatural world (This might require either a Contact or favor from SAIC Harker or Matthews)
  • Referrals from section M for supernatural issues that don't clear the "open a bounty" threshold (This might require either a Contact or favor from SAIC Harker or Matthews)
  • (Hopefully in the future) Referrals from other happy customers

As CEO, Murgatroyd would master sales pitches for each customer, although the first one would be tricky since he can't exactly say how they achieve their "magical" results.


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Much like real investigation and security, I suspect the vast majority of the work is boring baby-sitting and surveillance. Here's some thoughts on what each monster-hunter member might be doing for Unconventional Solutions, LLC.

  • Drew probably specializes in physical protection services (Drew certainly has Murgatroyd's recommendation. "I'm not just the CEO of Unconventional Solutions, I'm also a customer.") Whether he'd bring Beretta and Jack into this side of the business would be up to them. Drew would also lead our violent solutions team whenever force needs to be applied to a problem.
  • Killroy could be our CFO and real estate broker. If he wants a hands-on job his sniper skills would make him good at surveillance. He'd also make a deadly assassin for those jobs where a well-placed sniper rifle round fixes your supernatural problem. I somehow suspect he's doing that job on his own anyway.
  • Joey probably does all things computer-related such as dealing with cyber-crimes, being office IT, and building us a good web site. He might also make a decent field investigator since his nigh invulnerability allows us to send him into unknown situations and reasonably assume he'll survive them.
  • Jack may be most useful as a point of contact with potential customers. I'm sure there are lots of problems the Order hears about but don't act upon because they aren't vampire-related. And of course when there is a vampire problem, Jack is our specialist. His alchemical protections would make him a good body guard, but I don't know if Jack would waste his alchemical supplies on "mundane" (to him) jobs. In any case, he's part of the violent solutions team.
  • Beretta could potentially funnel us jobs Harker doesn't want to deal with because they're beneath him. She might also make a good bodyguard if she's willing. I suspect she may have more issues with handsy clients than supernatural threats, but Murgatroyd can always whip up a non-lethal "Grope-Zapper" charm if need be to dissuade them. She's obviously part of the violent solutions team.
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1 hour ago, Durzan Malakim said:

I believe we have several revenue streams and customers:

  • Mundane (likely corporate) customers with problems that we can solve better, faster, or cheaper with magic
  • Mundane (likely corporate) customers who've had past supernatural problems and want protection from future issues
  • Supernatural entities who have problems in either the mundane or supernatural world (This might require either a Contact or favor from SAIC Harker or Matthews)
  • Referrals from section M for supernatural issues that don't clear the "open a bounty" threshold (This might require either a Contact or favor from SAIC Harker or Matthews)
  • (Hopefully in the future) Referrals from other happy customers

As CEO, Murgatroyd would master sales pitches for each customer, although the first one would be tricky since he can't exactly say how they achieve their "magical" results.



Ok, so we'll need to clarify terms here a bit to make sure there are no misunderstandings.


"Mundane" refers to the majority of the worlds non-supernatural population who are unaware of the supernatural and whom the Accords are intent upon keeping that way ("for their own good", of course). Some mundanes may be _suspicious_ or harbor 'hippy dippy' affectations (like crystal power, etc) but they are essentially harmless and live their lives entirely unaffected by the supernatural world.


There are of course mundanes who suspect the existence of extra-normal / supernatural things and pick at the fringes of the veil of secrecy, but they come in a Baskin Robbins variety ranging from "on to something specific and real" to "completely wrong and maybe insane". Those in this group who pursue quiet lines of personal inquiry are not a threat to the Accords. Those who are vocal / bring attention to cover ups / otherwise make people question "normalcy" are a threat to the Accords and steps might be taken if necessary. This gradually gives way to the next group of "normal" people on the spectrum of supernatural awareness.


There are normals who are aware of or have even had direct non-reputable experience with one or more specific supernatural things. This relatively small group of people can be thought of as "partially supernaturally aware". It is important to note that this is not a binary situation...someone may have had contact with, say, some kind of Sidhe related supernatural activity; they may now have some vague or specific knowledge in the realm of Faery Lore; this does not mean they also somehow know about all the other kinds of supernatural things out there...it also doesn't mean what they know about what they actually encountered is objectively and academically complete and accurate. Such a person, having survived or witnessed such a thing, might go off and start trying to research / discover more, but they are going to have a very difficult time getting accurate information; the silly illustrated fairy books and confusing Celtic myths they're likely to find at the library / book store might have kernels of truth, but they are vague and misleading...if they weren't the powers that be who have been enforcing the Accords for a long time now would have removed those sources from the public purview. These people are dealt with on a case by case basis depending upon what they know. These people are borderline and this is a grey area...at a certain point a given individual may know enough to not be considered a mundane any longer...which brings us to the next group.


Finally, there is a relatively very small set of people who are technically "normal" / non-supernatural but who have some level of accurate knowledge of one or more types of supernaturals, probably know at least the broad strokes of the Accords, and are essentially a lost cause from the perspective of the Accord of Secrecy. They may not know everything, but they know enough. From an Accords perspective, these people are not considered to be "mundane" and are themselves subject to the Accords (particularly the Accord of Secrecy) and are subject to the punishments for violating them the same as a supernatural.


Professional Hunters obviously fall into that last group, as do past and present Section M personnel. There are also others scattered here and there, particularly in law enforcement, journalism, some branches of academia, locals who live near supernatural nexi (actually the plural of nexus is nexus but I can't stand to look at it), and of course survivors of past supernatural outbreaks who "saw too much" to be subject to the usual cover ups. All major and most minor cities have at least one person in law enforcement who has encountered some "weird shit" and has likely worked with Section M and / or one or more Hunters in the past. Older editors and show runners in news media have had at least one visit from a Section M agent in their careers and at the very least know that certain kinds of stories should not be reported on verbatim or at all. Etc. 


So...when you say you want to do work for Mundane customers using magic...that's problematic. 


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55 minutes ago, Durzan Malakim said:

Beretta could potentially funnel us jobs Harker doesn't want to deal with because they're beneath him. She might also make a good bodyguard if she's willing. I suspect she may have more issues with handsy clients than supernatural threats, but Murgatroyd can always whip up a non-lethal "Grope-Zapper" charm if need be to dissuade them. She's obviously part of the violent solutions team.


I must point out that Beretta is more than just gun-toting violence. I just checked the recent character sheets posted, and she is the only PC who has bought the Charm and Persuasion skills. So she could also function as the company's public relations/sales representative, the face of the team. While she's fine with blowing things away with her guns, it looks like she is the most personable PC.


I think we should stay away from mundane clients completely. There's probably plenty of business we could get from those aware who are of the supernatural, although I'm having trouble picturing Murgatroyd in the role of Harry Dresden, Wizard For Hire.

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9 hours ago, Durzan Malakim said:

I believe we have several revenue streams and customers:

  • Mundane (likely corporate) customers with problems that we can solve better, faster, or cheaper with magic


You'd have to keep the magic side of it completely secret and if you fkitup you'd have perpetuated an Accords violation. 


  • Mundane (likely corporate) customers who've had past supernatural problems and want protection from future issues


Let's re-word that to "Supernaturally aware customers..." and we can  work with that.


  • Supernatural entities who have problems in either the mundane or supernatural world



Yes, this definitely works. 


  • (This might require either a Contact or favor from SAIC Harker or Matthews)


If you start leveraging your FBI influence for corporate advantage you run the risk of a conflict of interests. Of course, this sort of thing happens on the low down in reality, but you definitely don't want to make it part of your core pitch and you certainly can't rely on it.  


  • Referrals from section M for supernatural issues that don't clear the "open a bounty" threshold (This might require either a Contact or favor from SAIC Harker or Matthews)


This already happens as part of you being "Special Assets"...the things they don't put on the bounty boards due to being too important or requiring more finesse than a bunch of murder hobo Hunters looking for scalps are available to you. And from time to time they will directly ask you to help out on certain things as needed. That's not a business opportunity, that's a function of the deal made when you became Special Assets. 


  • (Hopefully in the future) Referrals from other happy customers

As CEO, Murgatroyd would master sales pitches for each customer, although the first one would be tricky since he can't exactly say how they achieve their "magical" results.



I would suggest you leave off trying to provide service directly to mundanes as it's just fraught with dangers.


Here's a few business opportunities that you are well positioned to pursue that don't jeopardize your relationship with Section M or risk violating the Accords directly:


Supernatural Wards are a commodity. They are very useful, it requires the highly skilled labor of very rare specialists. Those who are supernaturally aware who can afford them definitely want them once they know how great they are. Wizards generally don't like doing them en masse as they take time, they are somewhat vulnerable while they put them down as it requires concentration, and it is fkng boring. There are some non-Wizards who can do wards, and they tend to be the ones  making money doing work for hire to lay down and maintain wards. The demand far exceeds the supply of practitioners willing to do the work. Thus, business opportunity.  


There are two basic kinds of supernatural problems: the more typical is low intensity weird happenings that people start to notice but which are not directly alarming, and high intensity / emergent threats requiring immediate action. The high intensity stuff is all reactionary, tactical response work...the last two things your group did for instance. The other sort tends to percolate a bit and eventually get noticed or reported and end up getting paid attention to...once Section M becomes aware of a new possible supernatural thing if it is not immediately obvious to the analysts what might be going on an Initial Assessment bounty is put up on the Hunter boards. IA's (as they are called) don't pay much compared to Sanctioned bounties on dangerous verified supernats but it is steady, reliable, and somewhat safe work. There is a strata of Hunters good at the investigative / information  gathering side of things who make a chunk of their living off of doing IA's. Most of the time, its nothing and they get paid a flat fee and a per diem. Sometimes it is something and they get paid for Confirmation on a sliding scale based upon the threat  level of the supernat thing they verified the existence of and the quality of the information they submit. In some cases, those same Hunters then turn around and collect the bounty on that thing if one is posted, but the meek and mild variety of Hunter is usually done and leaves the violent side of it to other Hunters responding to the posted bounty. Unconventional Solutions could start a line of business around IA work, with the expectation that they would be ideally situated to rotate out the investigative asset and rotate in a kill team (probably the PC's) to collect any bounties before other Hunters could respond when that pans out.


Individual Hunters sometimes just can't handle a job, or get in over their head. If they don't have a personal network to call upon they're hosed. There are essentially mercenary Hunters who make their living responding to requests for help in return for a cut of the resulting Bounty or an upfront fee, but quality and timing issues abound as well as the problem of finding the guy with the skill set needed for a particular hunt in a timely manner. Similarly, quality information is a commodity. Most hunter groups don't have access to an actual wizard or an expert on killing vampires or a linguist who knows how to decipher the specific Sumerian dialect of the strange scroll they found. Your firm could offer a solution to this, becoming a sort of Hunter outsourcing firm. You could start up and support an affiliate network. As your clients are other Hunters (who usually have money to spend thanks to bounty pay offs)...you would be free and clear of direct violations of the Accord of Secrecy.


Along the same lines, Claims and Asset Management. After a bounty job, Hunters have to file field reports and depending on the circumstances submit evidence, etc, to document their bounty claim. Then they have to wait for their claims to get processed. Sometimes there are problems or more documentation is needed, etc. Even when everything goes 'happy path', many Hunter are not very tech savvy so managing the online filing / e-processing / and automatic check handling flow that modern Section M uses for the money side of it is a bit of a strain for them. Then, when bounty money is paid out and available most Hunters don't know what to do with lump sum payouts beyond spend spend spend or let it sit in an account...they are not financially savvy enough to invest or to  do anything intelligent with it. This extends eventually to retirement planning and preparation for potentially untimely death (a real risk in the Hunter's line of work), but that's a digression. Your firm could provide a managed solution to deal with bounty processing, with additional service available to distribute and / or invest bounty payoffs on behalf of Hunters using the service. This would potentially, over time, result in your firm having a significant amount of assets under management and proffer other possibilities. 

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Since wizards are such a rare commodity, as the business expands, this might require Murgatroyd to become more integrated into the different wizard communities to try and offload some of the increasing demands for his time on temporary hires.


Murgatroyd: I need to refresh their office's wards again? This makes the third time for the month. I now officially hate our ward warranties. Who came up with that idea?


Actually, adding on a temp agency service for Hunters might be a potential untapped revenue stream. It would also be a great way to allow each Player to bring in additional PCs.

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On 8/18/2019 at 12:22 PM, Steve said:

Since wizards are such a rare commodity, as the business expands, this might require Murgatroyd to become more integrated into the different wizard communities to try and offload some of the increasing demands for his time on temporary hires.


Murgatroyd: I need to refresh their office's wards again? This makes the third time for the month. I now officially hate our ward warranties. Who came up with that idea?


Yes, you'd think that...which brings up the obvious question...why is Murgy so standoffish with established wizard society? That might even be one of the core themes of this Arc...





If you guys do decide to go down the "Wards for hire" line, I have a character queued up to help push that narrative thread that kills a few birds with one stone.




Actually, adding on a temp agency service for Hunters might be a potential untapped revenue stream. It would also be a great way to allow each Player to bring in additional PCs.


Ya, this is actually where my head was at. It's also a thing where your company can have employees / affiliates / associates / etc

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It might be helpful to put some numbers out there to help scope things...


Across the western hemisphere, all of North, Central, South America and various islands off their coasts...there are less than 1,000 active and semi-active Hunters...including Section M Agents. There's a little more than that across all of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Around 2,000 worldwide, sometimes a little more sometimes a little less depending on who has died recently and periodic influxes of noobs. Add in retired Hunters and Hunter-adjacent folks that might come off the bench in a pinch and that number comes up to maybe 2,250. Non-Hunter Supernaturally Aware normals is maybe twice that many people at a stretch, worldwide. Non-Hunter sentient supernaturals, including kith and kin, is maybe around 10,000 total. Non-sentient, non-humanoid, non-corporeal, non-personified, etc fringe stuff is largely uncounted but represents a small but significant additional consideration. Cross-dimensional extra-dimensional entities also blur those numbers (some things reside _elsewhere_ but sometimes intrude upon the setting's "prime" dimension in various ways or for various reasons.


These individuals are not evenly distributed geographically; North America and specific European nations have disproportionate numbers of Hunters relative to the general population...in places lacking strong governmental support and some kind of reliable bounty system the financial incentives aren't there and local Hunters tend to be emotionally motivated and sporadically hunt specific things for personal reasons rather than operate as part of a systematic oppression. Similarly, in 2nd and 3rd world countries, supernatural power bases tend to be much more influential and operate semi-openly or even entirely unchecked...in such places Hunters tend to have short lifespans and be severe underdogs going against the status quo.


Similarly distribution across the "origins" of believers / psychics / mystics / professionals / and innati is not even (despite the iconics page potentially giving that impression). Believers tend to be more common outside of first world nations while professionals tend to be more common in first world nations for instance. Innati who are part of some group of not-normals tend to congregate / originate from wherever their people dwell while the unique and unusual innati are outliers where ever they occur. Psychics tend to be free occurring individuals, though some psychic abilities seem to run in families. Mystics tend to be produced as part of a family line or a heritage associated with one of the established mystical traditions. 


Hunter society is pyramidal, due to the life expectancy of individual Hunters not being great and the fact that the action-packed style of Hunting physically dangerous supernats is a young persons game, the majority of Hunters are in their 20's to late 30's and are on average mostly Professionals with a smattering of the other Origins. However as some supernat Hunters age more gracefully and get more powerful and / or more knowledgeable with time and experience...the top end of crusty experienced high-point Hunters tends to disproportionately be made up of the more exotic origins as most Pros have aged out or died or become exposed to supernatural stuff and ceased to be technically "normal" before attaining 'legendary' status. There are exceptions...Harker is a 100% normal legendary Hunter...but he's reaching the end of his career and 'getting too old for this shit', and there are a few other crusty old "normal" Hunters out there who still have at least one more good Hunt in them.


In first world countries with a working bounty system (or equivalent), successful Hunters are kind of similar to rap or pop stars in terms of their financial profile...they tend to start off poor and unknown, most remain that way (or in the case of Hunters, get killed), a few hit it big with a windfall (a big bounty instead of a hit single, but parallel outcome), and get large lump sum(s) of money that many of them don't really know how to manage properly as well as a window of interest from the powers that be to see if they are going to turn out to be a one-hit wonder or if there is long term potential there. A small number of them manage to follow up their first hit with another and convert their 15 minutes of fame / success into a career, which leads to further opportunity being put in front of them. 


Your group of Hunters had their initial one big hit with the Cthonic dimension success, and were able to do the equivalent of converting it to getting signed to the biggest label in town for a record deal. You're the new hotness on the scene, basically. What you do with your window of opportunity to possibly step up and start playing with the big boys is up to you...

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The USA has FBI's Section M as the government response to supernatural threats. In Europe, does Interpol have anything like this group, or is such organizing done more at the country-level rather than as an international response?


What other professional organizations exist that we would be in competition with? Or are we the only one?

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Based on the additional information provided, I'll amend our business model to cover these services:

  • Warding Work for Hire: Murgatroyd with one or more bodyguards to watch over him while he's concentrating.
  • Hunter logistics and research consulting: Potentially all of us, but I suspect Joey runs the computers, network, and IT infrastructure and the rest of us provide information related to our various specialties.
  • Hunter backup personnel and bounty-sharing: Potentially all of us, but I suggest Beretta uses her social skills and Striking Appearance to find new clients/customers, and Drew uses his operations skills to coordinate/organize/lead strike teams.
  • Hunter financial services: Kilroy has the most prior experience in financial matters, albeit in real estate, but he could perhaps expand his knowledge or just invest in real estate.
  • Teleportation services: This is a potential long-term investment where Kilroy finds real estate in strategically useful areas of the US, and Murgatroyd creates a warded teleportation circle for rapid and discrete transportation. Game mechanic-wise I'd need to spend future XP on known teleportation locations. I'm not sure how we'd buy new teleportation target locations. Would we pay with money/resource points, or invest XP in bases?

We might get potential customer leads from:

  • Berreta's relationship with Harker if/when he has a case not worth his time and attention
  • Jack's contacts in the Ordo Sanguine if/when a non-vampire supernatural comes to their attention
  • Our collective reputation for being effective Hunters
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On 8/18/2019 at 2:47 PM, Steve said:

The USA has FBI's Section M as the government response to supernatural threats. In Europe, does Interpol have anything like this group, or is such organizing done more at the country-level rather than as an international response?


The United Nations has UNAO (United Nations Accords Organization); the Accords are a UN construct and ultimately the UN is the genesis of the modern assertion of rational mundanity as the dominant paradigm. 

The main thing to realize is that in the setting, the UN was actually formed to combat supernatural dominance of the world and enforcement of the Accords is it's true primary directive. Thus all UN member nations have some kind of Accords related official organ as part of the (secret) membership requirements of being in the UN.


I know that in popular culture Interpol is often portrayed as some kind of multinational police force, but it really isn't...Interpol is not a law enforcement agency (and it also is not a UN organization); it is more of a facilitation mechanism for cooperation between police forces of its member nations. In the setting Interpol is not a supernaturally aware / active agency with a role in the enforcement of the Accords. However Accords related enforcement activity might get handwaved / piggybacked across the interpol network under some mundane cover story or pretense from time to time. 


The UK has Mi-13, Australia has a relatively small group officially called AAESS (Australian Accords Enforcement Special Service) but unofficially called 'the Furphywhompers` because Australians can't take anything too seriously. Canada has the CAA (Canada Accordance Agency). France has a unit within the DGSI that has changed its official name at least twenty times since it was founded in the early 1950's but which is generally referred to as the DLA. Germany has a unit called Division UM within the Bundeskriminalamt / BKA which is similar to Section M. The Soviets had several small groups in various agencies; in modern Russia an unamed working group in the FSB does exist...but the Russians basically only give lip service to the UN Accords...in Russia monsters hunt you...ha ha only kidding...no but really Russia is not good place to be Hunter.



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11 hours ago, Steve said:

What other professional organizations exist that we would be in competition with? Or are we the only one?


There are other well established Hunter teams, of course. A couple of the more notable ones that have been specifically mentioned in HtbM related content before are:


Halford & Co: a large expatriate Hunting organization based out of Costa Rica, with international interests. A three-generation family operated business comprised of members of the Halford family and trusted associates, they only go after the biggest bounties and are sometimes brought in on contract by supernaturally aware third parties that have an urgent problem and don't want to wait on red tape or rely on the usual ad hoc means of elimination. They are also often employed by many of the smaller Caribbean, Central American, and South American governments who lack the resources to deal with more serious monster problems on their own. Though the founder was an American expatriate, he married into a large Costa Rican family and had many children...thus the company is Hispanic in outlook and composition.


Garrett's Crew: an experienced and long running Hunter team that's in its fourth incarnation...before Garrett it was run by a shamanistic mystic and Vietnam vet called Donnovann, before him it was led by a Korean War vet called Gunny Baer, and before that it was founded by a WW2 vet and former OSS operator known as Terminal Bill. The team has generally favored those with a military background, and has developed an efficient corpus of operational tactics; they get things done with high precision and are known for being reliable. They primarily operate in the Southwest and up the Pacific Coast but are asked from time to time by Section M to deal with problems elsewhere.


A few others exist as serves the plot.


However, there has been no mention of an incorporation of Hunters such as what Durzan is keen on pursuing. The crusty old guard of Section M would have shut such an operation down before it got off the ground on general principle. The new guard would be decidedly more open to this sort of thing if it is done properly with all the i's dotted and t's crossed. So, basically, it is an untapped market. 

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3 hours ago, Durzan Malakim said:

Based on the additional information provided, I'll amend our business model to cover these services:

  • Warding Work for Hire: Murgatroyd with one or more bodyguards to watch over him while he's concentrating.


Don't forget Jack can do Necromantic Wards and could be taught how to do other kinds (at the expense of some XP). 


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