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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Did you know if you keep correcting me it just fuels the love triangle speculation?
  2. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/22935229/nfl-institutes-rule-lowering-head-initiate-contact-helmet Wow. This seems like a massive change that would be impossible to enforce or the games would have 30+ penalties per team.
  3. Have you forgotten who you're talking to?
  4. 294 billion more debt to China to pay for tax cuts
  5. I would say yes because she is essentially Captain Marvel 2.
  6. Who is your favorite legacy or sidekick character? A legacy hero is a descendant or relative of an already or previously existing hero who either inherits or adopts the name and attributes of the original. This includes blood relatives of main heroes or 'adopted' members of a main character's 'work' family such as sidekicks.
  7. I think that was an earlier crossover. The one written by Busiek and inked by Perez was excellent IMO.
  8. As I recall, Thor 'gave permission' for Superman to have the hammer. Later on he went to retrieve it and it didn't budge.
  9. The technicalities of the definition of reboot or different continuities do not matter as long as the stories are good and internally consistent within the framework created. So far, so good in this cinematic continuity. If you don't 'reboot'/remake/reimagine (whatever) the key elements of the written universe, then you can't have a cinematic universe. Period.
  10. It is not too much of a stretch to imagine any sufficiently powerful being could catch the hammer. The enchantments on the hammer are only as powerful as Odin can make them and Hela seemed at least as powerful as her father. Also, she was confirmed as a previous owner of the hammer.
  11. The Nice Guys, actually. Yes, it's excellent.
  12. Grrr... I always get my soul/gem/infinity/stone/power cosmics mixed up.
  13. In the MCU universe he's a pure AI powered by a soul stone. That's good enough for me.
  14. I was thinking redundant. Now, if Storm was a Green Lantern....
  15. Apparently, the hardest tongue twister to say 5 times fast is - 'toy boat'.
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