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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Also, Colts player killed by drunk driver
  2. Here's to what will be another disappointing year! Woohoo!
  3. Liked Tide Ads, Dinklage/Freeman singing, Solo teaser trailer, and Dilly Dilly/Bud Knight but... Eli/Odell dancing maybe one of the best commercials ever! #NobodyputsBeckhaminacorner!
  4. *When you wish...* Hey Philadelphia, you just won a football game, what are you gonna do? *...upon a star.* We're going to...DESTROY OUR CITY!
  5. This thread is actually a Tide ad.
  6. I'm 2 episodes into it. Looks good so far, I like what I've seen of the world and its backstory so far. Minor nitpick:
  7. I'm always reddy to correckt pore spelling.
  8. Joel Embiid played the first back-to-back of his career...and lived to play another game.
  9. Never liked Terrell Owens, but he will now go into the Hall of Fame where he belongs. Good for him.
  10. The classic Iron Man villain The Ghost is who you see in the Ant-Man/Wasp trailer
  11. I was thinking the palindromedary is the most interesting thing about Lucius Alexander.
  12. They make take our lives...but they'll never take OUR PLANETS!
  13. If Excalibur was a lightsaber, that would've made a much better story.
  14. Marvel-Fox merger at least 18 months away with no discussions on character integration yet - Kevin Feige says
  15. Define irony: bunch of politicians on a train barrelling towards a truck stopped on the tracks...yada yada yada
  16. DCEU version needs dark clouds in the background and she should be frowning with a haunted look in her eyes.
  17. Thought Cousins had a pretty good year considering he has no WRs and his TE was injured most of the time.
  18. James Harden has an excellent beard. He's also good at basketball. You know that you're good at basketball when you put up a record stat line that Wilt Chamberlain doesn't have.
  19. Also, wizards are never late, nor early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.
  20. Jedi = Quitter
  21. Perhaps in the future there will be no planets, having discovered they are all just the sun's dingleberries.
  22. You would have trouble scoring too, if you had to play against these:
  23. Going off what was said in Civil War, Scott may have developed giant growth on his own
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