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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. And don't forget, the House and Senate representatives still get paid during a government shutdown.
  2. Markelle Fultz has apparently been infected with 'Rick Ankiel Syndrome'. His shot looks....bad.
  3. Yeah, Neil is just amazing. Not only is he quite possibly the greatest rock drummer ever, but he was a voracious reader who wrote most of Rush's brilliant lyrics. He is an ingenious wordsmith, rivaling the likes of Bob Dylan, Eminem, Joni Mitchell, John Lennon, etc.
  4. I would hope to see it include other lesser heroes and villains (COUGH*SERPENT SOCIETY*COUGH). Hawkeye at the very least.
  5. Hmm, I thought they were done last year when Neil said he couldn't tour anymore. His arthritis just doesn't let him play. It's nice that the other guys aren't still continuing, I guess. The Eagles still touring without Glenn Frye rubs me the wrong way.
  6. I suffer from long term ETSD. I go to meetings and everything.
  7. You lost me at Fox's X-Men movies have become consistently better since its soft reboot with First Class The Wolverine and Apocalypse were...not good...at all. Fox and Sony (and WB) movies have gone wrong with studio exec interference and studio decision-making, particularly with regards to FF, Spidey 3 and Last Stand. Its possible Marvel could eventually fall into that trap, but doubtful while Feige is in charge. I am also not one thats having nerdgasms because these characters have been acquired. I've already seen them done, I'd prefer Marvel maintain their next phase concentrating on the newer, less-known characters they have planned.
  8. Sports kinda suck when you already know the outcome.
  9. Leaders of evil empire, errr USA Gymnastics FINALLY gets something right
  10. Flu is bad this year, including the death of 21 children
  11. Umm, Hux and Ren were in the shuttle hovering above the battle. It landed so Ren could walk out and face Luke.
  12. Seen the trailers for the last couple weeks, it doesn't...look good
  13. http://www.superherohype.com/news/410403-new-ant-man-and-the-wasp-plot-synopsis-and-photo#/slide/1
  14. http://www.indiewire.com/2015/05/joss-whedon-shot-an-alternate-avengers-age-of-ultron-ending-where-redacted-doesnt-die-much-more-264409/ The director said the first day he met Aaron Taylor-Johnson for the role of Quicksilver, he told the actor that he intended to kill the character and that he would stay dead… unless Marvel suits strongly objected Whedon acknowledged that he was one of the reasons that Agent Coulson was revived for TV, and while he doesn’t sound like he regretted it, he didn’t want to repeat this with Quicksilver’s death.
  15. Perhaps they are otherwise an exemplary employee?
  16. My healer can fix a concussion in no time!
  17. National Football League of Legends? Awesome!
  18. So there wasn't any thought that Trump decided to nuke Hawaii and blame Obama? Hmm, fair enough.
  19. https://www.si.com/college-football/2018/01/13/college-football-announcer-keith-jackson-dies
  20. *Ponders the irony that Norwegians probably don't come to the US because they think its a sh*thole country.*
  21. Cool, this is the first time I've ever won anything! The Chris Hemsworth talk about making another Thor might also indicate he survives as well, but that could just be a swerve I guess.
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