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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. FU*&$*(@**#(*_!_#$*()*#(_!#)*!m YOU MUth*(*@*#**@*()#*@(#*(@_***#@ Fu*c ING &(&*()&*()&U*()&I*&$)@*(*@_(*$!_*(__!*()$***$*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +4 = 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Well, first and foremost, it was (by and far) known for its chart-topping theme song. It has also appeared on MANY other shows, including George's voice mail on Seinfeld.
  3. IMO Team Lebron is the better roster for a serious game, but Team Steph is the better roster for an exhibition game.
  4. http://www.superherohype.com/news/410869-first-look-at-brie-larson-in-costume-as-captain-marvel#/slide/1 Old school suit
  5. Every generation has its 'detergent pod eaters'. Times have not become more violent. They've just become more televised. - Marilyn Manson
  6. I immediately move for a sticky thread regarding the overuse of the word grawlix.
  7. Well there goes my "Game of Cussing" thread, gosh darn it.
  8. Are you referring to your average everyday phooey or the phooey found below?
  9. Watched half the first season...I don't understand the question as it seems to imply there was an 'up' to go down from.
  10. Watched Jumanji and was pretty impressed...it was certainly better than Last Jedi. Jack Black is excellent.
  11. How do you slice open your hand on a handoff? Was Rex Birkhead dressed like an Iron Age superhero or something?
  12. Stop jinxing my Jaguars, people!
  13. I think that belongs in the "Furry Porn" thread.
  14. Its about time he put his underwear back on the outside like a normal superhero.
  15. And don't forget, the House and Senate representatives still get paid during a government shutdown.
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