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Split Decision

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Everything posted by Split Decision

  1. Do you have an analog to Marvel's Taskmaster in your game? Not so much the powers, which are intriguing and fun. Rather, is there a fellow who trains supervillain lackeys, or something? Maybe a VIPER guy.
  2. What would Professor Pandora keep inside her Box of Evil Tricks? Probably a VPP OAF(-1). I really have no idea what I'm looking for here. Go crazy.
  3. Re: Jackson Jillian It'll be terrifically obvious. I was thinking of the famous wrestler, Gorgeous George. He was a heel who came very close to cross-dressing. Definitely used gender role mashup to his psychological advantage. But George was just a character- an actor with stunt work. What about a supervillain who lived this sort of thing, in a time when it was unheard-of in most of America/the West?
  4. What sort of Disadvantages would you give to a Silver Age or Golden-Age supervillain who cross-dresses?
  5. I'm thinking of a gas attack where the victim suffers no damage, but is forced to forego actions and laugh uncontrollably. This sounds like an Entangle of some variety, but since it's inhaled, I'm not sure how to build it. It might also be a Mind Control based on CON. How would you build it? Thanks in advance.
  6. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Husker looks good. The Golden Rod is a fun unique weapon. The minor force field, is that a USA 50 thing? I wish I had the patience to look at all of the background material.
  7. Re: Super-accurate with ranged attacks Yes, I went with Dispel when I modelled that. A 90-point pool gives you plenty of dispel. I took 12D6 of it, 1/2 END, Any technological device power, one at a time (Active 90) which should cover any jamming he would need to do.
  8. Re: Super-accurate with ranged attacks I ran the numbers for Variable Advantage versus more slots specifically delineated, and it turns out that for what I want the power to do, it would cost me 56 Real points to write it as a 70-point reserve and seven slots, versus 53 for a 90-point reserve and two slots with variable advantages. The only benefit from the smaller reserve and more slots is the END cost for throwing any of the powers dips from 4 to 1, but it's not that big a deal. 3 END x 6 Phases = 18 END, but it's likely to be much less than that. I would consider this a balancing factor too though, rather than an undue burden.
  9. Re: Super-accurate with ranged attacks The objects he throws are SFX. I guess it would be up to the GM whether I'd need these. As it stands, the character sheet is at 327 of 350. I may just leave those last 23 points dangling, and fill them in with campaign-specific things, should he ever come out of the suitcase. Also: Going to rethink Variable Advantages vs. more slots.
  10. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Thematically, he's great. Picking three nits: Mental Defense: Why so much? Maybe split that between MD and Pow Def Where in the concept can you justify an 8 SPD? What did I miss? Some native American languages have no written component, but it shows him with literacy. Check Wiki to see which ones that literacy applies to for the GM's sake, and make a note about it on the character sheet.
  11. Re: Super-accurate with ranged attacks I don't own any of the appropriate sourcebooks for a flavor of "range fu", even though I know what you mean. How exactly should I model such a thing as a ranged disarm or ranged trip attack? Is it simply the correct maneuver, advantaged with range (+1/2), defined with the appropriate weapon element? Or is there something even more basic that I'm missing that you're allowed to tell me about, without giving away free info straight out of a sourcebook?
  12. Split Decision

    Bat gear

    Re: Bat gear At the risk of annoying longtime board members, bumped. This is tremendous. Great for people who are new here.
  13. Re: Campaign/Character Hook Ah, the law of unintended consequenses. Comes back to bite you in the ass everytime you mess with something that's working. Very well done. Also reminds me of Professor Pythias Pommegranite aka the Resurrected Man a little.
  14. Re: Lucky Dan You may wish to look here. I don't know whether this is one of Killer Shrike's or Hyper-Man's, but it's doggone good.
  15. Re: Super-accurate with ranged attacks Great. I decided to build it like this: 45 Bullseye's Super-throwing: Multipower, 90-point reserve, all slots OIF (Objects of Opportunity; -1/2) or OAF, Restrainable (-1/2) 4u 1) Serious Damage: 2 1/2d6 RKA; 1/2 END cost (+1/4), Variable Advantages up to +1/2 (+1) (90 Active Points); OIF (Objects of Opportunity; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) 4u 2) Just a calling card: 8d6 EB vs PD; 1/2 END cost (+1/4), Variable Advantages up to +1/2 (+1) (90 Active Points); (90 Active Points); OIF (Objects of Opportunity; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) Plus: 24 Super-Accuracy I: 12 Ranged Skill Levels (No Range Mod Penalty out to 64") 17 Super-Accuracy II: +5 CV in Ranged Combat (25 Active Points); Only to increase OCV (-1/2) So thank you to Hyper-Man and Mr. Gridlock, as well as everyone who has contributed! Now, there are three specific uses of this super-accuracy I'd like to model, if it makes sense to model them seperately or as additional slots in the MP? 1) For many years, he carried one of Elektra's sai. He did not have specific training in using it. Should it be modelled seperately? 2) He carries a simple, limited linegun which he uses to get in and get out of tight spaces. I know how to build a linegun as a MP. Do you think it's worth putting it in? Figure, about 14 Real Points on a 350 point character. 3) He has false front teeth. As a special attack, he can spit them into someone's eyes to permanently blind them. He hasn't done this often. Again, worth modelling?
  16. I've been thinking about Bullseye. What are some ideas about how to build his super-skillful ranged attack ability? And thanks in advance.
  17. Re: Utility Belts While carrying all these items seems counterintuitive to me as well, it will be a rare adventure when someone uses more than 7 or 8. SFX: I only brought what I needed. Penalizing specificity would lead in some cases to VPP abuse. I think.
  18. Re: Help me Flesh Out Shutterbug If it was originally a military project, it ought to have a gun of some variety, whether a conventional one or something science-fiction-y. Maybe a microwave beam generator in the glove? 9D6 EB, STUN only? Or a taser with the same effect, but with Limited Range. Also consider a naked advantage: Autofire-X for active points up to Y, to simulate its ability to track and successfully hit multiple targets. Certainly a watched: US Military 14- is appropriate. You may consider adding the officer in charge of the original project as a DNPC.
  19. Re: Utility Belts Thank you, Hyper-Man. I especially like the Summon Bat-vehicles slot. I like everything about that character writeup. Very good low-end Batman.
  20. If a detective/weapons master has a utility belt built as a multipower, what sort of active point cap would you likely put on it? And how many slots is too many? Feel free to post your favorite ultility belt (whatever the build) here. I get the feeling that 40 active points ought to be the most, and 15 slots is too many if it's a multipower. YMMV
  21. Re: Catalyst: A Champions campaign on Hero Central
  22. Re: Advice on building a brick character I was thinking bump of direction and tunnelling, Fill In
  23. Re: Help me Flesh Out Shutterbug It doesn't look boring at all. I'm not familiar with either V&V or Jeff Dee, though. My only question is about the dual origin. Does it complicate things unnecessarily to have him as a radiation accident as well as a high tech hero? btw that's a great baseline battlesuit, totally something I could see the United States military buying and using. I like the 1/2 END on STR to simulate servos, but I would cap it at 20 STR, since it's unlikely that there are too many soldiers who would need more.
  24. Re: Advice on building a brick character Tough to say without seeing the other characters. How does a SPD 4 martial artist, for instance, stand up against a SPD 4 brick? If the archetypes that we think of as "fast" don't get the extra SPD, then what do they get instead?
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