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Super Squirrel

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Everything posted by Super Squirrel

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'll have you know I have played on a single game of Civ IV in two weeks.
  2. Re: [Campaign Log] Sophia's Barbarians Day 18 The ship is reaching near the end of the journey but not before pirates begin to approach. Sophia summons a Revenant and sends it over to the pirate ship to slow them down as much as possible. The pirate ship loses its gain and eventually drops out of sight. Night comes and rather than risk the ship running aground or getting stuck in a cove on one of the Maggot Isles, they decide to sit in the middle of the ocean and anticipate a pirate attack. Day 19 As first light approaches, the crew of the trade ship notice the pirate is also stopped not far from them. The race is on again as Sophia summons another Revenant and sends it to the ship. There is a noticable slowdown of the pirate ship but it does not stop it. The pirate ship eventually catches up and boarding parties using hooked planks begin working across the ship. The battle drops many pirates, some are dropped into the beast invested waters below while others are cut down by skeletons and the party. Kessa fails to hit her hex on a Fury Whirl and the new location puts Sophia into range. Sophia dives for cover and narrowly avoids being cut down. A pirate in the area is not as lucky. Carmen focuses on one of the three boarding locations while Kessa works on another. Skeletons pick off those who make through the two and Sophia puts up a Voices of the Dead in the center of the pirate ship. Before long, the pirates realize they have no chance and they disembark and pull away while they are still alive to count there blessings. Day 24 The ship reaches Abzynia. Sophia and Kessa sell off all but one of the slaves. They then proceed to buy Sophia some weather appropriate slave clothing to replace her armor. They go back and sleep for the night. Day 25 In the morning, Carmen is missing and after some investigation, they learn that while in an incredibly drunk state, Carmen contracted himself to a mercenary group that left earlier in the morning. They meet a man who is interested in joining them and after doing a quick assessment of him, they decide to accept Rafe into Sophia's employment.
  3. Re: Gatekeepers HERO: a work in progress I meant Cosmetic transform. I don't think I have any of my notes left from when I was planning on doing a Gatekeepers campaign.
  4. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) I actually ran a Play by Post game that was a Killing Game Show. I never got to finish it however.
  5. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Political Intrique is actually something I could see done in the Hero system.
  6. Re: Review of Asian Bestiary Volume One
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I just won my first Civ IV game on the Prince Difficulty setting.
  8. Re: Gatekeepers HERO: a work in progress How you don't mind some constructive criticism. The Pale Skin and Black Invader Outfit as two seperate disadvantages should be one, single disadvantage. They are either Pale Skinned, Black Outfit wearing Invaders or they are in their "human" form. Add on Accidental Change for the Radio Frequency. They should have Physical Limitation: Turn into a crystal Upon Death. Instead of Disguise give them a Cosmic Transform.
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Upload a save file and I'll take a look at what and how you are doing.
  10. Re: Gatekeepers HERO: a work in progress Have you seen Gatekeepers 21?
  11. Re: Gatekeepers HERO: a work in progress If I can find my notes on my idea for a game of similar nature, I'll post them up. Make sure you get all of the Invader generals, and I don't just mean the four you see in the anime. There is a lot of history to the gatekeeper's world that has come out in a novel and a videogame. I did a quick search and couldn't find anything quickly online but the novel has a lot of events that take place after the first series and before the OVA.
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I know Mentor plays as well. As far as getting a PBEM going, I'm all for it. I'm wrapping up my first game on Prince so I'll likely be playing that difficult setting when we do get around to it.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings My head hurts from the land of stupid. A customer subscribed to AOL for $7.95 month for the sole purpose of avoinding a $5.95 monthly maintainance fee. Yes, I clarified. They did not use AOL. They just wanted to avoid the fee.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The website forums.civfanatics.com has lots of general discussion and strategies for playing the game. Or to start you off on the right foot, remember this: Grass = Cottage Plains = Farm Hill = Mine
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That makes a lot of sense.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I have no idea. I wasn't aware of a difference.
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That is what the city is so now I have a term to throw in.
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The best campaign type would be having a group of characters on the Praetorian Caste. The city is not immune to attacks. There are city raiders that may attack the city. There are exploration crews that go out looking for precious resources. You could have another city formed and conduct trade operations. You could be looking for survivors or ancient texts for the Alexandria Library.
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER When I say, the caste system worked out, I should point out all I have written on is the caste system. I'd still be stuck in the thoughts in my head phase if it wasn't for you.
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Considerably. The Caste system worked itself out a lot because of you. Also you buying that notepad helped too.
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