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Super Squirrel

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Everything posted by Super Squirrel

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER There is a new Hero player in the world. And we can thank Vampire the Masquerade. Jaime: [her current GM] wants to expand my gaming experience to a new system. He wants to start a Vampire the Masquerade game. It sounded pretty emo to me. Me: Now is the perfect time to tell you about Alice's game. Jamie: Can I play a Pixie Ninja? Alice: Yes. Yes you can. Jaime: I've always wanted to play a Pixie Ninja after someone told me I couldn't in D&D. Me: You could play a flying psycic toaster if you wanted in this game system. Jamie: I don't think I want to play that but I do want to play a Pixie Ninja because I can.
  2. Re: Your Retired Champions Character Needed I'd like an .hdc file preferably in Version 3. I can't start the game until my current Valdorian Game party has gone to Khor and back to Elweir. That is at least three games. We play every other week and there are two weekends that will be interrupted. Basically, you have plent of time.
  3. Re: Your Retired Champions Character Needed If the I could get the following character sheets it would be greatly appreciated: Surge Ironclad II Captain Photon Tempest (if you can get the sheet) I'm not sure if I'll use all four or only two or three of the list but all four are still in the running. Thank you everyone that submitted ideas. I really appreciate it.
  4. Re: Free Marvel Comics! Too little. Too late. I switched to DC and after reading the final issue of X-Men: The End I am very happy to be gone.
  5. Re: Your Retired Champions Character Needed I'm going to give people a little bit longer (a day or two) to get ideas in and then I'll decide which ones I want to go with. I have some favorites already though.
  6. Re: Your Retired Champions Character Needed I'll undoubtably have to make some changes to the characters to fit my campaign. Don't worry about making the changes itself. I'd rather honor the character as close to the original as possible.
  7. Re: Your Retired Champions Character Needed Thank you very much. I want to see what else I get but so far I like my first "application"
  8. Re: Borrowing your brains: Greek Gods in New Con Alice's character: The Greek could be used as Athena. It is, after all, where she got her power from.
  9. The Chester School for Teens is seeking applicants for a new teaching position. CST is a private school based out of Sacramento, CA. With a sponsorship with the local police force, the school is adding a secret, superhuman educational program. The school features approximately 40 faculty and 800 students. The new Superhero Educational Program is a program designed to help teenagers with super powers develop their powers properly and responsibily to become world class superheroes. To facilitate this, the school needs retired superheroes to teach these classes. I'm going to be starting a Teen Champions game in the near future. For this game, I need to have about two or three teachers that are also retired superheroes. Because I haven't thought at all about the teaches for the school, I thought it might be nice to give other people out there a chance to get their retired character used again in the Champion Universe. The application process is a bit strict however. 1. All applicants must adhere to a strict Secret Identity policy. The application process will inevitably reveal their secret identity to the CST Headmaster. Other than the CST Headmaster no one is to know the Secret ID. The students will assume, correctly, that one of the faculty is the superhuman and may attempt to try and "figure out" who you are. The school is prepared for this. 2. All applicants will be responsible for one school subject material in addition to the superhuman training program. Unfortunately, while there will be a special gym class for the superhuman students, the current gym teacher is quite happy with his position and has no interest in retiring anytime soon. 3. The police department, who is sponsoring the program, will be using three or four students from the program to form a superhero team in the Sacramento area. During the first two or three missions, the police department insists that one of the superhero teachers be present to observe and intervene if necessary. For this reason, all applicants must be willing to step in and fight crime in case an emergency arises. However, we are hopeful such an event will not happen. 4. All applicants will be expected to discuss their powers and weaknesses fully in the course of the class. If you have a secret weakness to a substance you do not want a group of responsible teenagers knowing, you would be best not to apply.
  10. Re: Need a Gang United Blood Nation and the gang mentioned in PM work perfectly.
  11. Re: Need a Gang I'll PM you. I have players upon this board.
  12. I need a gang. The gang needs to be a real gang. The gang can be of mixed ethnicity as long as the gang includes caucasians in its ethnic mix. The gang can be an all female or all male gang... in fact if I could get an all female and an all male gang, I'd be very happy. I do not want the gang to be a white supremecy group. And finally, I don't want it to be the Bloods or the Crips. The gang is most likely going to be one fabricated or transported to Northern California. All of attempts to find a real, California based gang that matched the conditions above failed. Thank you so very much for your help.
  13. Re: Now Taking Preorders For the Champions 25th-Anniversary Special Edition! I really wish I could buy the special edition but money is tight right now. Maybe I can mention to Alice that I'm going to be running a Team Champions game and we can make an exception.
  14. Re: [Campaign Log] Sophia's Barbarians The above consists of two adventures. I have three adventures remaining to post. I'll see if I can get to them in time.
  15. Re: [Campaign Log] Sophia's Barbarians Only running, at tops, every other week is making it easier to be interesting in gaming. I had started to burn out but I think I'm going to be safe. Now, to recap all of the games I haven't posted about: Day 25: The group learns that there is someone looking for the Sophia group. They have a general description of the group itself. They are looking for a Cythnian, a female barbarian, and a female necromancer. Fortunately, with Sophia "disquised" as a slave and Rafe having replaced Carmen, the group is less likely to be spotted. The group heads out for Ethia. Day 28: A violent storm hits, causing torrential down pour. During this time, Rafe "steals" the party coin purse to test his skills and while Kessa does not notice this act, she realizes almost immediately the large shift in weight on her person. He is quickly told never to do that again. During the night, the camp is attacked by a large group of living tree things. (nod to Keith Curtis and the Carnobroc) the group has quite a bit of difficulty finding and taking down the creatures in the late night, rainy environment but eventually they defeat them all. A horse and the slave Aldas are hurt but the rest are able to shrug off their wounds. Day 29: The group, having got little sleep, moves to a new camping location and rests for the day. Day 37: The group finally reaches Ethia. They, again, are being hunted and sought down. Kessa is recognized by some urchins from a previous encounter in the city. Sophia desperately needs to recharge her energy so they sneak into a graveyard. However, close investigation indicates that all cemetaries are being carefully watched by guards looking for Sophia. The group tries to hide Sophia carefully in the dirt but a guard notices Kessa and becomes suspicious. Battle breaks out and Sophia almost gets stabbed through her exposed face. Instead, she gets a dead body of a guard stuck on top of her for a short while. Kessa runs to assist Rafe but discovers much to her surprise that he is doing a great job on his own. Day 38: Kessa's urchin followers now have a new tale of Kessa at the Graveyard. The group leaves for Sri Addis, capital of Abzynia. They travel by boat until they reach a fork in the river and then ride the rest of the way. Day 43: A demon appears, flying overhead. It asks about some sort of strange Source of Power from the group. The group, suspects initially that the demon is after Sophia but it is revealed, rather unexpectedly, that they are instead after Rafe.
  16. Re: Difficult Build: Armor that tranfers damage Actually, in our game when we learned about the items I joked about placing the armor on a grizzly bear.
  17. Re: Resurrection Healing Limitation In a way, my ressurrection method is a bit based of Peter S. Beagle's use of raising the dead in "The Innkeeper's Song".
  18. Re: Resurrection Healing Limitation A good idea but not for this campaign setting.
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