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Super Squirrel

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Everything posted by Super Squirrel

  1. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Okay... how about we work on fights where Wolverine has beaten someone he shouldn't be able to.
  2. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever So for those of not giving a rat's *** about Spiderman vs. Firelord, what other ideas can you think of for bad fight examples?
  3. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever See, I'm with Trebuchet. I'd like to TRY and talk about something other than a stupid two comic fight sequence I have never read. There are lots of bad fights out there. Can we move on to something other than Spiderman vs. Firelord. Preferably something I have in my comic collection that I can dig out.
  4. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Well obviously this means Firelord's area of effect appears in the form of an explosion from a single beam at four different visible locations at once. I frankly don't care about what he has or has not done in other locations at other times. It looks in that frame like an explosion on all three of the building floors. But it is also obvious that anyone that doesn't agree with you is wrong so I see no point in carrying on this observation.
  5. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Is it me, or is everyone ignoring the obvious in the tight attack vs. area of effect discussion. I have circled the obvious.
  6. Re: Calvinball Calvin Ball: Roll 3d6. React Accordingly. Optional Rule: Increase to 30d6.
  7. Re: 31 Days of Spells I wanted to end the 31 days of spells with a bang. So for my final entry, I present to you: Canton's Surprise
  8. Re: 31 Days of Spells Added: Divine Protection Only one more to go!
  9. Re: Champions "What Ifs" What if Mechanon had been built into a firby?
  10. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever If you guys can't see the futility behind this discussion (if you can really call it that) than you are sorely in need of help.
  11. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever That was in the X-Treme X-Men arch right? The one where Storm was on some sort of high and fighting in the underground arena. That was some pretty f-ed up **** if you ask me.
  12. Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?' What if Marvel enforced continuity? ... What?
  13. Re: tackle A tackle, IMO, is nothing more than Knockdown + Tackler's weight on top of the target.
  14. Re: 31 Days of Spells Added: Crystal Wind
  15. Re: [Campaign Log] Sophia's Barbarians The 26th of Founder's Month Kessa and Sophia go to Lowtown for Sophia's dirt nap. Unfortunately the cemetary in question is filled with starvelings so they end up going to Uphill East. After getting her recharge, the group heads back to down. The 29th of Founder's Month A representative from Underfoot Pass comes and hands a letter that has a list of the names of all leaders for the surviving parties from the first round of the contest. Of the names, Grothgar is listed on there. There is also the name Bashil circled. The group see that Bashil is killed in order for the group to advance on. The representative will remain with the group so that he can report should Sophia be killed. When there are four or less leaders, this round of the contest will end. Sophia summons a Knower of Secrets who told them that Bashil is in the northern end of Lowtown. The Knower of Secrets knows that Bashil's specialty is stealth and that he has three people working with him. The group heads to the Bawling Bard. She doesn't know where Bashil is but believes by contacting an opposing gang, they should be able to find Bashil. They find a Starveling in the area of Bashil's gang. They give him 2 bits and learn of a tavern that Bashil is a regular at when he needs to relax. They go to the tavern and wait, hoping for Bashil to show up. While they wait, Carmen has several drinks. One of the members of the group comes in and they overhear him tell the bartender that Bashil and his group confronted their target and were wiped out. After getting clarification from him, the group heads out to to Gibberish to try and find Grothgar and help protect him. As they approach the Abyzinian Night, they realize that melee is already underway. Grothgar is being attacked by archers from a building rooftop. The men Grothgar had originally hired are trying to get to the archers. However, as Sophia's group approaches, a man with lots of tattoos sees Carmen. He tells the men to leave the Archers be and instead kill Carmen as he is where the real money can be found. The man with tattoos is confronted by Carmen. He explains that Carmen, his chieftan placed a 100 coin bounty on Carmen's head. A complex four-way battle commenses. The archers mortally wound Grothgar. Sophia's summoned revenant slowly takes down the archers. Kessa works on picking off the soldiers. Carmen squares off with the tattooed warrior who tries to flee, only to be killed by Kessa. Also added into the mix, supernatural hands appear from the darkness and attack Sophia. Sophia is knocked out but survives as the creature seemingly vanishes during combat. After battle, they help make Grothgar comfortable. As he is dying, they learn that the dagger needs to be returned to a palace in Freehold within three months time from its arrival in the city before things will begin to get bad. Grothgar passes away shortly after. They use Grothgar's money on him to pay for a funeral and see that he is buried with all of his possesions. However, Kessa takes a signet ring from Grothar's pocket and saves it in case they need it later. The group heads back to Uphill East for a dirt nap as they prepare for things to come. They learn one of the groups killed off not only their target but two others. There are only three groups remaining for the final round of the competition.
  16. Re: THRILLING PLACES -- What Do *You* Want To See? The Lost City of Gold and/or the Fountain of Youth
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Physical Manifestation. -1/4 or -1/2?
  18. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever I could have pointed out that video myself had I wanted. Wolverine should NEVER be able to touch Magneto, ever. It is so stupid that Magneto (or rather Magneto IV aka Xorn) can have enough energy to kill Jean Grey of all people and yet not have enough power left to stop an admantium laced skeleton from beheading him.
  19. Re: Disadvantage Question [FMA Spoilers] IIRC, Lust saw Ed use transmutation without a circle and thats what started them on the whole "this guy has great potential for our goals".
  20. Re: No Range + AE In this particular case, I was working on a sort of Earthquake attack. The player strikes the ground and sends out a ripple that destroys solid structures within range. I was just curious what happened if the attack roll missed.
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