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Everything posted by Publius

  1. Re: Civil War in the Champions Universe! I also dig this about the CU version. If you want to play it up and go all Civil War, just add a new Administration or a significant political fiasco (especially one where the PCs gakked it up) and voile! Otherwise it doesn't really factor, or factors very low-level in the background.
  2. Re: Civil War in the Champions Universe! Snikt-snickt bub. Bub-snikt snikt bub-bub snikt.
  3. Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See? Not that I am trying to drum up business or anything, but what about a series of Maps. A downtown area map, showing building placements at a larger scale; the map of an office building, a "typical" villain base, that sort of thing. The whole appendix doesn't have to be maps, just a few in addition. Then the maps can be sold separately as a pdf in scaled (1 inch=2m) versions (at least the building interiors, not the downtown area). Okay, now I am being bad I like the package deal concept, more as an addition in the back for GM use. If some effort is used to make the packages even that would be great (I had this as a concept for a game that never went off using the Young Empyreans, baseline Empyeran stats, powers and skills plus they could select a package of 50 or 80 points.) You could even do a nice matching exercise, where you do stats and skills as "Big Strong Guy" and "Smart Scientist Type" or "Thrill-seeking hothead" as a baseline number of points (say 150 points worth of Attributes and Skills), then as a separate package the powers: "Stretchy Dude", "Flaming Guy", "Metallic Skin Comrade", "Creepy Android", "Antiquated Patriot" at say 75 or 100 points a pop. Then players can mix "Big Strong Guy" with "Stretchy Dude" and voila! have a 250 point character. (And yeah, I know this is lower than the new starting level, but I tend to play the lower powered games, adjust the point values as needed for the new standard)
  4. Publius


    Re: UnCaped Love it. I especially like the legal proviso on the bottom. But it costs 2 bucks more than Uncaped, I don't know... (although it is true that Uncaped also has more ads) (Btw, what are Men's Magazines going for now? I seriously didn't know, just took a stab.]
  5. Publius


    Re: Zeppelins! Here are some maps I have done for the boards... The R100, according to the design plans that were in actual use. The R100 modified to serve as a mobile base. Is there any way to get those to thumbnail without having to re-upload them?
  6. Publius


    Re: UnCaped No problem, in addition to the Worksafeness that Lord Liaden mentioned, I just suck at figure drawing. I'm frankly amazed when I get faces to go the right way. What can I say, I'm a portrait sort of "artist" (I still don't consider myself to be one, I do everything in Illustrator). Originally for the girl pictured here, I was going for a Nagel effect which might not be readily apparent by the fact that I colored her skin, very un-Nagel like. I figured she was the "sizzlin' centerfold" and so made her more red. I put the colors back to my original vision to demonstrate what I mean, and then on a whim added some background to her just to enhance the Nagelesque effect.
  7. Publius


    In the spirit of Hero Talk Magazine (excellent thread btw), here is the cover Farquar Publishing's Uncaped, the magazine mentioned in Champions Universe (pg. 52). Of course the interior images are all Adults Only, so unfortunately I cannot show you anything from the inside
  8. Publius


    Re: 2057 In the future there will be no public nookie. All nookie will be according to the government approved diagrams on pages 2345 and 4567. The Future is All Missionary Heterobonding citizen. And according to 4567 § 3 §§34B you WILL enjoy it or else.
  9. Re: Champions Worldwide? I for one thought it was great, covers a lot of material, but it does so in a way that is not just a good supplement but a good read.
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Black Keys "Your Touch" (which they used for a Cinemax self-promo commercial when King Kong came out)
  11. Re: Prisoner Transport Vehicle I am by no means an expert at this, but I got this after pushing numbers around in Herodesigner. I'd still prefer someone else take that on since I have probably made some mistakes. HANDLER SUX 2000 Val Char Cost Notes 8 Size 40 Length 6.35", Width 3.17", Area 20.16" Mass 25.6 ton KB -8 50 STR 0 Lift 25.6tons; 10d6 10 DEX 0 OCV 3 DCV -2 22 BODY 4 12 DEF 12 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 Total Characteristic Cost: 56 Movement: Running: 6" / 12" Swimming: 2" / 4" Flight: 23" / 1472" Cost Powers END 71 Flyer: Flight 23", x64 Noncombat, 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Day (+0) Note: 549 mph, same as a 747 [1 cc] 18 Armored: +6 DEF -2 Sinks like a Stone: Swimming 0" (2" total) (Custom Adder) 8 Cuz' its Heavy: Knockback Resistance -4" 0 5 Communications Suite: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2) 0 16 Sensor-Equipment: Radar (Radio Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc of Perception, Telescopic (+14): +14 (32 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) 0 124 Power Suppresion Chairs: Drain All Powers simultaneously, must be "tuned" for specific special effects 5d6, 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 6 Hours (+1/4), Uncontrolled (Only stops when individual is removed from the Chair; +1/2), Continuous (+1), all [special effect] powers simultaneously (+2) (309 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2) [1 cc] (Note: There are seven of these, the cost for the multiples has been taken into account in the total cost above, Base Real Cost is 95) 65 Hotsleep Chambers: See Champions, pg 121 (65 Active Points) (Note: there are 2 of these, the costhas been taken into account in the total above -- 60 points basic +5 for Quantity 2) Total Powers & Skill Cost: 305 Total Cost: 361 200+ Disadvantages 10 Distinctive Features: Hover Vehicle with PRIMUS SUX on the side. (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) Total Cost: 361-15=356/5=69
  12. Re: Just for fun... a Campaign Ad! Does it cause floppy tail syndrome? That was why I stopped taking Panexa Cool advertisement too.
  13. Re: Prisoner Transport Vehicle Actually, that was one of three homages that I did for the drawing. If I'd remembered about KAR (which is funny since I am re-watching those for a con game I am running this Spring and I have re-designed a new version of the Village) I would have thrown that in as a serial number. The homages are: SUX 2000 from Robocop (it is the car everyone wants, we see an ad for it and the criminals ask for one by name "I want a big car that gets ****** gas milage and goes real fast!"). I just reversed the two to make it harder to spot. The Eagle from Space:1999, more conceptually than anything, but the seats you have to lower yourself down in and all that. And the raised walkway through the middle was an homage to the Prisoner Transport in the Judge Dred Movie (no tomatoes, no tomatoes) I originally had the seats 2x2 with a bar that came down but ultmately I went with a larger seat that is designed to lock bad guys in place individually. Kind of ruined the similarity but it made more sense. I couldn't find a Con-Air referrence... However, in answer to your fine suggestion: PRIMUS personnel hate Prisoner Transport duties generally due to the hazards of transit with such potentially lethal cargo not to mention being ripe targets for breakout efforts. There are endless jokes about "how this duty Sux", and gaurds often have contests to see who can come up with more amusing variations of that theme. Either undaunted or unaware of the pun, the PRIMUS upper eschelons have never altered the designation. All grousing however does go on the gaurds permanent records, all dutifully recorded to the glee of the staff in Archives.
  14. Re: Prisoner Transport Vehicle Then they would all say "I am not a number! I am a Free man!"
  15. Re: Maps of Bases,Vehicles,Etc. I don't recall where that thread might be either. Maybe someone else could help out there. A few things though that are at hand. First up, there are a lot of great maps that were in the Map Archive by Keith Curtis, available as a pdf download. I think this should get more sales, it is a nice collection (although it is for Fantasy and you are posting on the Champions section) There are a lot of other tidbits that Keith has been kind enough to present us with over the years, I don't have any better way to track those down that the "Search" function though. There are some other works that HERO has put out with very nice maps. The Algernon Files (link to thread starter here) has a variety of some very nice bases. As far as stuff posted here... there are a few I have posted, some of which are "hexed". My Handler SUX Prisoner Transport Vehicle, that does not have hexes, but it is to the 1"=2m scale, (the pdf version, not the graphic) here is the link to the first post w/ pdf map The Harrington Center, which Trebuchet was kind enough to share, I did a hexed version here You can also search for "R100" which is a Zepplin I did somewhere on the boards here, I did a subway car as well, Though I kind of lost track of where it is... Also the Pulp adventure "Locomotive Pirates", available at the online store as a pdf download, has traincars. I actually have a book that I produced with various building maps and the like. I've been considering various "big plans" to market them, but procrastination (and fear) is my greatest enemy.
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? (S)Norah Jone's latest album -- Not too Late It's good, but I'm sleepy... I picked up Jill Scott's latest yesterday as well, a bit too Hip Hoppy for me, but there are a few good tracks.
  17. Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See? After Lord Mhoram mentioned Lady Blue, I got to thinking maybe a few villains that aren't 'villains' at all. A group of heroes who have been villified by the Press, hounded by the authorities and decided to go ahead and become the villains everyone was so desperate to paint them as. A villain or group of villains that are like "Teen Dream", completely and entirely manufactured. They do their 'villainy thing' because they plan on cashing in later as "reformed bad guys" or they might just crave the attention. The crimes they perform aren't really that bad (although they might look so and in fact may be designed for that purpose entirely), no one really gets hurt and in the middle of one 'performance', they might even save someone who would have otherwise gotten hurt. Combine it with a news crew that just "happens" to follow them around and youhave a reality TV series in the making. I still like the "accidentals" a few baddies that can be thrown in when the heroes get a little sloppy. Maybe a team of such individuals called the Accidentals. Just a few ideas. Other than that maybe some Terrorist themed villains. You don't want to get too topical, but there are a lot of nasty folks out there.
  18. Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See? Gee Steve, you forgot the Sanguine Segwayer... He of the Power Amaranthine who navigates the Eternal Void for Gingericus the Ultimate-yet-Ecofriendly-Destroyer.
  19. Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See?
  20. Re: VILLAINS, VANDALS, AND VERMIN -- What Would *You* Like To See? Well, if not a write-up for a non-powered villain, what about some ideas for their use in the game? A list of several characters that could serve as a master villain, behind the scenes manipulating events would be cool. Also, what sort of plots will this sort of baddie go for? For instance, I'm thinking that a Normal Char Max character will be the sort to go for manipulating others into performing tasks on their behalf, not by threats or violence or even payment, but through orchestrations that would make Machiavelli proud. It doesn't have to be about stats though. Or maybe that would be best for a DH article... Or to combine them, what about a time-conquering villain who is perfectly normal in all respects but one: he knows what most people are going to do next. He has been bopping about the timeline, nudging here and fouling there as appropriate in a number of different Identities. Maybe he is not a "villain": in the overall sense but must take the role on here in order to perform some critical manuver of the timestream. But on the other hand, this sounds more like Captain Chronos... Maybe it is but from further "upstream" in time going for a second pass of the era (this time as an outright villain to further manipulate events). Actually, I'd like it to be Robert Stevens-Timmons desparately trying to save his wife (which I have used Captain Chronos for in my version of the CU), that appeals to my sappy romantic side. I'd like a quasi "sympathetic" Villain myself, master or otherwise, who is set up to be created by accidents caused by heroes using powers indiscrimnately. Something that could be dropped into any campaign when the characters get blaise about their power use. To blend in the "inventor" type already mentioned... A villain that seems to be a useful addition to the Player's repitoire of contacts, much like the unseen (that I know of) Daedelus from DC:TAS. Someone that makes things for heroes, but is also making them for villains on the side AND has a long-range plan....
  21. Re: Federal Authority Registered Meta-Human Form Well, I know that sometimes it becomes an issue, didn't want to step on any toes. I named mine FARM_Fields because I thought it was funny but also to distinguish. So here is the pdf with forms that can be filled out, just click on the blank spot next to (sometimes under) the field, where you would normally type in such stuff. I used a font called Blambot Casual for the fields (except the Office notes which are plain Jane Times New Roman) and tested it on one system without that font. Hopefully it will work for other users. Again, very cool.
  22. Re: Federal Authority Registered Meta-Human Form Very cool Karmakaze, would you mind if I posted a version with fields so folks could type in their answers?
  23. Re: Prisoner Transport Vehicle Thumbnail of the Handler
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