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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. ^ Pre-prequel (circa 1993) Skywalker family.
  2. Curious: have you ever provided potting soil?
  3. Precisely. How many times have companies tried to lure us with the siren's call of an oh-so-convenient download? Hard-earned money disappears into the ether with but an impulse.
  4. "Whose side are you on?" "Why, the same side you are, Commander. My own."
  5. If a man built like a brick s***house - who is also strapped with enough grenades to fight a humble war - walked into your neighborhood and sternly advised you to not speak with strangers, would you take his words to heart? ...how about a sailor-cum-pirate out in the woods warning you of the dangers of running from home?
  6. DIET Siranean city dwellers enjoy a rich and exciting diet consisting of very spicy foods. Sunfish, eel, goat and sheep mutton, camel, and lautan are among the commonly eaten meats, which are complemented by servings of nutty fragauh grains, millet, cooked wheat kemels, barley, figs, dates, olives, and torhachenna. Most meats are obtained from herders in Chennacatt or the Ayten. Fancy eating establishments sell baboon, gacalac, pheasant, and squid. Other popular vegetables and fruit include chick peas, beans, melons, apples, and coconuts. Most dishes are strongly spiced with cumin, coriander, musky sinahaud, sweet nantarh, zesty charbis, or subtle rosain. Some insects are also eaten as delicacies. The favorite is a large beetle, roasted and consumed warm. Breakfast for a city dweller regularly consists of bread, kafe, dried or fresh fruit, and a wheat porridge. Lunch is a small meal that includes cold meats and beer served with bread. For less fortunate people, ground chick peas, flavored by lemon and spices and spread on flatbread, are the normal fare. The evening meal is the most elaborate of the day for middle and upperclass residents. Hot meats and curried stews or soups form the main course. Sweet breads, wine, fruits, and cheeses comprise side dishes. The poor normally only eat meat once per week or month. Grains and vegetables, a little cheese, and some fruit are their staples.
  7. It incrementally shapes human brain chemistry/psychology/sociology through every step of development; we wanted things done faster so we created technology to carry out tasks that much quicker. Consequently, attention spans shorten while newer gizmos and software rise up to satisfy the next tier of impatience, but...there is only so much time in a day and so much brainpower with which to utilize that time. To call this a "vicious cycle" is an understatement.

  8. "I can no longer feed my family." "Same old song." "My wife and her mother, my five children, the baby." "That's seven employees. Eight, if you count the infant."
  9. "We just might be out of money." "That kidney isn't going to fetch fair market value on its own, you know."
  10. His head was reasonably full of hair up until the late 80s to early/mid 90s; after that, the tall grass took a serious whacking.
  11. Because of happenstance, I became a 2e convert; the system has many "old school" positives to offer (and the setting-specific lore of the era is incredibly rich). However, certain products feature artwork which is...well... Let's just say that, when it comes to the undead in my quasi-medieval fantasy campaigns, "Suitable for Hanna-Barbera's finest." is not a description I ever had in mind.
  12. Oddly enough, that reminds me of a George Carlin skit concerning prisons; long story short, there may actually be some logic in staying - at least, temporarily - right outside a fortified city.
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