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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Re: Criminal Profiling Psychological Limitation: Obsessed with figuring out killer's motive.
  2. Re: A (hopefully) simple question on Size Starro, here I come!
  3. Is it possible to go below Insectile or beyond Colossal, and if so, where are/how do I get the relevant stats?
  4. Re: 6E Speedster Suite How do you handle the trick where a speedster vibrates so fast, they cause burns/fiery damage to whatever they're in contact with? It's a handy way to escape grapples.
  5. Re: Balls of Steel Thank you, Daltwisney .
  6. Re: Balls of Steel What exactly is a naked Advantage?
  7. Re: Strangest Perk you've seen? Is that really a Perk though?
  8. Re: Has anyone here ported a Spycraft organization to HERO? Here's my old character:
  9. Re: Simple question about Invisiblity Perhaps a very limited form of Desolidification useful only for concealment? Or, the invisibility could be magical in nature in that it allows raindrops to fall through unhindered or pools of water to visibly appear undisturbed?
  10. Will rain, hail, etc give away the presence of an invisible character, and, if so, how do you adjust this power so that they are invisible even in these kind of situations?
  11. There is plenty of awesome material from this RPG to bring over to HERO, such as Project Pitfall.
  12. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good idea: swashbuckling on the high seas. Bad idea: swabbing on the high seas.
  13. Re: Waking up with not-so-super powers Always having the right ingredients in a kitchen. It comes up surprisingly often...
  14. Re: Strangest Perk you've seen? Perk: Never out of toilet paper
  15. Re: Game Master Lament LordGhee, your goal of making a campaign more engaging is admirable, but I fear that finding gamers who share your sentiments will not be easy. I am much the same way in regards to PC/video games. In regards to GMing, I take something of a midway route: I may use pre-existing material (thus negating much of the work in world building) but because I have something already laid out to use, I can go the extra mile in character interaction and storytelling in general. I do not know if you ever found a solution to your problem. I hope you did. In any case, best of luck!
  16. Re: Strangest Perk you've seen? I cannot fully agree with you there, Lucius. Other systems (even the more heroic ones) sometimes have the mechanics of social powers (a right to marry, a right to serve as a police officer, etc) as things you can purchase for your character, so I can see the merit of both ways (either needing to pay for them, or assuming they come with other skills/benefits). Edit: In any case, a Strange Perk to me, for example, would be "Lifetime supply of Hershey Bars". But seeing as how everyone's definitions of "strange" is likely different in some small way, I welcome all replies.
  17. Re: Social resolution mechanics for Hero This is a good proposal . Also, you need to be particularly sensitive on how your group feels about such mechanics (that is to say, how they envision roleplaying being divorced from the system). I do not know if what I just said was mentioned earlier, but I felt it worth saying all the same.
  18. Re: So how did you guys learn the system? A good friend of mine recommended HERO for a campaign of mine when 5th Edition was the latest version. I didn't really think much about it until I heard the 6th Edition was coming out. Better late than never, huh?
  19. Hello everyone. To kick off the activation of this new account, I thought i'd make a HERO relevant thread in order to get a better feel for the folks here, as well as learn boundaries of the system. So, no matter what version of the system(s) you played or do play, what is the strangest Perk you've seen created (either by someone else, or yourself)?
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