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Everything posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. Re: The Last Word Can I plead the 5th?
  2. Re: Pink Anime Power-Suit Girl Okay, I've seen Eva... who the heck is this?
  3. Re: The Last Word Hey! I get muscle soreness!
  4. Re: DnD 3.5 to HERO 5e Conversion Actually, I'm kyping KS's racial templates. The only one that annoys me thus so far is the Gnome. I seem to recall a comprehensive list of DnD 3.5 Spells that were converted to HERO being posted here a while back... the only thing I've been able to find has been .HDC documents and I don't have HD. Thoughts?
  5. Re: Conversion of returner games Final Fantasy table top RPG to HERO: FF HERO If I may be so bold as to ask, have you checked out Killer Shrike's website or Surbrook's stuff? You may find some things there that may help with your conversions. Bear in mind that much of the conversions are in older Versions of HERO so you would need to go back and change what used to be Figured Characteristics and such (assuming you are running 6e) http://www.killershrike.com/ http://surbrook.devermore.net/index/index.html
  6. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing In which case we're all pretty much grapped.
  7. Re: The Last Word No, the world hangs from the man's feet.
  8. Re: DnD 3.5 to HERO 5e Conversion Well sheist... I wish I had found that before I had done all of that work... would have made life soooooo much easier I shall have to investigate this further...
  9. Re: Kill the Dude with the Thing I'm more worried about Jimmy Neutron and Dexter (of Dexter's Lab)... their inventions cause more problems than they solve.
  10. Okay, so I'm doing prep work for a DnD 3.5 to HERO 5e. What I have planned is for characters to be built on 75 base points with up to 75 points in disadvantages. As I convert things over I will be posting them. And please bear in mind I do not have access to 5e Fantasy HERO or the 5e HERO system beastiary as of right now. Right now I've "finished" the core races (that is I've built them as best as I can manage). I would like each race to be built on spending no more than 25 points (and I failed miserably with Dwarves) with roughly 10-25 points in disadvantages. I would also like each race to have something in the following categories: Racial Characteristics, Racial Powers, Racial Heritage, Racial Disadvantages. Characteristics, Powers and Disadvantages are self-explanatory. Racial Heritage would be the skills all members raised by their particular society would have. This is what I have thus so far: Standard Races Elves Elfin Characteristics 6 DEX +2 Elfin Racial Traits 5 Low-light Vision 3 Longevity (Lifespan 800 Years) 3 Does Not Sleep 3 Keen Senses 2 Mental Fortitude: Mental Defense +2 Elfin Heritage 2 Orienteering, 1 Skill Level in Orienteering; Only in Forest/Woodlands (-1/2) 1 Survival: Temperate Forests 1 WF: Bows 1 WF: Swords Elfin Disadvantages 10 Distinctive Features: Elf (Concealable with Effort, Noticed and Recognized) Total Cost: 17 Points Dwarves Dwarven Characteristics 4 CON+2 Dwarven Racial Traits 5 Darkvision 2 Longevity: 200 Years -4 Short Legs: -2” Running 8 Stability: Clinging +6 STR; Only to resist being tripped/Knock-back* 5 Resistance to Poison: +10 CON; Does not affect figured Characteristics (-1/2); Only vs Poison (-1/2) 4 Innate Spell Resistance: +1 PD, +1 rPD, +1 ED, +1 rED, +1 Mental Defense, +1 Power Defense, +1 Flash Defense (Sight, Sound and Smell Groups); Only applies to Magic (-1) Dwarven Heritage 2 WF: Dwarven Weapons Group** Dwarven Disadvantages 10 Distinctive Features: Dwarf (Concealable with effort, noticed and recognized) 10 Psych: Hatred of Orcs & Goblins (Common, Moderate)*** Total Cost: 11 Points * Knock-back Resistance only applies to being forcibly moved by a combat manuver. Knock-back caused by a special attack (such as a Dragon's Tail Slap) still cause Knock-back. ** Dwarven Weapons are as follows: Dwarven War Axe, Dwarven Urgrosh, Battle Axe, Throwing Axe, Hand Axe, Warhammer, and Throwing Hammer. *** This represents only a mild hatred of Orcs and Goblins. This Disadvantage could be made stronger to represent a greater degree of Hatred, to the point of killing members of these races on sight. Gnomes Gnomish Characteristics 4 CON +2 Gnomish Racial Traits -4 Short Legs: -2” Running 5 Low-Light Vision 2 Keen Hearing: +1 PER Hearing 2 Keen Nose: +1 PER Smell Gnome Spell-Like Abilities: 4 1/d - Speak with Animals: Universal Translator (Speech Only; +4 to INT Roll) 3 1/d - Dancing Lights: Images (Sight) 1” Space 3 1/d - Ghost Sound: Images (Sound) 1” Space Gnomish Disadvantages 15 Physical: Character is 3' Tall (All of the Time, Slightly Impairing) 10 DF: Gnome (Concealable with effort, noticed and recognized) Total Cost: -6 Points Half-Elves Half-Elfin Racial Traits 5 Low-light vision 1 Longevity: 200 year lifespan 3 Keen Senses: +1 all PER rolls 2 Mental Fortitude: +2 Mental DEF Elfin Heritage (Optional, only if raised by Elfin family) 2 Orienteering, 1 Skill Level in Orienteering; Only in Forest/Woodlands (-1/2) 1 Survival: Temperate Forests 1 WF: Bows 1 WF: Swords Half-elf Disadvantages: 10 DF: Half-elf (Concealable with effort, noticed and recognized) Total Cost: 1 or 6 Points Half-Orcs Half-Orc Characteristics Cost Ability 3 STR +3 4 CON +2 4 BODY +2 1 PD +1 Half-Orc Racial Traits Cost Power 5 Darkvision Half-Orc Disadvantages Value Disadvantage 15 DF: Half-Orc (Concealable w/ Effort Always Noticed) Total Cost: 2 Points Halflings Halfling Characteristics 6 DEX +2 Halfling Racial Traits -4 Short Legs: -2” Running 5 Agile and Sure-footed: 1 Skill level w/ Agility Skills 6 Atheletic: Climbing Skill, 1 Level Climbing, +1” Leaping 5 Natural Thrower: +1 OCV w/ Thrown Weapons 3 Courageous Heart: +5 PRE (Defense Only -1/2) 3 Keen Senses: +1 to all PER Rolls Halfling Disadvantages 15 Physical: Character is always 3 feet tall (All the time, slightly impairing) 10 DF: Halfling (Concealable with effort, noticed and recognized) Total Cost: -3 Points
  11. Re: The Last Word They cloned Mr. Coffee? Well crap, now we're all pretty much brewed, er... screwed. What's next? The George Foreman Grill?
  12. Re: A Game Of Questions Why would they need a break?
  13. Re: The Last Word For some reason I'm reminded of Mr. Coffee. Do they even make those anymore?
  14. Re: Sewage disposal in a fantasy world In one book series I'm reading, the city Wizard's guild had captured a baby dragon and the dragon was incinerating the sewage... If it were higher magic, I would say a one-way Gate Spell to send the waste into the Abyss (were it a Grayhawk-based campaign, I'd say pipe your sewage into Malconthet's domain :evilgrin: Take that Succubi! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcanthet (I still haven't figured out how to do the HTML tag that would have allowed me to make Malconthet's name clickable... help?)
  15. Re: The Last Word My cousin is only 11 and already been expelled from school for beating a girl up over a boy. She's also lied to both her parents (divorced) about staying over at a girlfriend's house (she was actually staying the night with two boys). Sad how they're getting younger and younger.
  16. Re: The Last Word It's all your fault of course. I would never have tripped over that bucked had you not cursed me... even though I trip over it every now and again. Does that make me immortal if I kick the bucket regularly?
  17. Re: The Last Word Any minute now being about an hour ago... tripped over the leaky-roof bucket on my way to the bathroom.
  18. Re: The Last Word What about me? I'm feeling much better now, though.
  19. Re: Urban Hero: a new take on Bardic Music That's just scary
  20. Re: The Last Word Head's pounding, every muscle in my body aches, joints are swollen (especially my spine), overheated and freezing at the same time: being sick sucks big time
  21. Re: Urban Hero: a new take on Bardic Music Hrm. Very interesting.
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