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Everything posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. Re: A Super powered Nation I agree - up to a point. I'd like to think that the first thing I'd do is help my family (relocate, or go hijack food and fresh water). The next thing I'd do is help my village (in most 3rd-world nations, the village is basically extended family). After that, I) see two choices - become a freedom fighter for my people (playing Robin Hood and what not), or ursurp the local warlord and be ten times worse (instead of terrorizing my own people, I'd terrorize my neighbors who have easily exploitable resources). That leaves mutation, finding a mystic artifact, being exposed to alien energies/radiation (like say, a spaceship crashing), or having some sort of Heritage (like your great-ancestor was impregnated by an angel or made a pact with a demon, etc).
  2. Re: A Super powered Nation Super Blue: "You would force the citizens of your country to develope super powers? Are you out of your d@mned mind? I was born with my powers - I had the responsibility forced upon me and I hate it! Nothing good has come of me having powers - nothing. Everyone I know and love either can't stand being assoiciated with me or dies. Oh sure, I do the best I can with what I have - just as any decent person would. But you assume your nation consists of decent people. You may be trading the Generals that are currently running your nation into the ground for something worse on an epic scale." And then he proceeds to destroy the machine. War God: "Interesting concept. But you are courting disaster by doing this - your world is already chaotic enough with the super-powered beings you have. Add a few thousand more who were born into poverty and lived under an oppressive regime their whole life, and you would be forcing the kettle to boil over. No, though you mean well your actions are foolish." And then he proceeds to destroy the machine.
  3. Re: The Perils Of Helpless Holly For my Character Super Blue: 1 and 2: Says "Well there's something you don't see every day," before using his 2d6 AP PEN energy blast to attempt to shatter the tank. Even if it fails, the shockwave should deal stun damage to the sharks (sound travels better in water and all that). 3 and 4: Swears and flies at high-speed, attempting to get catch Holly. Failing that, uses his Autofire EB on the Gaters/Crocs and his 4d6 RKA on the Anaconda. 5: "How shocking!" After blasting the tank. 6: Goes after the villain. Holly will probably enjoy the TM j/k He actually would try catching Holly, and baring that battles the tenticle monster. My other character, War God: All six options: Uses TK to rescue Holly and pursues the villain.
  4. Re: The Last Word True, but he would be a (presumably) American in a '2nd tier" nation with looser moral standards. And if Singapore is half as bad as I've heard (several friend in the Navy and Marines) any foreign guy who goes within 10 feet of the Red Light district is gonna be mobbed by working girls, most of whom wouldn't be old enough to apply for a driver's licence in the USA. Which might or might not land you in deep doo-doo, depending on how likely the police are to solicit you for a bribe.
  5. Re: The Last Word Just stay away from the "entertainment." The AIDS rate is just ridiculous in that part of the world. Thailand especially. And yes I now Singapore is in Malaysia. I had to Google it to be sure, but still
  6. Re: Shadowcats Vehicular Insanity Shop: 5th Edition X-Wing Fighter Sun Crusher resonance torpedoes... *shudders* How much armor would that thing have to have considering it was hit by a Death Star Super-Laser and it only cracked the armor?
  7. Re: Looks Like a Spaceship, Don't It? There,I fixed the Embed code...
  8. Re: STAR HERO Reading List I can't believe I forgot Jack McDevitt... shame on me!
  9. Re: The Last Word I've got a bible-thumper relative like that. Can't see me without telling me I'm going to spending eternity with ol' Scratch. Better someone with jock-itch than Beezle-bubba *shudder* So naturally when he's in town I wear my invisibility cloak... which is broken (it only moves my image out of town... doesn't hide it. I want my money back!)
  10. Re: The Non Sequitor Thread Don't even think it!
  11. Re: Looks Like a Spaceship, Don't It?
  12. Re: CU question: Ironclad and Herculan's starships? I thought Iron Clad's ship was what the Champions build their jet out of? Now I'm gonna hafta go back and re-read CU
  13. Re: Welcome to McGuffins. May I take your order? Here's an array from the Final Fight AMV (that I'm in the process of converting): The Armor of Ares - A breastplate, gauntlets, grieves, and a headband divided into 5 or 5 parts (don't remember) that each give the user greater strength and power (so maybe each gives 2d6 or more AID to all powers and abilities). Someone wearing the full kit becomes completely unstoppable. I can't remember in the AMV if the Armor drives the user insane or if the guy collecting the pieces and killing people was already insane, but it would be an interesting side effect, no? The more peices someone collects, the more unbalanced they become... Should be called the Armor of Cthulul
  14. Re: Death Traps #3: The Deep Freeze That's just... insidious. I like it!
  15. Re: Death Traps #2: The Gas Cubicle His exact words were "Air-tight transparent cube." That could mean anything from a glass cube to transparent aluminum. There would need to be an Entangle with an AoE if my memory serves on how to build wall trap thingies... (it's almost 3 AM where I'm at - oops, I need to finish getting ready for work )
  16. Re: Death Traps #1: The Piranha Tank (5th) And Rep to you, good sir!
  17. Re: Writeups for Cellphones [5e Champs campaign] *shudders* That's ok. I'm sure the 6e players will enjoy it Great! Thanks! Have Rep!
  18. Re: Welcome to McGuffins. May I take your order? Yes, it was Dragon Ball. Nice adaptation. Meh, close enough. Have Rep. That mask looks like something out of my Eberron book... it is. I had forgotten all about that. Repped.
  19. Re: Writeups for Cellphones [5e Champs campaign] A) VIPER lairs are traditionally underground, thus, no reception. It is a friggin' Tracphone. Need I say more? C)The GM thinks it would be funny to see VIPER humbled by the P-O-S that is the Tracphone. Yes Don, shame one you - No cookie! And you hit the nail on the head.
  20. Re: Death Traps #1: The Piranha Tank (5th) Likewise. Looking forward to your next entry in this catagory. Maybe they are mutant piranha that fall under the "Alien" mind catagory O_o Or you could do that.
  21. Re: Welcome to McGuffins. May I take your order? Borrowing from Stargate SG-1 The fountain of youth has been found! But unknown to any and all who use it, it is the resulte of an alien artifact. What's more, the energies of the artifact are too-powerful for humans to take in directly and are both addictive and slowly drive those who are exposed insane. Not to mention those exposed to its energies have a tendency to become zombies when they die... Or, Archaeologists have found the Tomb of Merlin - and he's still trapped in Morgan La Fey's trap! But what if Merlin was the bad guy and Morgana the heroine? And the newly-released Merlin is ready to renew his assault on the world and Morgana isn't around to keep him in check? Or, it has been discovered that there are 7 golden spheres that when brought together summon a dragon that will grant you any one wish you desire. Let the hunt begin! (Okay, that last one was me being facetious - Rep to anyone who gets the reference)
  22. Re: Welcome to McGuffins. May I take your order?
  23. Re: Death Traps #1: The Piranha Tank (5th) What, no sharks with laser-beams coming out of their heads?
  24. Re: The Last Word Easier done than said. Or is it the other way around?
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