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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/utah-gov-spencer-cox-praises-biden-we-pray-for-you-to-be-successful
  2. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44996/goblin-market
  3. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-SV4_4ysz_o
  4. I've built up a collection of resources over the years: not just sourcebooks and adventures, but also writings, homemade maps, downloads, etc. But I've also forgotten or misplaced a lot of what I have, mainly due to disuse and disorganized bookkeeping. As a result, I tend to reinvent the wheel a few times instead of recycling what I've already got. Worse, I usually can't find what you need when I look for it. My next project will be organizing my stuff so I can find what I want without having to go over everything with a fine-toothed comb. It will also save me a lot of time and effort when I need to add details to my homebrew campaigns.
  5. I usually cobble my homebrew campaigns from different sources. I'm not good at designing urban areas, but I have city maps from different rpg products, so I just adapt them to my game. So what if my fantasy version of San Francisco looks more like Lankhmar? It's FANTASY after all. It just makes my life easier.
  6. Agreed, let's keep those comments in the political thread to avoid locking this one. If you need to reply, just copy the text and paste on the Politicql thread.
  7. It's like when you're a world-class chef, but your friends only ever want Pizza Hut.
  8. If I play characters with magic, I usually make them multiclass, usually fighter/mages. That's probably because I grew up with B/X and I liked to play elves because of the Silmarillion. I rarely play a pure spellcaster. Clerics never held much appeal for me. On another note, how feasible would airships be in a fantasy campaign? Even if magic is used to create lift, there are so many large flying creatures around that the airships could become targets.
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