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Diamond Spear

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Everything posted by Diamond Spear

  1. Re: Learning from the mistakes of others Have any of that pound of Starbucks I gave you?
  2. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... He also will ship comics so those coming from out of town can still take advantage of teh savings. I now return you to your previously scheduled thread.
  3. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... On a somewhat off-topic note, the guy who runs the shop has offered to bag stuff HEROCON flyers for us and to provide us with 10% off coupons to put in the goodie bags for the Con.
  4. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  5. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Where you aware that they are doing a Dresden Files Comic, at least a limited edition one?
  6. Re: What Non-Fiction Book have you just finished? Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Brendt. Much, much better than the movie (which I liked) mostly because it would have been too difficult to cram everything into a movie of reasonable length. It’s an absorbing read as it focuses much more on the people than on just the murder itself.
  7. Re: Universe Concept in need of Team. I’d be interested in helping out but I do have a question first: will your helpers be given access to the source information so we can make intelligent design decisions? In other words it’s hard to design things if you don’t know the background for the setting.
  8. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Off Armageddon Reef is pretty good once you get past the "set up phase". The only disappointing thing about it is that Weber has a tendency to recycle plot points and it runs rather rampant in this book. My problem with At All Costs (as spoiler free as I can make it) is, shall we say the, "continuing complications". Does that make sense?
  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I haven’t read At all Costs yet since the one before that took me two tries to finish and I found myself urgently wishing he would wrap things up soon, like in one or two more books. With the spin-offs firmly established he doesn’t have to abandon the universe completely but it’s time for the war to be over and Honor to either enjoy the fruits of her labors or (perhaps more fittingly) go down swinging. I’m about three-quarters of the way through Off Armageddon Reef and while I am enjoying the book I think Weber needs to fid some new ideas since we once again have: a small but wealthy kingdom whose primary strengths are its navy and it’s merchant ships (thank you Honor Harrington series for contributing that) a world where progress is kept in check by a manufactured religion to keep it safe from the alien bad guys (thank you Heirs of Empire series for sharing that) and an alien race bent on the destruction of all mankind and indeed all intelligent life everywhere ((thank you Heirs of Empire series for sharing that). His writing is good enough to keep me interested but dear god the man needs some fresh ideas and some plots that aren’t recycled from his earlier works. Don’t get me wrong I’m a Weber fan but he needs to quit writing the same story different ways in different settings.
  10. If a characteristic such as Strength is increased by use of the Aid power are the figured characteristics (PD, STUN, etc.) raised as well due to the increase in Strength. For example if Strength is raised by 6 points does that add 1 point to PD and 3 points to STUN? Thanks Steve.
  11. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Good to hear as that is all I really require from books like that. At least I know what I'll be buying the next time I wander into Barnes and Noble.
  12. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I just finsihed the first book in the Dresden Files. It was a fun read and I guess I'd give it a 7.5/10. There were a number of rather Mary Sue-ish things in it but it did a good job of keeping me entertained and I'll pick up the rest of the series. Next up is Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison.
  13. Re: Disads for Dana Scully Hmmm....I'm not sure I see it as restricting her actions and I don't see how what she encounters is contrary to Catholic teachings but then again, it isn't my game so....
  14. Re: Disads for Dana Scully How is being Catholic a disadvantage? Just wondering.
  15. Re: Repeated Attempts Unless otherwise stated in the description the character can try every segment he has an action.
  16. Re: 1 for 5 powers (summon, duplicate, mult-form, follower etc) Game balance needs to be a cooperative effort between the players and the GM, that's a basic tenet of the HERO system. Isn't that really the point here?
  17. Re: OKay here's a toughie... Not sure about system but there are some cannon issues with it. It shouldn’t have an activation roll since the power always works, you need to add gestures wince she has to use her hands to activate the power. That’s just off the top of my head. System-wise I’m not sure what the “Usable as an Attack” is supposed to represent. There is nothing in the power that (mechanically speaking) prevents the affected to act on their normal phases.
  18. Re: 1 for 5 powers (summon, duplicate, mult-form, follower etc) The multiform is still subject to campaign limits. Also the GM should be making sure your character fits concept and most GMs won't accept "My character is God" as a valid concept.
  19. Re: Rusty Hero (Dumb q) Useable BY others is the "friendly" one. Useable ON others is the "hostile" one.
  20. Re: OKay here's a toughie... You are right about the objects. Of course you can always handwave that one. But that's one of the great things about HERO, you can do the same thing in a bunch of different ways.
  21. Re: OKay here's a toughie... It's funny you should as since Thia Halmades just wrote up this power for me. Here it is: The Activation roll is for the Burnout which only occurs after the first turn, this reflects the fact that she does not know how long it will last. Her sisters (and other witches) being immune to it should be written up as part of the "Witch Package" and not tacked onto the power. THe charges are there to reflect the fact that she never really used the power that often, and never back to back, in the same day. It also helps prevent this from being an automatic win power. CAUTION: This can very easily turn into a game ruining power if not handled correctly. See also this thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62943
  22. Re: Bewitched "time stop" Below is the Time Stop write-up for Piper from Season 1 of Charmed. The power was created by Thia Halmades for me just the other day. It's super expensive but it does accurately simulate the power as shown in Season 1 of the show.
  23. Re: Not Taking Advantage So....no love for my idea of using a Power Skill roll to attempt to "turn off" an advantage?
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