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Diamond Spear

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Everything posted by Diamond Spear

  1. Re: HERO - Champions No need to worry about being flamed, we’re a pretty friendly bunch here (except of course for the Bunny ). You can count me in the number of fans that would like another setting for the game although I do understand that it is not the easiest thing to create so I understand why we only have the one.
  2. Re: New to the hero system, trying to figure out some things I learned about giving both Active Point limits and Damage Class limits when running a game in the mid 90’s (4th Edition). I gave a limit of 75 AP and one of my players (as a joke) turned in a sheet with a character that bought +25d6 HTH attack (3 points per d6). As I started to stammer out a rejection he just laughed and told me it was his way of making sure I issued both AP and DC limits.
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The soundtrack from HALO 2. It's actually rather better than I thought it would be.
  4. Re: Did I do this right? Yes but the original concept was a character that can boost anything but only one at a time.
  5. Re: Total Newbie Here; prospective HERO-er Got him for you.
  6. Re: Persuasion Restrainable? By that logic (term used very lightly) almost ANY skill could be considered restrainable. Not to mention things like running.
  7. Re: "Behind" in combat Well what'd you do that for? Now that you've edited your post mine doesn't look right. Now what will people think of me?
  8. Re: "Behind" in combat I can't consider a character suprised when he can watch his opponent moving around behind him.
  9. Re: The Wrecking BALL!!! I would ballpark it at 15d6 plus v/5. However, I'd also give the crane operator significant penalties to their OCV as a wrecking ball isn’t normally aimed at targets smaller than the broad side of a barn. I'd also require that the person operating the crane have the appropriate skill to do so.
  10. Re: "Behind" in combat Every GM I know would consider moving to change facing (i.e. turning around) would be a 0 phase action that you could perform at any time.
  11. Steve, If a character wants to have 4d6 worth of Aid that is able to Aid any characteristic or power, regardless of SFX, one at a time, would that be a +2 Advantage? Thanks.
  12. Re: [Char] Shadowolf If I may ask: What is the limitation that makes his powers usable only in Heroic ID? I realize he wouldn't want to use his powers out of costume but is there is something preventing him from doing it?
  13. Re: Seeking opinion on Succor, Self Only END cost MIGHT restrain the player unless they buy an END reserve, which is a cheap way to get END. A 200 point reserve with a 10 REC is only 30 points. Sure it recovers slowly but the character could pump up the power so high he only needs it for a short while.
  14. Re: Did I do this right? If it's already +2 for ANY SFX then why is the +1/4 one power/characteristic of a SINGLE SFX necessary? It seems like the +1/4 advantage is redundant.
  15. Re: Did I do this right? The reason I went with +2 is because it is a power that can boost ANY Characteristic or Power (one at a time) regardless of special effect. Is +2 to high of an advantage for a power like that?
  16. Re: Seeking opinion on Succor, Self Only I have to agree with the other posters, sweep is not made for this. If you really want to do it that way why not use Autofire?
  17. Re: Did I do this right? Yes I wanted the power to be able to raise any power or characteristic the character chose but only one at a time. So he could say raise another character's fire-based energy blast on one phase and raise another character's DEX the next phase, and another character's ice-based armor on his third phase. Thanks for the correction about Succor. So it would be 50 points total for 4d6 of aid, any power or characteristic one at a time?
  18. Am I costing this right? 4d6 Aid = 40 points +2 Advantage – Any power or characteristic = 120 points -1/2 Limitation Succor = Final cost of 80 points
  19. Re: Desolidify/Tunnelling Glad we could help. Helping you also helps me so it's a win/win. Keep those questions coming.
  20. Re: Desolidify/Tunnelling You havn't gone blind, the book just doesn't list every possiblility. I'd normally put this at a -1 but since most weapons are going to be made of metal I wouldn't give it more than a -1/2. You might also want to keep in mind that such a character will not be able to use or even pick up/hold anything made out of metal.
  21. Re: Desolidify/Tunnelling Sure. Desolidification, only through/vesus metal, Always on. I think (if I'm remembering my rules correctly) Always on requires persistant and 0 END as well. Regardless, it's a much cleaner build and does exactly what you want it to do. The other thing you might want to do is link some life support in so he can breath while moving through metal.
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