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Everything posted by Kristopher

  1. Re: "Tightening the Curve" on damage This is for my upper-heroic-level science fiction game. I'm looking for fairly realistic, but with PC lethality based more on their choices than on random factors. Offsetting the realism is the access to future equipment, cybernetics, bioenhancement, etc.
  2. Re: "Tightening the Curve" on damage Oddly, the huge handfuls of dice in a superheroic campaign tend to reduce the (IMO) real issue* here -- the more dice you have, the more the damage rolls seem to cluster around the average. * I don't want the weapons to randomly be a minor wound or a one-shot on a regular basis -- it makes managing lethality hard.
  3. Re: The character should fit on one side of one sheet of paper in 12 point type I have to agree with those who are saying that a page-length limit on character sheets isn't going to get the OP what he seems to want.
  4. Re: Power Skill with No Power Putting Power Skill on a character sheet as-is would be a lot like putting Professional Skill on, with no actual profession listed.
  5. Has anyone put any thought into ways to reduce the variability of damage on weapons for a heroic campaign? (OK, I know people have, that's just the easiest way to ask.) Example -- a weapon that does 2d6 RKA could do anywhere from 2 to 12 BODY to a target with no Resistant Defenses. That makes balancing weapons, armor, and average lethality a little hard. I don't want to make all the weapons Standard Effect, however -- I want some variability. My first thought is to make the weapons Standard Effect for some of the Dice, and then rolled for 1 or 2 dice. So for a 2d6 RKA, you'd actually roll 1d6+3 for the weapon, for a range of 4 to 9 BODY to an unprotected target.
  6. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ???
  7. Re: A couple of brain cells connected... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology#Definition_and_usage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology#Paleolithic_.282.5_million_.E2.80.93_10.2C000_BC.29 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/technology http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/technology Banging two rocks togther can easily be technology.
  8. Re: Terran Empire changes At that size, you might be right. On the other hand, look at how long it took our one planet to go from 1 billion to 6.5 billion people.
  9. Re: Escape From Terra Probably not. So far, a nice comic.
  10. Re: The next District 9 about Alien Invasion? The Rule of Kewl makes me want to bang my head on my desk.
  11. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ???
  12. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ???
  13. Re: Possible Future Salvage Nice find, Nyrath.
  14. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ???
  15. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ??? The Doppler effect is an actual change in the frequency of the sound or other wave.
  16. Re: What are the chances of multiple sentient races to evolve/be created on one world There's some confusion in terminology, with "race" used in a lot of fantasy gaming where "species" would be more appropriate.
  17. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ??? Experimental and engineering confirmation of relativity, sure. Two different actual realities of the same event? Not a chance.
  18. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ??? Which I admit keeps tripping me up; it's one of those unfortunate terms of art. But I think I'm just going to drop it. That there can be two different realities of the same event is just too impossible to take seriously.
  19. Re: The next District 9 about Alien Invasion? In other words, yet another victory for "kewl".
  20. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ??? So there's a difference between perception and reality, then, or something.
  21. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ??? I'm not suggesting an absolute frame of reference. It's just that: A) two mutually exclusive things cannot be true, and if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, it still makes the same noise -- the observer is unnecessary to the continuance of reality.
  22. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ??? None of which changes the fact that the train is either moving in relationship to the photons from the flash, or it isn't. It cannot be both. If it is, then the photons reach the back before they reach the front. If it is not, then the photons reach both ends at the same time. It doesn't matter what the guy on the train sees, or the guy on the platform sees.
  23. Re: What are the chances of multiple sentient races to evolve/be created on one world Look at the range of environments people lived in across the Americas, though, and the level of technology they did (or did not) have. Of course, it does depend on what you meant by "large numbers".
  24. Re: The character should fit on one side of one sheet of paper in 12 point type The HERO system has been heading towards a longer sheet over time because of the way more and more powers are built from fewer Powers with more and more modifiers. In 5th, you had Regeneration turned into a heavily modified Healing. In 6th, Force Field is now Armor (or whatever that's being called now) with modifiers heaped on. Etc.
  25. Re: Instantaneous Communications plus Time Dilation Equals ???
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