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Le Schtroumpf

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Everything posted by Le Schtroumpf

  1. Damn good question. To me it meant that the device was based on some form of believable science for the genre (no laser pistols in modern detective fiction or 9mils in fantasy etc.... This doesn't mean that you can't have one with GM permission - remember the Warlord - just that you got no bonus), had mass (more damage potential resulting in larger mass and size - more dificult to conceal for one), took time to draw and aim and was hampered by poor weather/environmental (won't shoot when wet etc...) conditions. General inconveniences caused by the "real world" nature of the weapon.
  2. Nuts. That eliminates Hanoi Xan. Fortunatley there was a very Short lived Inspector Gadget comic so I can in full concience pitch Dr. Claw.
  3. Fighter Player buys and reads D&D module. Fighter Player diseminates knowledge to party of what and where the cool magic items are. Thief Player makes a grab for the robe of blending before one particular battle even ends. Puree! I would have prefered to cap the fighter, but while he may have been a jerk the thief was too damn obvious to let live.
  4. Finally! Some respect for Hill Street Blues Hero.
  5. At the time you could almost tour Britain on Kingdom Of Champions. Very cool book. This may sound like a suck up considering the post immediatly north, but I got the most use out of Day of the Destroyer. Even ported it over to an espionage campaign (had to scale it down a bit mind you).
  6. A refinement to Dauntless's post is to add the minimum possible roll to the maximum possible roll and divide by 2 5d4 for example minimum: 5 maximum: 20 average: (5+20)/2 = 12.5
  7. Ejector seats? Thread started by Trebuchet. Does anyone else find this combination amusing? If planning on a "realistic" campaign I'd also tack on an EB side effect to simulate the fact that after ejecting one doesn't feel particularly well (or quite as tall) for some time afterwards.
  8. 75 + 75 A young Leonardo DaVinci wandering around in mythic Greece while trying to find someone who could pedal fast enough to power his time machine.
  9. Brilliant film - not everyday that you see a movie where the main character is the hero's comic relief sidekick.
  10. Personally? I like feeding the occasional troll. It can be very interesting to see how they will insult themselves next. And sometimes they do kick loose some good points.
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