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Everything posted by nexus

  1. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Yes, they did. I didn't say the two were totally alike, but they were so similiar in method allot of the times it was hard to tell. Just the "fake" Authority worked for the "EVIL" people, while the others were there nominal good guys. Let me get one thing straight, Its not the violence or the killing in the book that gets to me. Sometimes even a hero is going to have to use lethal force in a setting that is going to approach realistic. Cops have to make life and death choices all the time, for example. But a "Hero" in my opinion does not set out to kill and its his last option or, at least not the first. Not only do most of the memeber of the Authority kill freely (including Swift who is supposed to be buddhist, I believe) they seem to take a sadistic joy in it. They do eagerly, quickly and feel absolutely no remorse or hesitation about brutalizing their opponents even when they don't have to (they've got them so classed it come across as sadism). And the world is contrived to make them "right" including such laughable little stabs at other comics like "Earth 666".
  2. Re: PBEM:The New Universe I can't say there wasn't. I thought I was being original at the time, but there might have been.
  3. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever
  4. Re: PBEM:The New Universe Unfortunately I don't have easy access to Digital Hero. Weapons and other normal technology is brought with points. The point totals are low because I design the characters powers based on the the players wants and describes. The 100 points are for the other stuff. Yep, I'm always taking players though the game is on breif hiatus while I recharge my batteries a bit.
  5. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever I think the Mind Control arguments goes like this: I have a Psychological Limitation:Fear of the Color Red. I can be Mind controlled to overcome it. I have a Physical Limitation:Cannot affect anything colored Red. No amount of Mind control will allow me to affect that color. It would take some form of Transform. Physical Limitation:No Knowledge of Earth Culture is like that. re:Distictive Eyes:I think eyes are very distinctive. They seem to be a feature alot of people look at first and set the tone for the person's face. Take anyone, now given the obviously inhuman eyes. I find that very disturbing. Yes, you can wear shades or contacts in some cases, but having demonic red slits or cat's eyes or eyes that look like cross hairs or something similar would be distictive and likely disturbing.
  6. Re: The Authority:What the heck? I've said this several times to "The Authority" fans when they start on about superior and "realistic" it is compared other comics. Its only more realistic if you don't think about it to much. And the writers pander shamelessly, twisting the entire world so The Authority is always right. It was amusing at first, and a change of pace but after awhile I just started rolling my eyes. I think the fake Authority run really drove it home for me. The "bad" Authority's methods weren't that different, they just had different reasons and different bosses.
  7. Trips can create a variety of chemicals and intoxicants from his bodily fluids. They can duplicate various drugs and intoxicants and infect people he touches (or that ingest his blood, sweat, etc). He can (or will be able to eventually) make custom drugs. Right now he can make pretty much any illegal drug, alchohol and a couple of common natural poisons. The player needs some help in writing up this ability. The campaign is 200 point characters with a 40 active point cap.
  8. Re: Alternate Redwoods raptors character Well, he's more "Magical" than I would want. His powers aren't very tight in that respect. It would be interesting to see how Lianne interacted with him though...
  9. Re: Hellboy Write-up I think he should have some Defensive Pre. That guy was not impressed with anything!
  10. If anyone is interested, I have room for two more players in my Zombie horror game. Characters are 25+25 Heroic level characters. Please send characters to: nexus@qx.net The group address is: zombiedawn@yahoogroups.com
  11. Re: How would you do it? Yep, punches, falls, thrown busses. She doesn't have to be actually Invulnerable. just wondering how people would set things up to be close enough for government work. !
  12. That character is called Diamond. She is invulnerable to physical attack. The campaign is 450 points. 75 active points possible for special attacks, otherwise 60 active point cap. Most of her schtick is defenses but she could be reasonably compotent in battle. How would you constuct her?
  13. Re: Teleportation, useable as an attack... He considered it "logical" since if I teleported myself or an ally all of their Non living equipment, implants, whats have you would have remained behind (as would their clothing). It had come up several times in the game before (We had several cyborgs) and one PC had almost died because of it ( I couldn't teleport her implants and they kept her alive) so we thought it was fair if anti climatic.
  14. Re: Any good Champions PBEMs? I'm in a Global Gaurdians game actually. But I was also looking for one where the requirements weren't quite so stringent.
  15. I'm looking for a good Champions/Superhero PBEM. Almost any setting or style is open. I'd just like a game that actually uses the rules. PBEM.com has nothing but X men "sims" and free form games.
  16. Re: Villain: The Biggest fan Shouldn't his Darkness and Poison slots have Continuing Charges?
  17. Re: Teleportation, useable as an attack... One of the most abusive things I've done with it was a player. 10" Teleport UAO, Ranged, Does not affect inorganic matter.Since our main opposition in that campaign were robots, it wasn't too bad for most of it. Then I used it to teleport the master villain (psycho cyborg power armor type of about 500 points) out of the plane. Without his equipment, suit, etc. The look on the gm's face was almost worth it.
  18. Re: Teleportation, useable as an attack... But with TK, you have to "Grab" them (and they can escape) and have enough TK strength to hurl them up a good distance. Teleport UAA gets around those restrictions and you can do it regardless of situations. A TK would have be able to throw threw the wall, a teleporter can you just *bamf* you outside the building and 30 stories up. But like I said I've had some bad experiences with the power.
  19. Re: Teleportation, useable as an attack...
  20. Re: Aberrant Conversions:The Elites Linda "Lotus Infinite" Raphael Player: Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 32 DEX 66 21 CON 22 10 BODY 0 20 INT 10 20 EGO 20 25 PRE 5 25 COM 8 3/5 PD 0 4/6 ED 0 5 SPD 8 7 REC 0 42 END 0 29 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 3" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 144 Cost Power Quantum Powers 138 Air Mastery: Variable Power Pool, 75 base + 63 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (169 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available:Manipulation and creation of air Limited (-1/2) 187 Multipower, 187-point reserve 19u 1) Infinite Winds: Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4), Does BODY (+1), Attack Versus Limited Defense: Hardened Defense (+1 1/2) (187 Active Points) 5u 2) Infinity Justifier: Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. PD) (50 Active Points) 15 Premonitions "Whispers on the wind" : Danger Sense 13- 2 Psychic Shield: +2 Mental Defense (6 points total) Quantum Enhancements 5 1) Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs) (15 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 16 2) Accuracy: +3 with All Combat (24 Active Points); Costs Endurance Costs END Every Phase (-1/2) 30 3) Enhanced Initative: Lightning Reflexes: +20 DEX to act first with All Actions 6 4) Awe Inspiring: +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Only to create/inspire Awe Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Costs Endurance Only Costs END to Activate (-1/4) Equipment 3 1) Eufiber Uniform: Armor (2 PD/2 ED) (6 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Only while charged Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) 2 2) Eufiber Reserve: +4 END; IIF (-1/4) 4 3) Instant Change: Transform 2d6: Uniform to any other clothing (Cosmetic) (10 Active Points); Limited Target Very Limited (-1), OIF (-1/2) Powers Cost: 432 Cost Skill 3 Computer Programming 13- 3 Combat Driving 15- 1 Conversation 8- 4 KS: Wardrobe and style 13- 4 KS: Eastern Religons (INT-based) 14- 3 High Society 14- 4 Language: Thai (idiomatic) 3 Language: English (Spanish is native) (completely fluent) 4 Language: Cantonese (idiomatic) 2 PS: Interpretive Dance 11- 3 PS: Meditation (EGO-based) 13- 1 SS: Theology 8- 1 Streetwise 8- 5 +1 with HTH Combat Skills Cost: 41 Cost Perk 2 Reputation (A large group; 8-) +2/+2d6 3 Anonymity Perks Cost: 5 Total Character Cost: 622 Pts. Disadvantage 5 Distinctive Features: Bald or hair blows in non existent winds (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 5 Money: Poor 10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) 10 Hunted: Geryon 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish) 5 Social Limitation: Subject to orders (Devries) (Occasionally; Minor) 10 Psychological Limitation: Torn between seeking enlightenment and excitment (Common; Moderate) 15 Psychological Limitation: Generous to a fault, gives away most of her money (Common; Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: Very Curious (Common; Moderate) 352 Elite Bonus Disadvantage Points: 422 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Background: Linda Raphael was born a diplomacy brat into an old, respected and wealthy family. She attended an international school and developed an interest in Buddhism during her junior year. She took time off and joined a monastery to deepen her understanding. Hoping to further her spiritual development Linda pushed herself quite a bit, taking vows of silence, abstinence and fasting regularly. After months of this one of the elder monks took her to the temple garden and assigned her to work and mediate there until she achieved enlightenment. The garden was plentiful with fruit and it was close enough to the kitchens that smell of cooking food hung in the air. For two months, Linda worked there maintaining her ascetic diet though constantly tempted. Finally, after two months she couldn't take it any longer. She went threw the garden, gorging herself on fresh plums. Two bowls of rice followed. She say, painfully full, tears streaming down her face. A wind brushed the back of her neck. She erupted. Personality: Linda is an intelligent and generous young woman, but somewhat confused by her eruption. Sometimes she believes it hinders her search for enlightenment. But if she learned anything from it, its that transcending yourself doesn’t mean repressing yourself and uses her abilities in her quest for experience. Powers: Linda has total control over air and can command it as she will, even create air from nothingness. Her main attacks are a gust of hurricane level wind and her "Infinite Winds" a blast of air so powerful it can literally tear an object apart on a molecular level. It looks as if the object is being blown apart and scattered like a sand sculpture. The "wind" also warns of her danger, seeming to whisper in her ear. Linda's mind is extremely disciplined allowing her to resist mental attacks to some extent. Appearance: Linda is lovely Hispanic woman, all of five feet tall. She had long black hair but shaved it when she entered the monastery, let it grow again then recently shave it again when it developed a disturbing tendency to blow in non existent winds. She wears simple robes and sandals normally. When acting as Lotus Infinite she wears a plain white eufiber suit accessorized with wooden masks she acquired in Thailand.
  21. Re: Aberrant Conversions:The Elites
  22. Re: Aberrant Conversions:The Elites How much more would you suggest?
  23. Re: Aberrant Conversions:The Elites You think so? His defenses seem pretty good and with his DCV and Invisbility I didn't see him getting hit very much. Force Field is sort of hard to convert since in Aberrant its rolled.
  24. I was wondering if anyone would like me to quit posting the Aberrant (or other) character write ups?
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