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Everything posted by nexus

  1. Worldmaker asked me to post Prime and her bodyguard awhile back. I thought I'd throw up the whole group. More as I get them worked up. Primate Prime Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift 25.0kg; 0d6 HTH damage 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 21 CON 22 13- 8 BODY -4 11- 25 INT 15 14- PER Roll 14- 28 EGO 36 15- ECV: 9 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6 10 COM 0 11- 3 PD 3 Total: 3/23 PD (0/20 rPD) 6 ED 2 Total: 6/26 ED (0/20 rED) 5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 4 REC 0 60 END 9 28 STUN 9 Total Characteristics Cost: 140 Movement: Run: 6"/NC" Swim: 2"/NC" Cost Powers END 170 Mental Attacks: Multipower, 170-point reserve 7u 1) Mind Reading: Telepathy 12d6, Animal Minds (70 Active Points) 7 5u 2) Will Sapping: Drain Ego 2d6, Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense; +1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Day) (+1 1/2) (70 Active Points); Limited Power:No Range Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) 7 5u 3) Postive Reinforcement: Mental Illusions 9d6, Trigger (+1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (124 Active Points); Only creates Intense pleasure Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Limited By Senses Touch Group (-1/4) 12 11u 4) Negative Reinforcement: Ego Attack 5d6, Trigger (+1/4), Continuous (+1) (112 Active Points) 11 3u 5) Psionic Conditioning: Transform 5d6: Character into Character with altered behavior (Major), Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense; +1) (169 Active Points); Extra Time 1 Week (-4 1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points, RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests -1/2) 7 10u 6) Mental Shutdown: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF (Stops A Given Sense Group: Hearing Group, Stops A Given Sense Group: Sight Group, Stops A Given Sense Group: Smell/Taste Group, Stops A Given Sense Group: Touch Group, Stops A Given Sense Group: Touch Group), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4) (100 Active Points) 10 4u 7) Unleash the animal: Mind Control 12d6 (60 Active Points); Set Effect:Only Primal Emotions (-1/2) 6 37 Telekinetic Flight: Flight 10", Position Shift, Invisible Power Effects, SFX Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2) (37 Active Points) 4 50 Telekinetic Field: Force Field (20 PD/20 ED) (Protect Carried Items) 5 15 Strong Mind: +15 Mental Defense (21 points total) 8 Reading People: Detect:Base motivations and primitive drives A Class Of Things 18-, Analyze, Discriminatory (19 Active Points); Extra Time 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense (-1/4) 6 Animal Sense: Enhanced Perception (+2 to PER Rolls for All Sense Groups) 7 Enhanced Smell: Enhanced Perception (+2 to PER Rolls for Single Sense; Discriminatory) 5 Animal Eyes: Nightvision 5 Tail: Extra Limbs , Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points); Limited Manipulation (-1/4) Perks 5 Money: Well Off 40 Vehicles & Bases (x4, 150 Base, 0 Disad) 40 Follower (x16, 100 Base, 0 Disad) 3 Contact: Supervillain she is “couselling†(Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact) 12- 1 Contact: Animal rights activist (Contact limited by identity) 11- 2 Contact: Poisedion (Contact limited by identity) 12- Talents 5 Eidetic Memory 3 Lightning Calculator 4 Speed Reading (x10) 19 Universal Translator 23- (29 Active Points); Human Terrestrial Languages only Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) Skills 7 Paramedics 16- 3 Mechanics 14- 3 Lipreading 14- 3 KS: Scientific Groups (INT-based) 14- 6 CuK: Human Behavior (INT-based) 17- 4 KS: Primate Studies 13- 3 KS: Bio Ethics 12- 4 KS: Animal Rights Groups 13- 5 Interrogation 14- 4 Forgery 16- 3 Forensic Medicine 14- 3 Deduction 14- 3 Tactics 14- 3 Teamwork 13- 7 Persuasion 15- 12 +4 with any Multipower 5 +1 with DCV 20 +4 with DCV 7 Climbing 15- 5 Concealment (7 Active Points); Self Only Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) 16- 9 Stealth 16- 3 Scientist 7 1) SS: Psychology (INT-based) (8 Active Points) 19- 6 2) SS: Genetics (INT-based) (7 Active Points) 18- 6 3) SS: Biology (INT-based) (7 Active Points) 18- 5 4) SS: Metagenetics (INT-based) (6 Active Points) 17- 4 5) SS: Zoology (INT-based) (5 Active Points) 16- 5 6) SS: Biochemistry (INT-based) (6 Active Points) 17- 4 7) SS: Microbology (INT-based) (5 Active Points) 16- 3 8) SS: Cybernetics (INT-based) (4 Active Points) 15- Total Powers & Skills Cost: 632 Total Cost: 772 400+ Disadvantages 20 Distinctive Features: A monkey (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Physical Limitation: Small (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) 15 Social Limitation: Secret ID:Dr Kara Soren (Frequently; Major) 5 Vulnerability: Sonic Flashes (Uncommon) 15 Susceptibility: High Pitched Sounds 1d6 damage, per Phase (Uncommon) 15 Enraged: Caged or Imprisoned (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11- 20 Psychological Limitation: Looks on most humans with contempt and views them as lab animals (Very Common; Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Intense scientific curiosity (Common; Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: See all lab animals as her "brothers" and "sisters" (Uncommon; Strong) Total Disadvantage Points: 772 Primate Prime was the product of one of the seemingly infinite special (and often ethically challenged) projects to not only create superhuman abilities but create them in a controlled and repeatable fashion. After years of work and untold millions of research dollars the Project: Exogensis team had formulated a connection between sentience and the manifestation of superhuman abilities. Some animals did share the genetic sequence that seemed to be the key to spontaneous mutation but none so far had been able to have that potential activated. Threw extensive surgeries, gene therapy and cybernetic alteration several experimental monkeys have their intellect increased dramatically. They were "Uplifted" so to speak before their metagenetic structure sparked by various means. All most of all them died in agony as their bodies warped and twisted under the influence of forces barely understood. All but one. One female rhesus surivived the procedure. Larger, stronger than her brethren, the primate demonstrated no other unsusual abilities. Even her enhanced intelligence was only slight. Still, she was considered somewhat of a success and kept for testing being dubbed "Primate Prime" as somewhat of a joke among the researchers. So for weeks, Prime suffered threw more testing, watching from her cage. And listening. Listening as slowly the guttural huff and barks of the bizarre white ones began to make some sort of sense. Slowly realizing that at times, she wasn't hearing what they said at all. But what they thought and felt... Ironically, Primate Prime recalls those early days as some of the best in her life. Such learning. So many new things. She, of course, kept her intelligence quiet. She saw what awaited her should be revealed. Testing, eventually euthanasia and destructive examination of her brain and organs. She to much to gain. So mainly she observed and learned, picking up more and more from the humans as her intellect soared. Soon rivaled the best of them in their own fields, even exceeding many of them. And as she watched her contempt for them grew. They clearly though themselves above the mere animals they tormented. As if there overdeveloped brains gave them the right. And all the while the indulged in the same savage drives that motivated the entire animal kingdom. A male would posture for a mate. A female would instinctively hate a outsider female. All the same. Just covered with layers of socialization and so called "civilization" used as an excuse. Eventually she tired of them and made her plans to escape. Leaving her cage once the facility was closed, she would escape her cage and use the computer system, searching for more knowledge and explore her options. Out of boredom, Prime constructed an online identity for herself as a psychology student offering somewhat slanted advice to desperate (and pathetic) users she'd run across. She found she could relate to humans this way much better. They didn't know what she was to look down on her. It was during this time she meet her future cohort K-9 and Poseidon while looking into other project file. K-9's story was similar to her own, just a different species. Poseidon was a dolphin being trained for military work as a saboteur and underwater scout. After arranging a massive break in by an animal rights group, Prime and her cohorts escaped in the confusion, using their dupes to transport Poseidon to the sea. Prime and K-9 opted to stay among humans, the wild holding little interest for the sentient animals. Humans were much more fun to play with. Since then, the pair of gathered the products of experiments, forming a team/support group called the Uplifted. Prime continues her research and experiments, indulging her cruel streak and curiosity at the same time. Personality: Primate Prime is bitter. She resents the changes inflicted on her and the pain she was subjected too. On the other hand, awareness has proven to be a useful gift. She enjoys working on her experiments and tries to hide her crueler impulses behind a façade of scientific curiosity, but even the other Uplifted shudder at some of her designs at times. She hold most humans in contempt, seeming them as the ultimate hypocrites, just animals that have falsely elevated themselves above all others and enjoys humiliating them. A few very few humans have earned her respect, even a warped friendship but it is very difficult.
  2. Hi, I'm starting a pulp Hero campaign setting. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for running such a setting with the Hero rules? Point levels, power guide lines or the like?
  3. Re: GOO "The Authority" RPG Cool, I can use that and Reality Storm's conversion to finally see what those guys "offically" look like in Champions.
  4. Re: Cyber Hero: Money or pts for Cybernetics? I've heard (not confirmed) that Cyberpychosis was an afterthought. In the initial playtesting there was no such thing and almost all the players ended up cyberup like robocop. Since that wasn't the mood they were looking for but they didn't want cyberware to be prohibilitively expensivel, Cyberpsychosis was added. It was/is a highly contriversial thing in the game and the cause of many flame wars. One side think it fits the source material and the themes of power and its price. Other thing its a heavy handed and over simplified mechanic that represented a very complex subject. Basically, if you the type that wants implanted claws, armored skin and a mono whip for a tongue you weren't too stable to begin with, it wasn't the cyberware that did it. When I played, I did notice that the Humanity stat meant alot of cybered up killing machines started as warm Empathic people for some odd reason. Not that types you'd think would want to replace their right arm with a chainsaw/flamethrower combo. There were also questions on what counted as "cyberware"? Why would a person that got a cyberarm to replace the one lost and make them more normal be closer to going sociopathic? Does my Grandmother's replacement hip count? Later was definined more as electronic and chemical damage to the nervous system from implants, but still didn't seem very popular. As for the topic, I would charge points and money. The benefit of a cyberpunk/biopunk setting is that you have easy justification for buying things you normally can't after chargen in a Heroic setting, like powers, talents and rapidly increased attributes. Want a 20 Strength? If you have the money and the points after a week of play, go get a muscle graft, for example.
  5. Is it going to be Tri Stat or D20?
  6. Primate Prime can implant a command in a human subject, ususally a course of action. If they don't perform up to snuff. it triggers intense pain, which gets more and intense the longer the resist until they are either rendered unconsious or give in. It easier than constant Mind Control, but not as certain. She can also use Positive Reinforcement causing intense pleasure when she gets what she wants. So far I have the power written up as:Ego Attack:6d6 continuous, Uncontrolled, Trigger (Variable), 0 Endurance Gradual effect:Per turn I haven't quite figured out how to do intense pleasure. Perhaps Mental Illusions? Suggestions for either power?
  7. But it helps. This is just an idea for a campaign basis for Dark Champons:The Animated series style campaign that I've had for awhile. Basically, take the dark urban world of any Dark Champions game. Add the lunatic theme based villians and their improbable gadgets and small army of inexplicably loyal (despite the fact they are dressed in silly costumes, get a small cut and are sacrificed/murdered on a whim). But these guys are coming out of the woodwork. No one can explain the sudden surge in costumed villiany, where they are getting there equipment/men or anything else. Normal means of investigation have all turned up nothing, even forensics tends to draw a blank. The explaination? The "super villians" are all crazy. And that is the key to their power. An experimental drug being tested on the criminally insane in (Campaign City) has unlocked the key to superhuman powers. But these abilties manifest as "solid" hallucinations and invisible mental manipulation of reality. The Gambler's "throwing cards" are just ordinary paper reinforced unconsiously by his TK. The Heckler's joke gadgets really don't have any working parts and his "goons" are either summoned psionic creations or mind controlled dupes. The PCs would either be a special crimes unit on the city police force investigating increasingly weird crimes and trying to get to the source of the problem. Or, for a twist, they could be victims of the same treatment but those who's pychosis has taken a more heroic bent and the delusions manifest as extreme "skills" and gadgets. Opinions?
  8. Re: megas XLR Question Megas would be a heaping bunch of points. I guess all the new Hunted would help. From the show so far, I'd call Jamie a DNPC (Less Pow, 14-) as he's constantly in the show and needs allot of saving. Kiva I'd put as a Compentent or starting Hero with fairly rounded combat and technical skills. She's probably more proficent in the "high tech" end of things while Coop is more mechanical and has an intitutive understanding of machines (skill levels with Mechanics/Electronics based on Luck maybe?) Could be some pretty cool characters to write up. .
  9. Re: What are the limits of superhero martial arts? I beleive there are rules for resisting throws with Density Increase, Flight and such in the UMA. If I remember correctly the gist was you can't throw anyone heavier than you could lift with pushed Strength. I think Extra Damage Classes might have effected this somehow (or you coud build an Exert Manuver/Throw that helped).
  10. I want to run a comedic scenario in my Bay City PBEM with a "team" of comedic villians assembled by Prank (an actual serious villianess, sort of) to spread general chaos while she pulls off some scheme. She's discovered "Stolen" a pyscho active chemical that allows the imbiber to manifest their personal obessions as psionic powers for a few hours. Unfortunately I have mental block and I was hoping some people could toss out some ideas. Right now I have: Boozehound:His powers revolve intoxication (and the cliches associated with it). "Didn't hurt!" Damage Reduction Stun only "Beer Goggles" Area of Effect Aid to Com. "I'm not as think as you drunk I am!" Int Drain "He must have a hollow leg." Extra Movement against large volumes of Liquid "Just wait till the room stops..." Dex Drain "The Morning After" Continuous Ego Attack (pounding headache) "Better out than in..." Entangle, Transparent, based on ego (ewww....) Disco Fever:Former club owner to whom the Seventies never ended.... Need suggestions for powers. Comic Book Man! He can animate comic drawing to do his bidding. The Fan:Obessed with one Hero, she has become his "perfect mate" and she's going to prove it.... Any other suggestions?
  11. Re: Super Skills Super Sneaky:Invisbility vs Sight Group, No Fringe, not while attacking, requires some form of cover/concealment, requires a Stealth roll. The character is so good at position and movement (or maybe just lucky) that she's always behind cover when someone looks in her direction. In an appropriately covered room she could avoid detection by a small group. If there is just one person perhaps she just stays behind them constantly. This power can be defeated automatically by a detailed search, N ray (or 360 vision in some cases) or there simply having no cover.
  12. Re: Behind Bars Not nearly as informative or knowledgable as Von D man's post, but there is an episode of Batman:The Animated series that deals with this sort of thing. It features a villian/vigilante called Lockdown.
  13. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review)
  14. Re: Super Skills How about Edetic Memory, only to recall where you left your vehicle (-2).
  15. A player in a recent game just used an Akido throw to send a Viper Strong Man named Constrictor threw a building after he attempted a move through. She grins down at him laying amid the rubble and says,"Nice try but all in all, you're just a another brick in the wall..."
  16. Re: Global Guardians - Champs by email (review) I'll comment. I've only recently started playing in the Universe post reboot. I submitted (and had accepted) two character pre Reboot, but I couldn't get into para military style of the original Embassy concept. Nothing wrong with it, just wan't for me. Regarding the audit process. Yes, its fairly long and a bit nerve wracking. But its nessecary from what I see. The GGU has over a 100 players. Jack Butler is trying to maintain a relatively coherent world with many players, several gms, etc. You've got a run a very tight ship to do that. If he didn't things would probably go pretty quickly out of control. I have heard some "horror stories" about the audit, but I haven't experienced any. Not really. A few things were done to my speedster that I didn't agree with or understand, but that's just the cost of doing business. Jack Butler can come across as a bit abrasive at times, but eveyone gets cranky sometimes. He does have a allot of work to do. And if he does go genuninely over the top he's big enough to apolgoize about it which is more than I can say about allot of people online.
  17. Re: Super Skills Life Support:Extended or no Eating, requires a skill roll:Survival and There must be some possbility of finding food. Perhaps with Usable by others, as sort of a super scrounging ability?
  18. Re: Power Trick For Heat Vision I'd just call it a power skill roll.
  19. Re: Super Skills A somewhat kludge Super Escape Artists built with Desolidification Super Climbing built with Clinging Super Disguise built with Shapeshifting A character that so boring he induced unconsiousness built with Ego Attack
  20. Re: Codename: Kids Next Door Cool, I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw something a bit sinister in that show. I don't know if I would use Hero for it though. Perhaps a modifed version of Little Fears?
  21. Re: Computer Assisted Power Supression Unit? Personally, I wouldn't allow it, for the same reasons stated above. As an aside, I've never "gotten" this type of player. Whats the fun in being able to render 90 percent of your opponents helpless without any effort? Where the excitment? Where' the heroism? You're basically nothing but a bully and when your one trick fails, you're a target.
  22. Re: What comic group supergroup is your group equivalent to? What we want to be:The Justice League! What we end up being:The Great Lakes Avengers.
  23. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome I don't know why I'm getting back into this,. Apparently I hit someone nerve or something but here goes. I never said, nor did I mean to imply that you can never raise your attributes and there is no justification for it. I meant that I thought it was easier to raise specific skills than increase an overall Attribute from a justification and role playing sense. In a similar way an extremely focused skill might be easier than a general one. (KS:A Specific Tribe, rather an KS:Native Americans). Hero costs don't reflect this. It would Character generation and Advancement more complicated (And don't we here enough complaining about that.) You can, and certainly should increase them if your role play and concept justify it. BUT that hasn't always been the case. In my experience, you'll get players that just dump all their experience into attributes because its generally the better deal. So I'd have some people going from being fairly intelligent people (Int 12) to some of the brightest people in the world (Int 20+) in a week and a half of game time. Some people will think thats fine, they're super heroe, action movie stars, etc. But that strained my suspension of disbeleif unless their abilties involved something like The Leader's mutation. With his massive player base, I can see why Worldmaker put caps in place. Was he too strict about it? I don't know, but I can understand why.
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