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Everything posted by nexus

  1. Re: Aberrant Conversions:The Elites Joseph "Pursuer" Simms Player: Val Char Cost 40 STR 30 26 DEX 48 45 CON 70 10 BODY 0 15 INT 5 18 EGO 16 15 PRE 5 10 COM 0 11/20 PD 3 12/21 ED 3 3 SPD 0 17 REC 0 90 END 0 53 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 8" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 180 Cost Power Quantum Powers 27 1) Armor (9 PD/9 ED) 30 2) Healing 3d6 (max. Healed Points: 18) 120 Gravity Control: Variable Power Pool, 60 base + 60 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (135 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available Slightly Limited (-1/4) Quantum Enhancements 6 1) Mega Perception: Enhanced Perception (+2 to PER Rolls for All Sense Groups) 16 2) Accuracy: +3 with All Combat (24 Active Points); Costs Endurance Costs END Every Phase (-1/2) 10 3) Bloodhound: Tracking (Smell/Taste Group) 11 4) Hardbody: Hardened on PD and ED, Hardened (+1/2) (11 Active Points) 46 5) Adaptability: Life Support , Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 200 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep 20 6) Crush: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 +1 (plus STR) (vs. PD) Powers Cost: 286 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver Commando Training 4 1) Boxing Cross: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike 4 2) Knife Hand: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 0 1/2d6 3 3) Akido Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +v/5, Target Falls 4 4) Kung Fu Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 5) Judo Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; +10 STR to Disarm roll 1 6) Weapon Element: Clubs Martial Arts Cost: 20 Cost Skill 5 Acrobatics 15- 4 Animal Handler (Canines) 13- 5 Breakfall 15- 5 Climbing 15- 5 Combat Driving 15- 0 Combat Piloting 8- 1 PS: Military Engineer 8- 2 PS: Dog Breeder 11- 1 Interrogation 8- 3 Streetwise 12- 2 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic) 12- 15 +3 with HTH Combat 20 +4 with Firearms 6 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Dog Sleds, Dogs, Sleds, Tracked Military Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles 6 WF: Blades, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Small Arms Skills Cost: 80 Cost Perk 10 Money: Wealthy 18 Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has: extremely useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (+2) (18 Active Points) 11- 2 Contact Mercenary world 11- 2 Contact Mercenary world 11- 2 Contact Mercenary world 11- 3 Reputation “The man who beat Ceastus Pax†(A medium-sized group; 11-) +3/+3d6 Perks Cost: 37 Total Character Cost: 603 Pts. Disadvantage 5 Distinctive Features: Black eyes with red irises, Facial scar (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) 5 Social Limitation: Subject to orders (Devries) (Occasionally; Minor) 10 Distinctive Features: Military bearing (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Psychological Limitation: Mercanary Code (Common; Strong) 158 Elite bonus Disadvantage Points: 203 Base Points: 400 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Background: Joseph Simms entered the army after graduating at the bottom third of his High School class. While not brilliant, his father (a career solider himself) had instilled in Simms a sense of duty, obedience and hardwork that served him well in the military. He drove a tank for 10 years before being promoted to Sergeant, then drill Sergeant then instructor in the sniper program. When a training exercise went awry and three of his students were lost in a blizzard, Simms went after them. Just as he was about to succumb to the cold, he erupted and, lead by quantum "ghosts" of his old hunting dogs found the lost men and carried them back to base. Simms became an Elite for the thrills, having tasted real danger for the first time. He wanted more and his career with Devries has not disappointed. In its course he has faced such opponents as Team Tomorrow and Ceastus Pax himself and managed to injure the "World's most powerful" Nova in 2004, something Pax still holds a grudge about though he's not actively "hunting" Simms he wouldn't mind a rematch. Powers: Simms is exceptionally hardy and resilient. Being effectively immune to the weather conditions, he makes for excellent all weather shock trooper. His most potent ability is power to control gravity. He can quite literally, do almost anything with the force he can imagine though being a literal, straight line thinker has limited his application of this power to obvious things such a force bolts and gravitic shields. Simms' enhanced senses manifest as quantum "ghosts" of hunting dogs that pursue his targets. These phantoms are completely immaterial and pass threw materials and cannot harm anyone. Clearly phantoms they might startle a target but aren't actually very threatening. Appearance: Pursuer stands six feet tall and weights slightly over 200 pounds, all of it muscle. He keep his platinum blonde hair in a crew cut. Taint has touched him, turning both is eyes bright red surrounded by black. He has a scar down the right side of his face, a reminder of his battle with Pele of Team Tomorrow. It doesn't mar his feature and some think it makes him look rather dashing. On or off duty, Simms favors tank tops, fatigues and other casual dress.
  2. Thought these might make some new high powered mercs for people to use. First off. Totentanz (I think it means Death Dance) Totentanz Player: Val Char Cost 45 STR 35 40 DEX 90 35 CON 50 12 BODY 4 35 INT 25 21 EGO 22 15 PRE 5 20 COM 5 9/29 PD 0 7/27 ED 0 8 SPD 30 16 REC 0 80 END 0 52 STUN -1 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 9" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 265 Cost Power Quantum Powers 52 1) Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Invisible Power Effects (Sight Group, Hearing Group; +3/4) (52 Active Points) 30 2) Invisibility to Sight Group, No Fringe 11 3) Psychic Shield: +11 Mental Defense (15 points total) 60 Multipower, 60-point reserve 6u 1) Quantum Leech: Transfer 4d6 (Endurance to Endurance) (60 Active Points) 4u 2) Disorient: Drain Dexterity 3d6, Ranged (+1/2) (45 Active Points) 4u 3) Healing: Healing 4 1/2d6 (max. Healed Points: 27) (45 Active Points) Quantum Enhancements 9 1) Quantum Leap: Leaping 2" (Accurate), Megascale (1" = 1 km; +1/4) (9 Active Points) 13 2) Rapid Strike: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 16 3) Accuracy: +3 with All Combat (24 Active Points); Costs Endurance Costs END Every Phase (-1/2) 13 4) Catfooted: Stealth (19 Active Points); Costs Endurance Costs END Every Phase (-1/2) 25- 17 5) Blindfighting: Combat Sense 18- 10 6) Bloodhound: Tracking (Smell/Taste Group) 46 7) Adaptability: Life Support , Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: 200 Years, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character does not sleep 5 8) Durability: Damage Resistance (9 PD/7 ED) (8 Active Points); Costs Endurance Costs END Every Phase (-1/2) 55 9) Analyze Weakness: Find Weakness 16- (All Attacks) 17 10) Tactical Prodigy: Tactics (21 Active Points); Costs Endurance Only Costs END to Activate (-1/4) 25- 12 11) Enhanced Initiative: Lightning Reflexes: +10 DEX to act first with All Actions (15 Active Points); Costs Endurance Only Costs END to Activate (-1/4) Equipment 40 1) Spears: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Ranged (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Must be retrieved once thrown Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 5 2) Another Spear: Custom Power (5 Active Points) 8 3) Eufiber Uniform: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); Only when Reserve has Endurance Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), IIF (-1/4) 4 4) Eufiber Reserve: +10 END (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) 4 5) Instant Change: Transform 2d6: Uniform into any other clothing (Cosmetic) (10 Active Points); Limited Target Very Limited (-1), OIF (-1/2) 15 Opnet Link: Variable Power Pool, 10 base + 5 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (20 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available:Only 11- KS's from the Opnet Very Limited (-1) 12 Golden Mask Communicator: Radio Perception/Transmission (Discriminatory) (15 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) Powers Cost: 468 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver Commando Training 4 1) Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike 5 2) Roundhouse Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike 4 3) Knifehand: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 0 1/2d6 4 4) Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND 4 5) Kung Fu Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 3 6) Akido Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +v/5, Target Falls 1 7) Weapon Element: Blades Martial Arts Cost: 25 Cost Skill 5 Acrobatics 18- 5 Breakfall 18- 5 Climbing 18- 1 Computer Programming 8- 3 Combat Driving 17- 1 Combat Piloting 8- 3 High Society 12- 7 Security Systems 18- 4 Language: Afrikaans (German is Native) (idiomatic) 3 Language: English (completely fluent) 7 Lockpicking 19- 5 Interrogation 13- 1 Deduction 8- 1 SS: Toxicology 8- 1 Paramedics 8- 1 Conversation 8- 5 Streetwise 13- 10 Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) 3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Tracked Military Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles 14 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Desert, Mountain, Tropical) 19- 40 +5 with All Combat Skills Cost: 125 Cost Perk 10 Money: Wealthy 33 Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has: extremely useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (+2) (33 Active Points) 14- 2 Contact 11- 2 Contact 11- 2 Contact 11- 10 Reputation (A large group; 11-) +5/+5d6 Perks Cost: 59 Total Character Cost: 942 Pts. Disadvantage 5 Distinctive Features: Aryan Superman (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Physical Limitation: Nova Physiology (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) 10 Social Limitation: Subject to orders (Devries) (Frequently; Minor) 15 Psychological Limitation: Loner (Common; Strong) 20 Psychological Limitation: Mercenary/Warrior Code (Common; Total) 15 Psychological Limitation: Despises the "weak" enjoys killing them (Common; Strong) 20 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Amoral (Common; Total) 447 World's most powerful Elite bonus Disadvantage Points: 542 Base Points: 400 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Background: There was a time when Klaus Kleisner was a happy well adjusted man. That time ended when he met an American woman named Erica Eillis. Despite EIllis' insistence that she was "wasn't dating" she and Klaus began spending allot of time together. She spent much of her time in his home outside of Munich and for months their "relationship" continued even though Erica treated him with a cool aloofness. Klaus was in love her despite the distance she tried to maintain and his love grew to obsession. He felt she was lying to him more and more and the idea haunted him even in his dreams. When Klaus finally broke down and asked her if she'd been seeing other men while they were together Erica responded,†Of course, four of them in fact, but I told you we weren't dating so don't act so surprised." As she told him the intimate details of what had happened between her and her four bed partners, Klaus' gut twisted and inside something snapped. His rage and sense of betrayal triggered his MR node. In that instant, he shut down his emotions and erected barriers in his mind so that he would never be hurt again, becoming more machine than man. In that instant, Totentanz was born. Personality: Totentanz has been described as shark in a Nova skin, a remorseless, relentless killing machine that lives only for combat and the kill. Klaus allows himself no pleasure, no relaxation. It is only in battle that he finds release and he despises Novas that allow themselves to wallow in baseline weaknesses like drugs and junk foods. Donning trademark golden skull mask and going into battle is one of the few things that bring him any pleasure. Part of him suspects that if the battles and killing where to stop he'd drown in his own festering rage, but that doesn't look like its going to happen any time soon. Quote: "Ich bin der hammer, der dolch, die Sichel, die alles neidermaht" *I am the hammer, the dagger, the sickle that reaps.* Appearance: Out of costume, Klaus is the Aryan ideal, standing just over two meters tall with golden hair and powerful physique. His blue eyes are like icy caves and constantly dart about looking fo danger. Emotion never registers on his face making a handsome but cold mask. In battle Totentanz wears a featureless black body suit with web belts for his equipment and carries twin high strength alloy spears. His golden skull deathmask is a feared and famous trademark in the Aberrant setting and the last thing many combat novas ever see.
  3. Master Chief Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 19- Lift 25.6tons; 10d6 HTH damage 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 23 CON 32 14- 15 BODY 10 12- 15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6 10 COM 0 11- 8 PD 4 Total: 8/54 PD (4/50 rPD) 8 ED 3 Total: 8/64 ED (4/60 rED) 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 11 REC 6 46 END 0 45 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 140 Movement: Run: 7"/NC" Swim: 2"/NC" Cost Powers END Cybernetic Implants 30 1) Muscle boosting implants: +30 STR, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (45 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 4 2) Internal Plating/Nanosurgeons: Damage Resistance (4 PD/4 ED) 17 3) Communications Implant: Radio Perception/Transmission (Concealed (-2 to PER Roll), Discriminatory) 35 4) Motion Tracker with IFF: Spatial Awareness (Discriminatory, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Telescopic (+3)) 40 5) Pain Editor: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2) 40 6) Pain Editor: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (60 Active Points); STUN Only (-1/2) 10 7) Internal Targeting System: +2 with Ranged Combat Armored Spacesuit 12 1) Armor Plating: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 13 2) Life Support Systems: Life Support , Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum (19 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 7 3) Air Tanks: Life Support , Self-Contained Breathing, 1 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+0) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) 72 4) Defensive Screens: Force Field (40 PD/50 ED), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (180 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Regenerating Forcefield Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Dropped instantly by aan overloading plasma charge Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) 6 5) Emp Hardening: Power Defense (10 points), Hardened (+1/4) (12 Active Points); Only Works Against EMP SFX Limited Type of Attack (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) Natural Abilities 15 1) Probability defying luck: Luck 3d6 Perks 40 Follower (200 Base, 100 Disad) 6 Reputation "Last of the Spartans, last hope for Humanity" (A large group; 11-) +3/+3d6 Skills 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Climbing 13- 1 Computer Programming 8- 3 Combat Driving 13- 3 Combat Piloting 13- 3 Fast Draw 13- 5 KS: The Covenant 14- 3 KS: Weapons Technology 12- 5 Persuasion 14- 5 Oratory 14- 1 Paramedics 8- 5 PS: Space Marine 14- 5 Stealth 14- 7 Tactics 14- 12 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Desert, Mountain, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical) 13- 5 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft, Military Spacecraft, Personal Use Spacecraft, Tracked Military Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles 10 Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged) 6 WF: Blades, Clubs, Off Hand, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons 15 +3 with Ranged Combat 5 +1 with HTH Combat 8 +1 with All Combat Total Powers & Skills Cost: 460 Total Cost: 600 300+ Disadvantages 0 Normal Characteristic Maxima 10 Physical Limitation: Cyborg, requires special medical attention (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) 10 Social Limitation: Military Property, subject to orders (Frequently; Minor) 15 Psychological Limitation: Dedicated Solider, sworn to defend humanity (Uncommon; Total) 15 Psychological Limitation: Selfless and relentless in the pursuit of victory and duty (Common; Strong) 5 Physical Limitation: No knowledge of life outside the military (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing) 5 Distinctive Features: Spartan Armored Space suit (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 240 Spartan Bonus Total Disadvantage Points: 600 Background:The Master Chief is the sole Spartan to leave the Reach system aboard the Pillar of Autumn (with the exception of Linda-058 in cryo). For all he knows, he is the last Spartan alive. All of humanity depends on him, for the Covenant are still strong, and there are new enemies and variables to contend with that Earth knows nothing about-the Flood, the Forerunner, and their creations, such as 343 Guilty Spark. He has lived most of his life in various military camps on Reach; stolen from his family at six, his name changed to "John-117," his entire upbringing has been centered around making him a mechanism of military efficiency, utilizing both force and tactics. He displays an odd sort of attitude for a creation of the military: he does not glorify his actions, he merely does what he has to do. He does not hate his enemy; he kills them because he knows it is his duty to kill them; to win. "It wasn't [the Chief's] job to make things suffer - he was just here to win battles. Whatever it took." (FoR, p.6) He is an unconventional Hero, for though he is strong, fast, and brilliant he is the epitome of none, and is surpassed by other Spartans in each area. What John does possess above all is leadership and, to both Cortana's repeated salvation and bewilderment, probability defying luck. Fan Rumor: John 1:117 the chapter and verse where Jesus is introduced as the Messiah. Personality: John, outside of combat, doesn't have much personality. He was raised as a weapon, a creature of war and not allowed to experience much outside of that. "Civilian" life is all but unknown to him. In battle, he's fearless but never reckless taking whatever risks are required to win, but no more, no less. As time progresses, John may develop more of a true personality but for the moment he is what he was made to be, an ideal of military thought and efficiency. John was intended to be a "Fire and forget" weapon and little more. Powers: As a Spartan combat Cyborg, John has been enhanced for battle. He is faster and more durable, able endure incredible punishment without failing. He feels practically no pain, heals quickly and is immensely strong, able to flip tanks over with little effort. John's nervous system has been boosted and wired with an integral targeting system that links with his weaponry which, along with his extensive weapons training makes him a deadly shot. The Moljinor Mark V battle armor is capable of generating a nearly impenetrable forcefield. The field weakens as it is hit, slowly recovering power over time. I built this effect using the "Regenerating" Forcefield modifier. The field loses Def for Each point of Body done to the field, regenerating the damage The Damage is regenerated at 1/1 on each of the character's phases. Appearance: John, like all Spartans, wears a powerful suit of powered armor, the Moljinor Mark V. The suits are dull olive drab color and completely cover the wearing. They're sealed against EMP and radiation and maintain a sealed environment which is proof against biowarefare agents and bacteria. A glare shielded, armored visor covers his face. Out side of his armor, John has close cropped reddish brown hair and freckles. He's 41 years of age but since Spartans spend so much time in cryogenic suspension, there is no telling how old he looks. One would suspect he looks very physically fit and is pale since he rarely gets any sun.
  4. nexus

    Opinion poll

    Re: Opinion poll
  5. nexus

    Opinion poll

    Re: Opinion poll Adding a couple of dice of damage doesn't seem unbalancing, partifularly if the object breaks after one use (The damage done is more than the Def+Body) of the car. Bricks are often portrated using improv weapons on each other or opponents they have no trouble hitting in the force place. Because it seems to hurt their target more thanks to the additional weight of the object. Put in Heroic terms, if I pick up a club object, say a chair or a baseball bat its going to do more damage than my bare fist. If I really strong, it would still do more damage most likely, just because of some extra leverage, etc. A simple rock in my fist will hurt more than my bare fist. Right now, there is very little reason to use improvised weapons particularly at the Heroic level. As sometimes they even impose OCV penalties (don't know if thats a actual rule or something the Gm slapped on me because she was snarky at the time and now I use it). I would make the damage a function of the Def+Body of the object so only the strongest things from being abusive. And the breakage rules. Ironclad hitting Grond with a bus only to have it shatter over his head looks cool. Also its not just bricks. Anyone can pick something up and use it as a weapon, bricks just have more options. But they did pay for the Strength. EB man could try to use Knock and tip something over on his target, the MA coupel improve some a pair of fighting sticks out of some metal pipes laying around a construction site, Jackie Chan style. That sort of thing. Abusive? I guess it could be but you should apply in game consequences for in game action. If your brick is making a habit of using valauable sports cars and priceless statues as improvised clubs, have someone show up with the bill and/or a lawyer, opponents can rig scenes with hidden explosives hidding in the cars he likes to toss around or even crueler tricks (Maybe that bus wasn't as "empty" as it looked...) And most importantly opposing characters can do it to. I don't think most gms would have trouble with a "normal" Str level character getting a couple of extra dice damage from using a bat or a peice of pipe as an improv weapon a few times. If they wanted to carry around something or have it available all the time with almost no consquences then they'd have to pay points for it though in a Superheroic game. High Strength just gives you more options for improv IMO.
  6. nexus

    Opinion poll

    One thing I have never liked in Hero, but I have never come up with an effective "fix" for is that if you pick up an object and wack someone with it. You do no more damage than you normally do, up to the objects Def+Body. A brick can use a car for a club, but it does no more damage than normal, unlike a normal person using a heavy weighted object (ie A club) unlesss he gets something like HTH OIF:Objects of opportunity. Does anyone else dislike that? And if you do have you come up with fixes?
  7. Re: Superhero Images Ronin:Dark Champions Martial Artist
  8. Re: Coordinated attack bonus Um, I don't think we're actually arguing here. I don't think they effect should be given for free either.
  9. Re: Coordinated attack bonus Well, looking at it purely like that then extra limbs should get a multiple attacker bonus, since they would be many attacks coming at you all at once.
  10. Re: Coordinated attack bonus In general, I wouldn't. In essence it is just one creature attacking but from mulitple angles. She has just one mind, just many "limbs" that don't happen to be attached to one another. It like someone with Extra Limbs trying to get a Coordinated Attack bonus.
  11. Re: Presented for review:The LA Knights
  12. Re: Superhero Images Here ya go phoenix240@bigplanet.com
  13. In Hero, there are ways to buy tricks and power stunts that, thanks to Special Effects, can look very impressive. Shockwave attacks, Flight UAA as "Super Knockback", that sort of thing. Alot of them are for bricks too. I was wondering, in general, how people feel about getting alot of tricks but not nesscarily having the attributes to back them up? Would you let a pc with a "mere" 40 strength get a power that let him do "knockback" a target for miles? The SFX being simply "She's a brick." Or do you prefer character have the attributes to back up their power stunts?
  14. Re: Help, PCs are eating my Zombies! Not to mention its just gross!
  15. Re: Superhero Images Free Spirit in her original and redone costume.
  16. Yes, its me again. I have an opening in my Paragons PBEM. Champions Fifth Edition Superheroics with a legandary team in my homebrew setting. Details on the setting can be found here: http://Http://web.qx.net/nexus/Setting Warning:Some adult subject matter! Character Creation: 300 Base 150 Disadvanges 60 active points max with one 75 active "signature power" (not including a VPP) Defenses:30 max Archtypes we have already: Brick Speedster Martial Artist Super Mage Power Suit Similar or mixed archtypes containing these won't automatically be disallowed, just advising.
  17. Re: Help, Zombies are eating my PCs! They're "techno" zombies. There's a couple of things but the players will have to find them out.
  18. And the last one (PG suggessted) Prism Val Char Cost Roll Notes 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 HTH damage 23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8 24 CON 28 14- 12 BODY 4 11- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 20 COM 5 13- 8 PD 5 Total: 8/28 PD (0/20 rPD) 10 ED 5 Total: 10/30 ED (0/20 rED) 5 SPD 17 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 8 REC 0 50 END 1 35 STUN 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 125 Movement: Run: 6"/NC" Swim: 2"/NC" Cost Powers END 20 Light Control: Elemental Control, 50-point powers, all slots: (25 Active Points); Limited Power:Not in Darkness Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 20 1) Soild Light Constructs: Telekinesis (33 STR) (50 Active Points); Physical Manifestation Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 5 20 2) Light Wings: Flight 25" (50 Active Points) 5 20 3) Hard Light Wall: Force Field (20 PD/20 ED), Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4) (50 Active Points) 2 23 4) Holograms: Sight Group Images, +/-7 to PER Roll, Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4), Increases Size (4" radius; +1/2) (54 Active Points) 2 21 5) Solid Light Wall: Force Wall (10 PD/10 ED/1 Flash Defense: Sight Group) (51 Active Points) 5 5 Flash Defense (5 points) (Sight Group) 22 Light Power Metabolism: Life Support , Eating: Character does not eat, Longevity: Immortal, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing (27 Active Points); Limited Power:Not in Darkness Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 14 Light Absorption: Absorption 5d6 (Energy) (25 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2), Limited Phenomena:Only Light based attacks (-1/4) 18 Light Powered Metabolism: +11 REC (22 Active Points); Not in Darkness Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 60 Ligbt Attacks: Multipower, 60-point reserve 6u 1) Hard Photon Blast: Energy Blast 12d6 (vs. PD), Custom Modifier (+0) (60 Active Points) 6 6u 2) Laser: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points) 6 5u 3) High Focus Laser: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. ED), Armor Piercing x2 (+1) (60 Active Points); Reduced By Range (-1/4) 6 6u 4) Strobe Blast: Flash 6d6 (Sight Group), Area Of Effect (7" Cone; +1) (60 Active Points) 6 2u 5) Spot Light: Sight Group Images, +/-10 to PER Roll (40 Active Points); Only To Create Light (-1) 4 5 "God Looks out for Babies and Fools": Luck 1d6 Talents 4 Double Jointed Skills 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Animal Handler (Equines, Reptiles & Amphibians) 12- 3 Contortionist 14- 1 High Society 8- 2 KS: Farming and farm techniques 11- 4 KS: Religous Doctrine 13- 3 Lipreading 11- 5 PS: Exotic Dancer (PRE-based) 14- 5 Persuasion 13- 5 Seduction 13- 5 +1 with Ranged Combat 9 +3 with EB, Flash and Laser Total Powers & Skills Cost: 325 Total Cost: 450 300+ Disadvantages 5 Distinctive Features: Beautiful, country ditz (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction (People assume she's stupid); Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures) 15 Enraged (Panics): Blinded or in darkness (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11- 25 Susceptibility: Total Darkness 2d6 damage, per Segment (Uncommon) 20 Dependent NPC: Lil' Brother 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID) 15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently; Major) 5 Money: Poor (Doesn't handle her money well) 10 Hunted: Viper 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: "Pa Taylor" 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish) 10 Reputation: Bimbo super heroine 11- 10 Physical Limitation: Fish out of water, unfamiliar with modern culture (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) 10 Psychological Limitation: Fun Loving and optimistic (Common; Moderate) 5 Psychological Limitation: Strong Sex drive, sucker for a hot body (Uncommon; Moderate) 10 Psychological Limitation: Code against Killing (Common; Moderate) Total Disadvantage Points: 450 Background: Lou Lou Belle was the third daughter of the Taylor clan, a reclusive group of hill folk living in Central Kentucky. The Taylors were a very odd lot. The lived in isolated stretch of land that had been in the family for generations, keeping almost completely to themselves, in every way one might imagine. In other words, the family tree didn’t branch much. Due to some perverse practical joke of nature, these made the metal human gene much more pronounced in their family. Almost everyone was born with powers or some sort. “Pa†Taylor was arguably the most powerful of kin. He could, at will, draw on the powers of the rest to lend him strength and excerised an almost religious control over his relatives which by the point included pretty much everyone in the valley. It was quite the twisted little cult. Except there was one exception: Lou Lou Belle. She was immune to his powers and he could not even draw on her formidable powers. She was also very beautiful. Lust and anger are not a good combination and Lou Lou suffered under the attentions of “Pa†for quite some time before she mustered to the courage to take her baby brother and run away. She ran to the “city†(Basically just got into various cars, paying her way by “bein’ nice†to the charitable men that picked her up. Amazingly no one really tried to harm her. They would have gotten very hurt for their trouble) eventually ending up across country, penniless and with no place to go, with a kid in tow. As her luck would have it, she stumbled into a strip bar looking for a waitress job and was hired on a dancer. She made extremely good money as she had a natural talent for it and honestly enjoyed her work. Soon she acquired an apartment and settled into a routine. Lou Lou’s innate sense of right and wrong soon caught up with her. She found herself in the middle of hold up in the club. Slipping into the back, she used her holographic powers to conceal her identity and intervened (just like the fellers on the TV!). Miraculously she managed to not only avoid getting killed but stopped the robbery. Her antics caught the attention of Dana Gold AKA Colony who had been nearby and came to stop the robbery herself. She pitched becoming a member of the Knights to the hapless girl and she accepted. Prism (She’s not really sure what that means but it sounds pretty) has been a generally good addition to the team. Her perky optimism and raw power make her asset despite her naivety. Personality: Lou Lou Belle is almost childlike in her world view. There’s right and there’s wrong, nothing much in between. She sees things simply and her isolated (and inbred) upbringing has limited her perspective. But she is growing. As she sees more of the world, the girl will become worldlier but will likely never lose the strange innocence she has. The nature of her powers and her dependence on light has made her terrified of the darkness or being blinded. When she is, she tends to panic, lashing out blindly with her powers until she calms. Lou Lou is used to expressing affection, well, physically and has been fed a twisted religious doctrine that makes it “Ok†so she can be overly sexual at times. She does not like to kill (She has seen the effects of her Laser on living people) and avoids use of lethal force, using her more dangerous attacks on vehicles and inanimate targets. Powers: Lou Lou can create and manipulate light in various ways. She can create solid light constructs like walls, creatures and other forms to do her bidding. She can also make very intricate holograms or fire simple blasts of hard light or focused lasers. Lou Lou’s body processes light and she can go without food or survive environmental extremes when she has a light source. Quote: “Aw, whys a cute fella like you gotta be so bad?â€
  19. Re: Help, Zombies are eating my PCs! Its improved a great deal, yet the zombies remain a credible threat. I can't go into too much detail (some of my players are on here) but now they aren't dropping quite so fast. Now, if they would only be a -little- smarter.
  20. Re: Presented for review:The LA Knights Sin Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 HTH damage 28 DEX 54 15- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 20 CON 20 13- 12 BODY 4 11- 12 INT 2 11- PER Roll 11- 20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 26 COM 8 14- 8 PD 6 Total: 8/20 PD (0/12 rPD) 8 ED 4 Total: 8/20 ED (0/12 rED) 5 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 6 REC 0 40 END 0 35 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 153 Movement: Run: 6"/NC" Swim: 2"/NC" Cost Powers END 36 Devil Skin: Armor (12 PD/12 ED) 7 Demon Blood: Life Support , Longevity: Immortal, Safe in Intense Heat 14 Succubus Kiss: Transfer 2d6 (Body to Body), Can Transfer Maximum Of 22 Points (35 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Limited Power:Skin contact required Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) 3 16 Devil's Blessing: Luck 4d6 (20 Active Points); An ally gains 4d6 Unluck when invoked Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 60 Black Magic: Variable Power Pool, 40 base + 20 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available:Black Magic Only Limited (-1/2) 30 Pandemonium: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots: (60 Active Points); OAF (-1) 3u 1) Blade Edge: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (60 Active Points) 2u 2) Hellfire Blast: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (vs. ED) (60 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Requires both hands (-1/4) 6 2u 3) Summon Demon Swarm: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Backlash (+1/2) (60 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Requires both hands (-1/4), Limited Power:Power moves at 10' Per Segment and can be attacked Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Extra Time Delayed Phase (-1/4) 6 1u 4) Blood Tracking: Mind Scan 9d6 (45 Active Points); Neither Character nor Target Can Attack Through Link (-1), Limited Class Of Minds:Humans Only Subset of a class (-1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Must have drawn blood on target Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) 4 2u 5) Hell Gate: Teleportation 16", No Relative Velocity, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4) (59 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Requires both hands (-1/4), Side Effects: Characters take 3d6 Ego Attack, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect only affects the recipient of the benefits of the Power -1/2) 6 2u 6) Hell Gate: Teleportation 5", No Relative Velocity, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Megascale (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4) (56 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Requires both hands (-1/4), Side Effects: Characters take 3d6 Ego Attack, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect only affects the recipient of the benefits of the Power -1/2) 6 Martial Arts: Heavy Weapons Sword Fighting Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 5 1) Overhand Chop -2 +1 STR +4d6 Strike 4 2) Slash +0 +2 STR +2d6 Strike 4 3) Thrust +2 +0 STR +2d6 Strike 5 4) Lunging Strike +1 +0 STR +v/5; FMove 5 5) Defensive Parry +1 +3 Block, Abort Perks 5 Money: Well Off 30 Follower (x20, 25 Base, 25 Disad) Skills 6 PS (EGO-based) 16- 3 Persuasion 14- 4 KS: Demonologyy 13- 5 KS: Occultism 14- 6 AK: Hell 15- 7 Seduction 16- 1 Streetwise 8- 7 Interrogation 16- 9 +3 with Swords 16 +2 with All Combat Total Powers & Skills Cost: 297 Total Cost: 450 300+ Disadvantages 15 Distinctive Features: Disturbing feeling, Extreme beauty (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Distinctive Features: Demonic Magical Aura (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses) 10 Hunted: The Forces of Heaven 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish) 10 Hunted: Viper 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish) 25 Susceptibility: Holy Ground 3d6 damage, per Phase (Uncommon) 5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x BODY Angelic Powerse (Uncommon) 5 Reputation: Dangerous Vigilante 8- 10 Reputation: Demon Queen 11- (Extreme (Known Only To A Small Group)) 20 Hunted: Her "Husband" 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find) 15 Psychological Limitation: Thrill Seeker (Common; Strong) 10 Psychological Limitation: Cold and self centered (Common; Moderate) 10 Psychological Limitation: Thinks nothing of using Lethal force (Common; Moderate) 5 Physical Limitation: Someone unaware of how the "real" world works (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing) Total Disadvantage Points: 450 Background: “Father, why is there evil?†Maria Sertis asked her voice quiet and respectful. She realized the near blasphemy of the question but it felt necessary, particularly now. â€Because without darkness they light fades to meaningless. Without shadow there is no contrast. All things must balance.†He answered, just as softly and kissed his daughter on the lips. “Do you understand?†She smiled and nodded. How could she have questioned? Assured of her purpose, Maria lay back, the stone cold against her naked back and waited. The dagger fell. There was light, pain then a sensation of falling as the voices of the coven thundered in her ears, fading as she young Maria plummeted into Hell. Maria lost her name along with her soul. She no longer needed it. All she needed was her new husband and master, a prince of Hell. He molded the girl in his image and empowered her, granting her black and damned blade to use in his name. She was his lover, his guard and executioner. She hunted down his enemies and spread fear among the damned souls of the pit. She reveled in the power and glory of it, truly finding herself at home for the first time. Then she was called before her demonic mate. His anger was great, but not directed at her. Several powerful, evil souls had escaped their prison and made it back into the mortal world. Each of these 13 souls had taken a small piece of artifact whose combined power could tip the balance of power in Hell. And destroy even a demon prince. But, the woman once known as Maria was no demon prince though she had nearly their power. “I am sending you back.†He caresses her cheek, claws drawing thin bloody welts down her pale flesh. She shivered in pain and purred at the pleasure. “You must find them for me. I entrust you with that task.†“Of course, my Lord,†the woman once known as Maria whispered, looking forward to the thrill of the hunt already. “I will do it, but how? My mortal life ended and it is not in the power of the Dark Lords to create life…†He chuckled and the temple/fortress shook. “Don’t humans have a saying? Rules are meant to be broken?†And so he reached into her chest and drew out her whimpering, pulsing essence… Nine months later, in the same temple to darkness Maria has been sent to her reward years ago another girl lay, trembling and naked, on the same blood darkened slab. She screamed as well but it was not a death cry, but cries of life, of labor. And Maria reentered the world in blood, born from this girl’s womb, in a tiny body created just for this purpose. Created in an act of base, loveless lust and warded to remain soulless the infant frame made the perfect vessel for Maria’s rebirth. It would have to grow, but what were a few short years to the immortal Dark Lords? She grew up quickly and strong, schooled in the mystic arts by her “husband’s†cult as well combat by various tutors. On her 18th birthday she was presented with yet another gift, her black blade Pandemonium or at least a version of it. Pandemonium existed in many realms and times, each version a shadow of the true weapon which did truly exist yet, but its evil was so powerful it echoed throughout time and space. Taking this a sign, she began her mission, taking the name “Sin†as an ironic joke; she began to comb the underworld searching for the escaped souls. Sin become known as a somewhat violent vigilante crimefighter and she kept up the image as it made things a bit easier, and she enjoyed notoriety. Sin’s mission brought her into conflict with Los Angeles Knights fairly quickly. One of her targets was shared by the super team and she couldn’t hope to best them all at once. So Sin joined them, with the intent of betraying them. The target escaped and she remains with the Knights for the possible assistance they could provide. And, though she is loathe to admit it, part of her enjoys having the first human companionship she’s had that wasn’t either terrified or worshipful. She has also come to enjoy their shared battles and “adventure†along with other pleasures of the world. The adulation and respect of the masses feels good. Ironically, Sin has become “corrupted†and when her hellish lord and master realizes this, things will become very intense very quickly. Powers: Sin is a powerful sorceress, skilled with occult magics and dark spells. She’s able to come up with enchantment to suit almost her every whim and has a few innate spells cast on her person that protect her and allow her siphon the life energies of others to heal herself. Her “Devil’s Luck†is a blessing is from her dark master and grants her good fortune, but only at the cost of another when she choose to activate it. Pandemonium is a deadly weapon her hand, able to slice threw most mundane defenses, strike directly at a target’s soul, follow any being it has drawn blood from and cut up a gate to Hell itself to either allow a small swarm of demons to escape or let its wielder by pass physical distance. Personality: Sin is calculating and cool headed. She is always looking for an angle or advantage in battle or life itself. Most of what made Maria human has faded, but its beginning to awaken with the more exposure she has to the real world. She occasionally smiles and laughs honestly out of glee rather than malicious amusement and feel such things as compassion and empathy. These moments confuse and, to a degree, frighten her. Quote: “What evil lies in the hearts of men? Let’s have a look at yours and see...â€
  21. nexus

    Speed Brick

    Re: Speed Brick There are a couple of "Speed bricks" in my LA Knights thread (Cavilier and Colony) that might give you ideas.
  22. Re: Presented for review:The LA Knights Two more to go, Sin and Prism. No comments on the characters so far?
  23. Re: The Authority:What the heck?
  24. Re: Presented for review:The LA Knights Colony Player: Val Char Cost 70 STR 60 20 DEX 30 30 CON 40 20 BODY 20 15 INT 5 18 EGO 16 18 PRE 8 14 COM 2 25 PD 11 25 ED 19 4 SPD 10 20 REC 0 60 END 0 70 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 14" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 221 Cost Power 20 Nanite Reinforced Skin: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED) 20 Pain Suppressors: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); STUN (or BODY) Only (-1/2) 20 Pain Suppressors: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); STUN (or BODY) Only (-1/2) 46 Life Support , Eating: Character only has to eat once per week, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: Immortal, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing, Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week 6 Six Arms: Extra Limbs , Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points) 17 Chemical Anylazing Touch: Detect:Chemical Composition A Class Of Things 14-, Analyze, Discriminatory 33 Nano tech reconstructors: Healing 2 BODY (Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 17 High Efficiency Muscles: Naked Modifier, Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4) (17 Active Points) Powers Cost: 179 Cost Skill 6 KS: Psychology (INT-based) 15- 3 High Society 13- 4 Language: English (Greek is native) (idiomatic) 6 PS: Pychiatrist (INT-based) 15- 3 PS: Dominatrix (PRE-based) 13- 3 Seduction 13- 25 +5 with HTH Combat Skills Cost: 50 Total Character Cost: 450 Pts. Disadvantage 15 Distinctive Features: Six Armed Leather clad giantess (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Hunted: Viper 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find) 15 Hunted: Mystery Alien Hunted 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find) 10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Hard Radiation based attacks (Uncommon) 15 Social Limitation: Pubic Idea (Frequently; Major) 10 Physical Limitation: Can be targeted by powers that affect the Machine class of minds (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing) 20 Dependent NPC: Submissive 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs) 10 Rivalry: Professional (Cavalier), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry, Rival is a Player Character 10 Psychological Limitation: Outspoken Sexual Libertine (Uncommon; Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Common; Strong) 5 Psychological Limitation: Secretly craves to be dominated/bested (Uncommon; Moderate) 10 Psychological Limitation: Reluctant to use Lethal force (Common; Moderate) Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 300 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Background: Dana was a psychiatrist by day, counselling a variety of patients threw mental crisis. She enjoyed helping people with their emotional problems and was a very good therapist. Her area of specicality was sexual dysfunction and she became quite outspoken in her crusade for sexual freedom, writing several academically acclaimed papers during her career. Her private life was almost as flamboyant, as she frequented the SM club scene and had a rep as a skilled dominatrix. Her health had always been rather frail, so few were surprised when she took ill in her 40s. When her health got progressively worse, she went to a doctor. The worst was confirmed. Cancer. It was already spreading threw out her body and she was given a very slim chance of survival. Dana took it with her ususual cool, but inside she was a mass of terror. She did not want to die. She felt vibrant, alive, not like a doomed woman. She wanted to live. In that moment of terror, she made what she feels was the biggest mistake of her life. She contacted one of her "clients", a man she knew dealt with questionable figures in the medical industry. His contacts were far more questionable than she though. He knew people in low places, namely Viper. Always eager for test subjects who were "willing", the agency took Dana's offer. They tested an experimental alien technology on the dying doctor, injecting her with swarms of nanobots. They were rather astounded when not only didn't she die, but gained an array of superhumans powers as her body was reshaped into form of the alien race that had originally created the microbots. It was painful, but the feeling afterward was sheer bliss. Such power! She'd never felt like this before. It was like being born again, young and powerful. Of course there was price a tag. Viper wanted, demanded her services. Dana agreed grudgingly, their veiled threats overcoming her sense of right and wrong for a brief time as part of her, some deep, half buried of her enjoyed the control even though she knew it was wrong. She served Viper for a year as a strong arm and bruiser. She only rarely faced true superhuman opposition and developed a big of an ego during that time. Then, working with another "conscript" she came up against a team of superhumans called the LA Knights. In the ensuing battle, Dana refused an order to kill Longarm. As punishment the Nest Leader set off the micro explosive implants in her body, killing her instantly. But only temporarily as the swarms of alien Nanaites reconstructed her with blinding speed. Rising from the dead, Dana turned on her "allies" and helped the Knights defeat the Viper squads. Lillian Andeavors used her pull to get Dana probation and "Community" service with the Knights. She agreed, knowing she crimes to make up for and was fortunate not to be in stronghold. Dana has served the team quite well as additional muscle, and enjoys discovering new uses for her physical might. Personality:Dana is a outspoken liberal and aggressive in all aspects of her life. She lets very little stand in her way and truly enjoys her nearly unstoppable new body. In many ways. Her regrets are few and include losing the sensations of pain and vulnerability (though she admits to making a better Dom). Inwardly she craves the rush of being helpless in and in some one's else powers. This comes across in her rivalry with Cavalier, which secretly she wants to lose. Quote: "Oh, nice one. Now try harder!" Powers: Colony is hugely strong and hard to hurt. She feels very little pain and can heal from almost any injury, even fatal injury nearly instantly. The only way to kill her would be to reduce her body to ashes and irradiate the remains. Or some other equally drastic means of destruction. Her body is all but immune to disease and infection, poisons mean nothing to her allowing her to eat practically anything organic for sustenance. She can use all her multiple limbs with equal facility, but hasn't mastered using them all at once. Yet.
  25. Re: The Authority:What the heck? And is it just me or does no one in that setting but the Authority seem to have, like, Defenses? Or they all have Find Weakness 25- And/or Dispel All Defensive powers At once:40d6. One hit and most of their opponents shatter like they're made of glass.
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