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Everything posted by nexus

  1. Re: Ultimate HERO How do you mean?
  2. Re: PBEM:The New Universe Realistic relating to the function of the powers. Powers have more limitation to reflect an altered, but somewhat more down to earth physics. The speedster type character need reinforced clothing or friction tears his to shreds, for example.
  3. Re: PBEM:The New Universe Well, eventually. I like to have the character's learn about their power as the player does. It makes allot of the role playing more "real"
  4. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Most of the people I've met that praise the Authority talk about how much more "realistic" it is compared to other comics. If it was going to be so realistic and not just as much of power fantasy as any other comic such matters would be addressed in the comic. The morality of their actions is never questioned, its just assumed to be correct. If you happen to agree with that, they are heroes. If you don't they're psychos. Its a matter of taste, but I think it bears pointing out.
  5. Re: The Authority:What the heck? That's easy to say unless your one of potential thousands of innocent bystanders that could have been killed. But that doesn't really address Rene's point as I see it. The comic didn't even touch on that. It wasn't a concern, it was not addressed at all. Destroying an entire country was simply done and the potential negatives weren't addressed. That, in its way, is as simple minded as anything you see less "realistic" comics.
  6. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Silly disad: DF:Unearthly Beauty, concealable with effort, causes Lust The character had a Comeliness of 12.
  7. Re: The Authority:What the heck?
  8. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome I like the normal person doctrine. I use something similar. In my games normal technology comes with some inherent limitations. Basically it performs realistically. Your Laptop is not going to perform like the Batcomputer, the cell phone might die, breaks easily. You have to pay the bill, etc. Tech which has points paid for it has less problems, performs better, etc. Its "comic book tech" rather than real tech.
  9. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome I agree with the buying skill levels rather than more Dex argument. Its a personal thing I never liked just buying up attributes because it was more efficent pointwise when you're really trying to reflect improvement in a certain area (combat, acrobatic, whatever). Not every great gymnast should have a 23 Dex and be an incredible combantant too. Never liked the limitations on Comliness personally. I like my character to be attractive and Com has almost no impact in the rules.
  10. Re: PBEM:The New Universe Sorry, that is a typo should be "are not" brought with points. With some exceptions.
  11. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever I mean like: Accidental Change:When its really convient for me to change instantly and get all those powers I brought OIHID, particularly since I don't have a Secret ID and/or there is no disadvantage to my assuming Hero Form. The Hulk changed whenever Banner was angry and allot of the time was a rampaging bererker. These characters had no such problems. I've got nothing against Accidental Change that is just one way I have seen it abused.
  12. Re: The Authority:What the heck? Again, its not the fact they kill, but that they kill with glee and forethought. It is their first solution. Lethal force or the threat of lethal force. They kill in sadistic brutal ways, often joking about it as they do. The conceit of the of the book is that those they kill "deserve" it and we never see the repercussions of their violence. When they took over the govornment did they have to face the military? And if so did they slaughter the soliders sent to stop them as freely as they normally do?
  13. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Two I have tried on me Disadvantage as power or advantage Accidental Change:to hero, powered or otherwise useful form when in danger, threatened or combat DF:SOmething, not con extreme reaction:Slavish lust, devotion, obediant fear Physical limitation:Demon appears when she is threatened. Said Demon being more powerful than the character and loyal. It would then attack what was threatening the character. The big "limitation" is that the demon was stupid, distinctive and wouldn't live until she had sex with it. Disadvantage as Insurance IE:The GM would never do this to me... The disad is so crippling the player thinks the GM will never bring it up. Almost any fully impairing phys lim that is fatal or takes the character out of the game Phys Lim: Dies on Holy Ground Susceptibility:3d6 per Segement if leaves the Earth.
  14. Re: Superhero Images A small bit of a fight scene Chris was commissioned to do.
  15. Re: Homosexuality as a Disadvantage I don't think its ever a Psychological Limitation, even if Romance is a big deal in the game. Its preference, IMO, nothing more unless someone wants to make an issue of it, which is mainly a Social thing. Lechery is no more an aspect of being gay than it is of being straight. I know more straight horndogs than homosexual ones. And more "straight" people with weird hang ups about sex. But this is rapidly drifinting into non gaming territory so I'll shut up.
  16. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever I play Tao.
  17. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever
  18. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Oh yes, Social definately, but this guy honestly thought it was psychological limitation. Homosexuals, mainly gay males were "insane" by this standard. Particularly due to how the "Limitation" was defined including mandatory aspects of Lechery, Compulsive disorder and Distinctive feastures (gay stereotypes). I found that highly objectionable.
  19. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Thank you, but allot of it is just at the nitpicking "That's not the way I do it" level, not worth raising a stink about. Lots of people are having fun with the game and that's whats important.
  20. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever I could almost see that being allowed if the character changed into a perfectly normal, non sentient hawk. No player control. He or she was an animal for the duration, under GM control. If that was the limit of the character's ability to change it would be odd to make them pay points for the privilege of being a NPC at times.
  21. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Silliest limitation I ever saw imposed by House Rules was: Psychological Limitation:Homosexual (Uncom, Str or Total). As the gm explained it the disad came with all sort of neurosis and stereotypical unflatting compulsions. He was a jerk.
  22. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Well, technically the characters are "wrong". Allot of the characters I personally allow in my games are "wrong". Strictly by book standards. A better term might be not tournament legal. In a game run strictly according the Hero 5th rules they wouldn't be allowed. Some characters made according the Hero 5th rules wouldn't be allowed in Global Gaurdians, they are "wrong" for that particular game. I don't think its an insult. But I think everyone has House Rules. Not everyone is going to agree on House Rules. If they did they'd be official rules. There are some in GGU that I don't agree with and I'm trying to play in the setting.
  23. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Doesn't that depends on just what the Latin pornstar looks like?
  24. Re: Aberrant Conversions:The Elites How about 23/23 for the Force Field?
  25. Re: How do you get players to role play the genre? I think you have a basic conflict in what the GM wants and what the players wants. Maybe make the game a bit more Iron Age/Authority for them? Or, unfortunately, you might have to find a group more in tune with what you want. I've found its really hard to make someone play how you want them to do and it sounds like your group has some idea but just doesn't like the same style of play you do. Talk to the group next session about what they like and expect and what you would like to do (The gm has to be having fun too or the game suffers) and see if you can meet each other in the middle. Edit:Heck, maybe if you have the time and energy, you can run an old school hack and loot fantasy game alternating with the Champions game?
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