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Everything posted by Christougher

  1. There was an article a while back on the most abusive, munchkined out 60 AP power. The winner in the article was a vanilla 4d6 RKA (with the old 1d6-1 Stun multiple). The problem isn't necessarily the rules - *any* power can be abusive at a high enough degree. My old group used to run an annual "Brute Tournament" with no limits, just to pull out all the stops and see just how bad it could be. One of the biggest ones was Shin, who did a 100+d6 Double Knockback Movethrough. And genre isn't it either. A reasonable Lightsaber build (say 1.5d6 HKA NND Does Body, etc) works fine in a Star Wars game, but that same writeup would be a completely different story in a standard Fantasy game. And even then, you can play a Star Wars game without Jedi around. It all depends on the flavor of the game you want to run. And the rules can't really decide that for you. Chris.
  2. Humor: If every incarnation of the character is bad and needs excessive vetting, maybe you need a better player. Or possibly, put that to work for you. It was already mentioned to tell them the same could be used against them. On the more serious side, maybe that player needs not to be given a VPP. There are more than a few threads about controlling them/speeding up play with them. One of the answers is to have a premade list of common "go to" powers submitted in writing along with the rest of the character. And on the topic of other threads, I think what you're looking for is a Rule of X / Power Effectiveness rating for characters, for which there are also a ton of threads discussing. My own personal rating is SPD*2 + OCV + DCs + DCV + (PD+ED)/4 + STUN/10. You can peg the resulting number as a ballpark of the power level you want characters to be, and can easily point out that the PC who scores 80 is way out of bounds of the game where everyone else is 40. Are the 42s and 43s too powerful? Depends a lot on the game and the build. It's not a perfect measure, but it's a good place to start. Chris.
  3. Don't rely on Hero Designer to enforce anything but point totals. It won't enforce the type of balance or restriction you're looking for. You've got a good starting point if you already know the power levels and caps you want to enforce. As was said, discussion. Set aside the first game session to discuss and build characters together. Get everyone on the same page so they don't feel the need to break the game or the rules. Chris.
  4. I'll probably have more to add later, but the best followup to "No" is "Because it might be fun for you, but it won't be for anyone else." Chris.
  5. Christougher, on 26 Mar 2014 - 09:55 AM, said: Average defenses are usually suggested in the range of 1.5x to 2.5x the average DCs, with resistant defense about half that. In a Fantasy game in the 50-60 AP / 10-12 DC range, that means the lowest expected rDEF is 7, average is 11, and max is 15. I don't know if Fantasy Hero says anything different, but the base rulebooks list DEF 8 for full plate armor. Okay, let's look at that. 8 DCs as the average. That makes lowest expected defenses 12, with 6 Resistant. Average is 16 defense, 8 Resistant, and maximum is 20 defense with 10 Resistant. Again, average means everyone is wearing full plate or the equivalent. Perhaps the better question is, that while I'm asking how to increase defenses, why everyone seems to be suggesting lowering them? Chris.
  6. I really like that idea. Off the top of my head: Reduced Stun Multiple: This -1/2 limitation (same cost as increased Stun Multiple) decreases the Stun Damage inflicted by a Killing Attack, reducing the Stun Multiplier by 1, down to a minimum of 1x. Naked Advantage: Reduced Stun Multiple (-1/2) on 60 AP Killing Attack: 20 Points. You have to pay points to inflict the limitation on something else. Should possibly require some other advantages to balance out. Limitations on this power at least include OIF, reducing it to 13 Real Points. Chris.
  7. Ninja-Bear, on 09 Apr 2014 - 05:20 AM, said: It's almost correct. The Offensive Strike is +4 DCs, plus 2 more. It takes two DCs from a maneuver to increase Killing damage by 1 DC. So it's +3 DCs, not +3d6. Chris.
  8. In this case, yes. DCs are allowed to range high, and not solely in the hands of mages. Not sure I have access to those books, would you care to summarize some of those abilities? Chris.
  9. Not to disagree with Markdoc's analysis or results, but... The game recommends a certain level of defense. Makes it difficult to reach that. Attempts to fix that bring about other consequences. Why? As to the raising of rDEF, while maybe not to that extreme, in far too many Fantasy Hero games, DCV is the only practical defense. With the wild swings from Stun Multiples and Hit locations, it is impossible to have sufficient defenses to tank damage rather than avoid it. And to me, that is a bad thing. Chris.
  10. Yeah, /finding/ the amount of rDEF wasn't the issue. It was *getting* that much rDEF with what was available. Right now, I'm looking at boosting 'worn armor' by 50%, and/or some lesser version of Combat Luck, possibly for free. Chris.
  11. It looks workable. But complex. For a lot of ranges of fantasy magic, buying off one of those limitations might just cost the single point, but that might be an unnecessary simplification. Do you really need three copies of the same alt-END/alt-REC mechanic - wouldn't one source of magical energy be easier to manage? In a similar vein, I'd suggest making the required limitations all the same - or all different. Cantrips is a good idea. What does buying up the Perk give? Answered with another reading - more alt-END/alt-REC. Purchasing a school gives one and only one spell with no increase in power level? How do they purchase additional spells? I suggest making magical colleges that only teach a few schools similar to the gods prohibiting scriptures. This will make the mages more unique and flavorful, and reduce the issue of "I'm a mage, I can do anything." Chris.
  12. That's 10-12 DC grand total, not the weapons themselves - I posted my weapons list in the downloads section. There's armor included there as well, but that's even more work in progress than the weapons list. And yes, that includes the possibility of a 4d6 KA; if the mage types can reach that level of damage, there's no reason the warrior types shouldn't be able to either. Chris.
  13. Healing does have a cap - that 2d6 Healing will only heal a maximum of 6 Body per person per day. The reuse interval can be changed, though I don't remember the cost of that offhand. Multiple sources of healing aren't affected per se, but will still cap out at the larger amount. I don't recall offhand if it's official or a house rule that followup healing rolls must exceed the previous roll to increase effect. Chris.
  14. Apology not necessary. No slight was felt or intended in the other direction. Ninja Bear's quote of the original message just reinforced my feelings that, while I asked one question, most of the thread responses were answering different questions. Chris.
  15. While a dragon might have that 60 STR, a player character isn't going to because that's not part of the genre. Just because it's equivalent doesn't mean it's correct or allowed. You seem to be equating Active Point level with a specific genre, which is not the way it works. What Active Point level would you consider a sci-fi game with lasers and spaceships (mental powers optional)? Modern day investigation or espionage? You can play any genre you choose at any power level, that's the beauty of Hero System. And no, Fantasy Armor is not well balanced against Magic, the "technology" of the setting. Even at your 30-45 Active Point level, a magic spell can give 10 PD/10 ED armor or a 22 PD/22 ED Force Field, which is vastly superior to the book suggested armor. And I happen to think that mages shouldn't be out-tanking the guys in plate armor, it's severely out of what's considered normal for the genre, and for what I want to see in the game. Your last two sentences are the only ones I agree with. I want characters to be able to have defenses that stand up to that level of offense. The book listed defenses don't provide it, so I'm asking for suggestions to improve it. Denigrating my choice of play style does not provide any useful help. Chris.
  16. I don't have that book, so I don't know what it suggests. Yeah, it's powerful, but on the other hand, it seems that it's almost required to meet the suggested defense levels. And that I think is a problem. Chris.
  17. http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/88783-balancing-power-levels-defense/ This thread in the Hero Discussion forum on defenses gave me a slightly different question. Average defenses are usually suggested in the range of 1.5x to 2.5x the average DCs, with resistant defense about half that. In a Fantasy game in the 50-60 AP / 10-12 DC range, that means the lowest expected rDEF is 7, average is 11, and max is 15. I don't know if Fantasy Hero says anything different, but the base rulebooks list DEF 8 for full plate armor. Does this mean that even the lightest defended monk or mage characters should be in wearing that, and that the tanks need multiple levels of Combat Luck on top of that? Or is worn armor just a bit light on the Armor DEF value? Is Combat Luck a more-or-less required power? Or is there another way to get resistant DEF up to those suggested values? Chris.
  18. My old gaming group had a running gag about characters whose concept was lacking... "Why does Leopard Girl have wings?" So I built Leopard Girl with Wings as a character. Lucy Willing worked in a lab splicing animal DNA together until the predictable accident combined her DNA with that of several animals, primarily an eagle and a leopard, giving her leopard skin, running and claws, and eagle flight and eyesight. From other animals she picked up gills for breathing underwater, rhinoceros-tough skin, chameleon camouflage and regeneration. Other parts may be added or removed if desired. I hope it's weird enough for you. Chris.
  19. For a modest number of points, you can buy +1 OCV with single attack (Autofire shot #2, Autofire shot #3, etc) instead of advantage, and it'll probably be less expensive. A word of advice though, that REALLY increases the effectiveness of said autofire attack. Chris.
  20. I started reading through this, and had the thought that it sounded similar to the ideas I wanted to express in my 'How to Play Hero (in two pages)'. And then I got to these two lines at the end. ROFL. Copied for use and possible inclusion of bits into that 'two pages' document, thanks. Chris.
  21. The only thing I'd suggest is Clinging, trees seem to be a pretty good case for. The back and forth fight to break the Clinging with opposed STR rolls seems more entertaining too. Chris.
  22. I'd rule that the same construct as a Naked Advantage or Limitation buyoff could be used to construct the "power". Presuming the "Takes Damage from Sunlight" is a 25 point Disad, it's a 25 AP effect, add Incantations, charges, or other limitations to get the effect you want. Chris.
  23. I have a house rule that limited coverage or effect Entangles (like handcuffs) automatically receive the Takes no Damage from Attacks advantage for free. It just doesn't make sense to pay for an advantage caused by a limitation. Chris.
  24. Can Dispel be used offensively like that? Yes. However, Dispel is Instant, so an ability that is Dispelled can normally be restarted the next phase(barring limitations on the ability). You'd need to add the Constant advantage or use the Suppress power to make it continue. If you have that, the first effect roll continues at that level until the suppressing power ends. However, you can make additional attacks with the power which would then add their effects. No, Dispel Life Support is not an instant kill, at least by the rules as written. It just means they'd have to start eating, breathing, etc. from that point. Whether or not that makes sense in game is a different question. And is one of the reasons the advantage Inherent is often used. Chris.
  25. One comment on it said it leaned towards Cthuloid... Hyperspace monsters, anyone? Chris.
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