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Everything posted by proditor

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The adventures of Bill and John (subtitled, and funny) (Funny flight sim movies) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvOfZSn6qAk
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From our new Pulp Hero Cthulhu Game... Our intrepid band encounters Ghouls for the first time. SAN rolls are made, play resumes. Gun Moll: "EW! That is DISGUSTING! And I dated a freakin' don, I KNOW from disgusting!" *Shoots, ponders a moment* "At least I don't have to wear the maid outfit..."
  3. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game SGs rule. Jvstive, Inc. has been doing rather nicely for itself actually.
  4. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? OddHat, Bravo my man, BRAVO!! Excellent rendition, and nice use of his catch phrases. Of course if you add some levels only to offset hit locations, make sure they're called something like "You did that with his own finger?" Oh...Super Spoiler, all have been warned...who is the Venture Brother's Mom????
  5. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? As a favor, please add a nicknames/alias section to Brock's sheet? After all "Swedish Murder Machine" and "Super Kill Guy" can't just sit out there in the dark waiting to be discovered.
  6. Re: Venture Brothers Hero? I think I've been glacially working on this for like 3 years now. Well, this and the corellary, Johnny Quest Hero.
  7. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game
  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game BWAH-HA-HA!!! Nice work hoss! have some rep for making me laugh.
  9. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I was wondering where Endiku went.
  10. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Is there a Hero Group SG on Champion? And if so, who do I bug to get an invite?
  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Just added some new toons to Champion (Yes, I finally joined) As always, @Proditor Hero: Proditor Cappela: Invul/SS Tank Manta-man: Storm/Elec Defender Evergreen Dryad: Spines/Regen Scrapper Villains: Dr. Wraithman: Zombie/Dark Mastermind Mercury Mercenary: Gun/Kinetic Corruptor And yes, I do still have all my V&V books, why do you ask? I'm also on the Hero boards channel (Thanks to Hero Gojira and Lemming!)
  12. Pre-dating the now semi-infamous Focke-Wulf Triebflugel, we have this gem from the US patent office: http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT2479125&id=o59xAAAAEBAJ&pg=PP1&dq=2479125&num=100#PPP1,M1 This thing screams Pulp Johnny Quest to me. Enjoy.
  13. Re: Marvel Femal Martial Artists There was also...that Celestial Madonna chick...Mantis? Yeah, Mantis. Mockingbird Lady Deathstrike Typhoid Mary Black Cat Calisto Diamondback White Tiger Misty Knight Colleen Wing Some of these are primarily "Scrappers" to use the CoH term, but they are (mostly) close combat specialists, utilizing skill to beat their enemies.
  14. Re: List of Forum Members - Super Teams & Members Justice, Inc. (New York, NY) Mach - Speedster/Detective (Team Leader) Sentinel - Power Armor (Team Founder) Shockwave - Blaster (Executive Officer) Titan - Brick Iron Maiden - Brick/Shape shifter Paragon - Yeng-Tao Martial Artist Lady Arcane - Mystic, Legacy of Doctor Arcane Epoch Aeon - Very versatile Blaster Lucky Jack, the Crimson Bowman - Blaster Sabre - Teleporting light brick/Martial Artist (Reserves Team Leader) Gina D - Draconic Blaster Night Dragon - Phasing Ninja! Sinapse - Telepathic Former Assassin Kid Jurassic - Shapeshifter (dinosaur, raptor and reptile forms.) Ultra Violet - Very versatile Blaster
  15. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Heh, thanks guys. He has a smile/smirk. I just got his second henchman. They are now: Dave Chappelle and Ryan Stiles. My friends from my Champions group made two guys to hang out with Wayne. Russell Crowe: The Stone/Invul Brute Britney Spearz: Sonic Corruptor (And yes, Battlecry is "Oops, I did it again") We're forming the "League of Evil Superstars" when one of us hits 10th.
  16. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game New toon on Protector... Wayne Brady: Mastermind Thug/Dark Miasma 5th Battlecry: "Am I gonna have to choke a #$%" (And yes, my thug is named Chappelle)
  17. Re: Hero miniatures VERY nice Blue! You're almost inspiing me to go back and finish my minis for my Champions group... Almost. CoH is a harsh mistress.
  18. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game @Proditor Pinnacle CoH: SuperNova Titan: Invulnerability/Super Strength/Flight Tank - 21 Sentinel Mk. II: Energy Powers/Energy Manipulation/Flight Blaster - 17 Northern Borealis: Force Field/Radiation Emmision/Flight Defender - 8 The Cthulhu Kid: Illusion/Force Field/Teleport Controller - 8 Kapitain Komintern: Invulnerability/Ice Melee/Super Leap Tank - 10 Dark Shaft: Archery/Devices/Leadership Blaster - 10 Peerless Paragon: Martial Arts/Super Defense/Super Speed - 8 Sabre Carstairs: Broad Sword/Invul/Teleport Scrapper - 9 (And yes, the toon is Sabre from Blood and McQuark) CoV: Lord Tenebrous: Dark Energy/Dark Manipulation/Teleport Corruptor - 8th Case of the Mondays: Stone Melee/Stone Armor - Brute - 7th Protector Brock Sampsen: Superstrength/Invul Tanker - 5 (Member of Team Venture)* Baron Unterbheit: Elec/Elec Brute - 2 Massive Mercenary: SS/Invul Brute - 2 *: Yes, we actually made Team Venture. We have Molotov K. Ocktease (Scrapper), Doctor Rusty Venture (Defender), Doctor Jonas Venture (Controller), Doctor Orpheus (Defender). We've been a big hit. I can't wait till they see our CoV version... My GF made Molotov, and just finished the start mission with Doctor Girlfriend.
  19. Re: Hero miniatures Oh, I found something else to try for Clix. Badger Airbrush Cleaner. There's this guy that swears by it over here: http://www.ellsweb.com/faq/showquestion.asp?faq=5&fldAuto=14 (Near the bottom of the page, look for the pics of the AIM dude and the Super-Skrull) I bought some, and plan to give it a whirl once it arrives.
  20. Re: Super Metals Wow, no mentions of Atmospherium huh? I wonder....
  21. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game I had a really good grind weekend. I got my two mains up to Full Flight, which ROCKS! and then got my other guys up to minimum 6th level. Yes, I have way too many characters at once. Current list and lvl on Pinnacle: CoH: SuperNova Titan: Invulnerability/Super Strength/Flight Tank - 15th Sentinel Mk. II: Energy Powers/Energy Manipulation/Flight Blaster - 14th Northern Borealis: Force Field/Radiation Emmision/Flight Defender - 6th The Cthulhu Kid: Illusion/Force Field/Teleport Controller - 6th Kapitain Komintern: Invulnerability/Ice Melee/Super Leap Tank - 6th Dark Shaft: Archery/Devices/Leadership Blaster - 6th Peerless Paragon: Martial Arts/Super Defense/Super Speed - 6th And on COV: Lord Tenebrous: Dark Energy/Dark Manipulation/Teleport Corruptor - 8th Case of the Mondays: Stone Melee/Stone Armor - Brute - 7th
  22. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Jvstice Inc will be in full effect taking advantage of the phat XP lewt! The question is how MANY of my characters am I going to grind this weekend?
  23. Re: Star Hero Minis? Wow!!! Now this is one heck of a discussion! About the only thing I can think of to add is the following: Good "themed" sci-fi minis: Urban Mammoth's Urban War line. I just grabbed a ton of Triads for use in a Champions game in recreating Oni from Dragon Magazine. (More on that later) NSFW, but some very nice minis: Hasslefree Miniatures Old school, RAFM's Reaction Marines Or Stargrunt II, which is also put out by Eureka, mentioned earlier. or Kryomek Of course there are always the Star Wars plastic minis by WoTC, but to my eye, they look like they are true 25mm instead of the 28 Heroic in use by everyone else on the planet.
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Helping one of my players make a new PC for her boyfriend while he's traveling. We finish everything else off and get to Disads.... Me: I'm stuck for now. Her: Does he have a Code vs Killing? Me: Does the Grand Master of Night Dragon Ninjitsu have a Code vs. Killing? I'm going with no... *In all fairness, the poor girl was working off 4 hours sleep, and was planning her trip to the airport to go get her honey.
  25. Yeah... This thing would eat UNTIL's sub as a light snack... http://www.deepangel.com/
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