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Everything posted by VictorVonDoom

  1. Is it possible to talk about something else then Ironman? You have other people in bodyarmor too...
  2. The Bukaroo's (from "He is a bukkaroo" in the Hunt of red October (a joke about american wearing a gun > cowboy) The Bukaroo's were formed after they saw many time the Hunt of The Red October and they liked been a cowboy Their group use laserguided wips, Robot-engineered Bulls, and Flying Horses (drones). The old Revolver is the trademark of the Buckaroos in their sign. Each year ending a Buckaroo is select to be Sherrif of the Buckaroos and the others serve as deputies. If they call other heroes to join they call it a possee A flying HorseShoe serves as Headquarters for bring luck in battle.
  3. how do you do it then ? (see your answer 3)
  4. 1)How do you build a guy based on gadgets inside a Bodyarmor or artificial armor (DrDoom, Beetle, Ironman, Crimson Dynamo) 2)can a armor boost stats? 3) what Powerframework would i use? PS don't be to easy on me and send me with the line "see the forthcoming genrebook etc etc or something similar)
  5. finally !!...wew !! thanks you...but keep sending in those examples of heroes with CSL and battles...
  6. money= like Tony Stark (He started the Avengers, arranged the house, did the inventions) i would use money to help with inventions...you need invest money in them (budgets)
  7. must you select one combatskill for each power that shoots, ... at someone or does something similar? or if such power hasn't a combatskill does it fall back on 11 + OCV - DCV ?
  8. when someone is shooting at you? (muzzleflashes, laserbeams, ...)
  9. How far can you go in creating a character in the beginning with buying CSL?
  10. it would be handfull such a list of powers
  11. what and who is Trogdor the Burninator ?
  12. Power Pack were Superhero Children in Marvel...
  13. people, don't make it too hard on us , Heronewbies... w
  14. Maybe i said something wrong. But all things aside, also our little word-match (what is a mutant) should we look in more themes in the comics ages then just mutants...I got a headace of it (and this isn't genetic) please other theme same comic/genre/ages you can pick from -villans -magic -heroes (not mutants already discussed) -SF influence in some titles etc
  15. i don't got it quite yet...combat levels is such complicated
  16. My Marfan syndrom is a mutation. If i have a kid, 50 % of my children will have the mutation (Fibriline gen) I know a doctor in Genetic research... I didn't say the children of the Atom stand form been Mutated by Radiation > Chaos ; Kristopher: do you have someone with the Marfan Sydrome? Do you know what is like been in hospitals for more then 30 years? (i am 35) I understand : Atom = atomic bomb but not Mutants are victims of radiations (or parents are victims) Some mutation (like M.) is evolved by a mishap in the genetic structure on 1/600 people maybe more So what if in MU that mishap gave them a flaw in a gen that gave them powers Evolution is there in Marvel: how do you explain it? In MU everything is possible ... true...so what if it was evolution? or aliens or radiations or ... a timetravelling maniac... You have two sides here : Evolution and new race or Professor X and Magneto What do you pick?
  17. Just the Fifth edition book and the Champions Universe...I am going to buy "UNTIL" & Champions Will other(s) add new?
  18. Evolutions evolved Homo Erectus in Homo Habilis and Homo Habilis (Inside Homo Habilis you have Neanthertaler and Cromagnon) in. Marvel adds an new step: Homo Superior (Marvel) Magneto calls them another race... We are maybe as confused as the people are in the comics: are mutants freaks of nature or a evolution of nature? Professor X looks at them as a stage of Evolution: look at the trailer of the first X-men movie: it says it... PS my genetic Disorder is a mutation. If it jumps between several people of the family (now it is almost 30 people) it is def. a mutation. My mutation don't gives me any "advantages" only "disadvantages " and it makes me very limited
  19. I know that too...but i don't understand it. The Mobile: Arrangement part is also on these pages on the table next to Bulky with a modifier of -1/4
  20. What is with these Limitations? Obvious, Inobvious> ??? Mobility: Bulky , ... : OK -> a heavy weapon or Armor Mobility: Arrangement ? Accessible, Inaccessible >??? Expendable ?
  21. yeah they have put it there...in a pdf files
  22. Listen people I know a lot of history on comic books. I am not a college teacher. I am just a guy with great interesses in comics and sometimes i see mistakes myself and want to put that in the right perspective. (Did you ever read the triggereffect below? Well I wasn't joking about autisme; This is really ennoying people thinking that i am confused) *Trigger activated: purpose : Silly thing happened No I am not confused. Here i am TOTALLY in the subject and don't confuse me (yes YOU people) with your alternate theories how the Mutants have evolved. And it is about evolution (Darwin wrote a book about it); I have a mutation too remember it... I know what it is... I need to go each year on a heart / endoscopic research ; each time they plug me at their machines and see how my heart is evolving (Marfan is a linked with the heart) and they jam a 250.000 euro Endoscopic device in my throat to see if i am alright. I take beta-blockers for my heart So don't tell ME what mutation is . It is not from radiation period... cappisch *Trigger solved So i had to rant on that one... Still where was it told Scotts dad flew missions. (Issue...) ?? Where was that speculation that he might have gotten radiation Theories of 15 years ago can change abit. Evolution also changed a bit. What we now know about Neanthertal people are far more than we knew it 100 years ago when we thought they were big apes...Now they are people Why can comic evolve in some fasion? comics evolved from silver age to iron age so do we from prehistoric age to informatic age. So did we evolve? Yes...Why? Because we learned what the previous era gave us. So comic evolved to in that way: from monsters to mutants, from mad-sciencst to supervillans , from pirates to StarJammers, from mutant monsters to Mutant Heroes.... I know also abit about normal history.. PS Hulk was never a mutant... PS I use MSH as my guide PS you use Ultimate Power Book as guide?
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