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HERO Member
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Everything posted by VictorVonDoom

  1. Is it not a EYE TYRANT from D&D or alike? (or Beholder)
  2. that is what i seek in HERO http://www.greenronin.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4312&highlight=random this was created for MM (For each power there should be a choice also or it is a MP or a loose power) It can be done with any combination of dice: 1-10 ... typical percentile MSH way 90-100 or a mix with d20 and d10 like stated in the link please feel free to experiement You will make a few players happy
  3. Re: basic power layout why do you need this info? It depends howmuch points you want to use for your character how much powers they will acquire
  4. Can seperate powers be linked to each others? Say i have a hero with rings (thx to Braincraft for example at RPGnet - if it is you) see below and want to link each of them is it possible? What does change? Mandarin Bob Power Armored Ringbearing Asskicker Str 20 (50 with armor), 10pts Dex 23, 39pts Con 23, 26pts Bod 13, 6 pts Int 30, 20 pts Ego 30, 40pts Pre 30, 20pts Com 18, 4pts PD 8 (28 with armor, 20 resistant), 4pts ED 8 (28 with armor, 20 resistant), 3pts SPD 5, 17pts REC 9 END 46 STUN 36, 1pt Total characteristics cost: 190pts Realhardium plating: Armor +20/20 (OIF-power armor), 40pts Hydraulic enhancements: Strength +30 (OIF-power armor, Does not affect figured characteristics), 15pts Microfusion reactor core: END Reserve 100, 10 REC (OIF-power armor, REC burns out when reserve is empty[-1/4]), 12pts Jetpack and boot thrusters with maneuvering verniers: Flight 12" (1/2 END cost, OIF-power armor), 20 pts Shoulder-mounted laser cannon: Energy Blast 12d6 (OIF-power armor), 40pts Machinegun mounts: Ranged Killing Attack 2d6 (autofire 5, 60 rounds of ammo, OIF-power armor), 40pts Communications suite: High Range Radio Hearing (OIF-power armor, stops working when END reserve is empty [-1/4]), 6pts Air circulating systems: Life Support: Breathing (OIF-power armor, stops working when END reserve is empty [-1/4]), 6pts Shielded innersuit: Life Support: Radiation, Extremes of pressure and temperature (OIF-power armor), 6pts Total powered armor cost: 185pts Magic Rings: Right hand Multipower (90 pt reserve) (OIF-magic rings), 60pts Blazing emerald beam: Energy Blast 12d6, 60 active points, ultra slot, 4pts real cost Mastery over minds: Mind Control 12d6 (telepathic) 75 active points, ultra slot, 5pts real cost Guardian ring: Forcewall 18/18, 1" 90 active points, multi slot, 12pts real cost Dragon Death Blast: Energy Blast 18d6 (x2 END), 90 active points, ultra slot, 4pts real cost Sword of flame: HKA 3d6K (str does not add) +2 HtH skill levels, 55 active points, ultra slot, 3pts real cost Magic power: END Reserve 60/24 (OIF-magic rings), 20pts Total right hand cost: 108pts Left hand Multipower (90 pt reserve) (OIF-magic rings), 60pts Mastery over matter: Telekinesis 60str (visible) 90 active points, multipower slot, 8pts real cost Mastery over space: Teleport 10", up to three passengers (megascale [+1/2], no range penalty, safe blind teleport) 90 active points, ultra slot, 6pts real cost Lightning bolt: Ranged Killing Attack 3d6+1 (armor piercing), ultra slot, 5pts real cost Mastery over time: Dex+10, SPD+2, Running+20" (costs END, no figured characteristics) 90 active points, ultra slot, 4pts real cost Fireball: Energy Blast 12d6 (explosive, full phase, x2 END), 90 active points, ultra slot, 4pts real cost Magic power: END Reserve 60/24 (OIF-magic rings), 20pts Total cost for left hand: 107pts Total rings cost: 215pts Total powers cost: 400pts Skills: KS: Magical artifacts 15 Oration 15, 3pts Persuasion 15, 3pts OCV with magic ring powers +5, 15pts All combat skill levels +3, 16pts Total skills cost: 40pts Total characteristics, powers, and skills cost: 630 pts
  5. that makes it not easier for me to understand it... sigh..
  6. Can i link any power? Do linked power power each other? Do linked powers work with each other? Do linked powers boost each other? Can MP powers be linked with eachothers? please use examples to explain yourself others then the manual's.
  7. Never watch Gundam Wing Before? There the main Barge cannon takes a couple of minutes to recharge... In Star Wars it takes shorter but that is for cinematic purposes...
  8. hmm..ok so if a MPP has more attacks or different in them but one shot only then it is ultra ; If you can switch it off or on and combining it then it is fixed?
  9. Bodyarmor/Forcefield/any defence Body armor or forcefields or any defence mechanisme in Hero might be interesting but with some GM it might be abusive or overpowered
  10. Absorption is a life savior Absorption is a lifesavior...combine that with weapons or other nufty tools and your hero can kick serious butt ...
  11. Any mutant power in Marvel Universe manifest itself between 12 and 14 years old ...Look at Karma: she was 14 on the ship when she gained her power. Some mutant powers are enhanced by interference: Magick power was enhanced by Belasco but as a result it starts earlier :she started younger then the rest (8-12) The powerpack children were between 10-12 hence they break the tendancy to have powers during 12-14 years old... After Xavier telling he was a mutant people send their children to his school. Maybe you need in your campaign such a school as wel to train teenagers using their powers or controlling it...
  12. How do you know when to use a fixed slot or a ultaslot?
  13. I only want know to know how to detect them ... For me any advantage is an advantage. I don't the system that correct to know or what is naked or not?
  14. In MSH (marvel) there was a power that was called "create weakness" also: this is an attack Find Weakness is a attemp to look at somebody like a crying spell or a spying apparatus looking at a someone suppose you have a villan with a Invulnerability vs cold : double damage from cold (x2 damage) then with the find weakness you can find it or scan him out and use cold attacks against him
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