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Everything posted by OddHat

  1. Re: How to rescue civilians Connie Sellacca was a major babe.
  2. Re: Are Hero characters too rugged? This reminds me of the scene in one of the Ultimate books where Ultimate Colossus is downed by a poke to the eye, because "realistically" eyes made of Living Steel wouldn't be able to see. A man who transforms into living steel, with super strength, and the author and target audience both think biology even gets a seat at the table.
  3. Re: Are Hero characters too rugged? Repped.
  4. Re: [Campaign] The Fearless Monster Hunters Harry Potter meets the Danger Room. Nice.
  5. Re: CU - Wold Newton Yup, which leaves open both the "There were no gods, just a race of ancient superbeings" option and the "Of course there were gods" option. Enough detail to give story clues, and enough ambiguity to let people in the setting come to their own conclusion about this lunatic ex family practice physician claiming to be "Thor".
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Well now, a man ken git a mite lonely...
  7. Re: CU - Wold Newton OK, the revised timeline. Added: The Nephilim (which gives Nazi Theozoa, Marvel's Eternals, the CU's Empyreans, Highlander style immortals, and many more). Added: Kull Added: Conan Added: Golden Age Human Torch and Toro Revised: Origins of the Fantastic Four
  8. Re: CU - Wold Newton Feedback welcomed: 45,000 BC – Samyaza leads the Nephilim (modified humans created by the Ancients) in an attempt to instruct and uplift humanity. Infighting among the Nephilim eventually leads to the Nephilim Diaspora and the formation of the Nine Unknown. ----------------------------------------------- The Nephilim possess extraordinary recuperative and regenerative abilities, functional immortality, and telepathic and other Fortean Talents to varying degrees. Nephilim generally possess very low fertility; rare successful mating between Baseline Human and Nephilim will generally result in infertile offspring, often with severe physical deformities, but fertile crossbreeds are known. Fertile crossbreed rarely themselves manifest Fortean Talents, though their descendents may. Some theorists suggest that this is the origin of the “metagene”. Nephilim can generally survive and recover from any injury short of major brain trauma. When brain trauma does occur, the regenerative process can go drastically wrong, resulting in mental illness (most commonly amnesia, delusions, multiple personality disorder, manic-depressive disorder, paranoia, and full schizophrenic breaks), deformities, and even the manifestation of apparently non-human physical traits (extreme gigantism or dwarfism, horns, hooves, tails, fur, feathers, and additional limbs have been reported). Nephilim are often highly telepathic among themselves, able even without training to recognize one-another, exchange basic information, and absorb the memories of nearby Nephilim at time of death. Trained Nephilim are known to practice a variety of telepathic arts, from the formation of “Group Minds” to the projection of pain and hallucinations, to the actual domination of another’s mind. Psychokinetic abilities are also common, and the full range of Fortean talents and traits has been recorded among known and suspected Nephilim. It is claimed by some (suspected) Nephilim that they have posed as the gods and mythic heroes of various ancient peoples. Clouding the issue further, Nephilim telepaths who have suffered brain trauma often become highly susceptible to psychic influence; this raises the possibility that such Nephilim may actually have acted as channels for extra-physical / psychic beings. Other common names for the Nephilim include: Eternals, Fallen, First, Ifrit, Immortals, Inhumans, Nightbreed, Sidhe, Theozoa, Unknown, Weird
  9. Re: Are Hero characters too rugged? Try a smile, eye contact, and a sincere "Howdy". Works more often than you'd think.
  10. Re: Are Hero characters too rugged? I was thinking I should have clarified: Someone in our perceived peer group, and in an area in which we take pride in our ability. It's easy to admit that an athlete we've never met is stronger than we are or can ever be, especially if we're not athletes ourselves. It's much tougher for someone who, for example, takes pride in his writing, to admit that someone in his gaming group is a better writer. Even then, he's likely to comfort himself with the thought that he's still smarter / better looking / whatever than his peer. Note also that I'm not saying it's impossible to admit that your peers are better than you at X when you care about X; but it's not easy, and not ime common.
  11. Re: Superhero power levels That's how I felt as well. Same thing happened to Nick Carter and Captain Strange; the names were the same, but the wild adventure and elements of the fantastic I'd associated with the characters were gone. Here's the list I worked off of when I was researching the character: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Doc_Savage_novels I consider Up from Earth's Center the last cannon Doc Savage (and the fantastic is fully back in it), but Escape from Loki by Farmer is actually a pretty good take on the character as a young man, and the Murray/Dent stuff is entertaining. I wasn't expecting as much of a Doc novel in Escape from Loki as Farmer actually wrote; his Doc pastiches (the Doc Calliban books plus Greatheart Silver) were pretty brutal. But his genuine fondness for Doc and the gang shows through in Loki. Oct. 1991 Python Isle Lester Dent/Will Murray Mar. 1992 White Eyes Lester Dent/Will Murray Jul. 1992 The Frightened Fish Lester Dent/Will Murray Oct. 1992 The Jade Ogre Lester Dent/Will Murray Mar. 1993 Flight into Fear Lester Dent/Will Murray Jul. 1993 The Whistling Wraith Lester Dent/Will Murray Nov. 1993 The Forgotten Realm Lester Dent/Will Murray Murray is one of the better modern Pulp style writers out there right now; he's done a lot of good Remo Williams books as well as some nice Lovecraft mythos stuff.
  12. Re: EMERGENCY HELP: I need an adventure idea STAT Hillbilly Mind Control Pie Worms. Meteor lands in swamp, releases brain eating telepathic worms that infest and control local woman. Woman, who retains aspects of her own personality, is engaged in bitter pie making competition, compelled to stir worms into pie filling. Those who eat delicious worm pies fall under her control, she becomes queen of small town as she decays, townsfolk bent on infesting entire world with their worm eating ways. "Eat the worm! Eat the worm! Eat the worm!"
  13. Re: A Gentlemen’s Duel "Your grace is matched only by your boobies." Note: Try to work that into everyday conversation.
  14. Re: Are Hero characters too rugged? Hero by default simulates Action genres where you rarely see characters suffering the after-effects of combat for long. That said, it's easy enough to set campaign limits on CON and REC and set defenses low if you want characters to recover more slowly. Add in wounding, bleeding and disabling and characters will be in serious trouble. I'd also suggest a "Dangerous Combat" rule, where for every 10 stun taken 1 Body is also taken, and the character's Stun Max is reduced by 1 until that Body is healed. You can even go for a Very Dangerous Combat rule where CV and Skill Rolls are at -1 for every 2 BOD you've taken, so that injured characters quickly lose the ability to fight back effectively. As to whether it's a problem, that depends on your tastes. I mainly run highly cinematic games where it doesn't become an issue; someone looking for gritty scenes of the hero suffering from his wounds may prefer making combat tougher.
  15. Re: Paging Dr. Mid-Nite! I owe you rep.
  16. Re: Paging Dr. Mid-Nite! I tweaked his Dex down, as per McCoy's suggestion, and fixed the oversight as far as his blackout bombs are concerned. This version can "see" through almost any sort of darkness.
  17. Re: Paging Dr. Mid-Nite! How about this:
  18. Re: Paging Dr. Mid-Nite! Sounds doable on 150 points even with owl. He doesn't even have martial arts, unless you give him "Heroic Fisticuffs" or somesuch.
  19. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 Pulp is all about the risks.
  20. Re: Algernon Files 2.0 I'd agree. There's plenty of meat in the Algernon Files: Fires of War for a high powered Pulp campaign. but AF 2.0 is set in the present and contains characters generally too over the top for any but the wildest Pulp games, and even then you'd need to do a lot of work to convert them. I'm using Fires of War and the Pulp Hero supplements to support my WWII Supers campaign.
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