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Everything posted by Mightybec

  1. Playmates looked better in the 80's than they do now.
  2. Q: Who do we need to call about Mightybec's posts? A: I'd rather shave Mightybec's arse with my own razor.
  3. Q: Honey, I'm feeling frisky. A: I need to OK this with your boss.
  4. Q: Why are you taking so long, darling? A: It burns when I use the restroom.
  5. "...Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change the Things I Can And The Wisdom To Know The Difference"
  6. How fcuknig hard is it to pronounce Medici?! And he's supposed to be a pro.
  7. Why do I only get the 40 year old recovering druggie girls to tutor, instead of a 20 year old hottie?
  8. Q: Whoops, I think I just got your mother, sister, and cousin pregnant. A: It stinks, but is apealing all at the same time.
  9. Q: here's the new money for the country of Mightybecistan. What do you think? A: I think it's dead, but I'm not stopping to find out.
  10. Some people are so predictable, that you can lead them in an argument as a lamb to slaughter. And when they're trying to grab on to your statements to fight back, they suddenly realize that your words were just vague enough to slide out of thier grasp.
  11. My mouth is numb, and I'm hungry... Why did that stuborn nerve take 3 doses of novacaine?
  12. Dear hot chicks, BO makes you less appealing. Take a shower for christs sake.
  13. Why is it that a German accent sounds menacing, but an Indian accent sounds humerous?
  14. NO! Why did the boobie thread have to close!? Why, why, why...?
  15. Rob Reiner could discover the cure for Alzheimers, AIDS, and Cancer all in the same morning, and he'd still be refered to as Meathead.
  16. Jesus, can my nose get any more raw than it is now?
  17. Superbowl food does wonders to my digestive system. Well, I'm off to put another marine out to sea. Wish me luck.
  18. If I can make one, just one person sick to thier stomach, then I've done my work for today.
  19. Two threads dead in two minutes? There's a new sherrif in town, folks, and he's taking care of business.
  20. If Knowledge is power, why can't I use it to fuel my car?
  21. I love tuna, but my wife doesn't. I can't eat any at the house either, because of the smell. Pity me please.
  22. Q: What was the name of Hammurabi's pet dinosaur? A: She stunk, but I still did it.
  23. How can someone so stupid try to become a pharmacist? He can't even do a basic buffer reaction lab!
  24. Why the hell does Sen Levin wear reading glasses while giving news interviews? It bugs the hell out of me every time I see it.
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