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Everything posted by Mightybec

  1. Why am I reading ghost threads, at night, in a haunted building...
  2. Q: What did Georgia Frontiere dream about while in a drunken haze? A: It'll all work out next year.
  3. Q: What do Rams player mumble to themselves after they snap? A: That had to hurt.
  4. Spank me and call me childish, but fart jokes always make me chuckle.
  5. Q: Name three things that make dogs happy. A: Here's a hanky.
  6. Wow. This Titans - Ravens game is already better than the last 3 superbowls I've watched
  7. If the palm of your hand itches, you soon will be receiving money. If the back of your head itches, you soon will be receiving lice shampoo.
  8. My experimental post in the star thread proves that most people don't completely read posts in a thread.
  9. Just let me do it my way for a change, dammit.
  10. Does someone out there have an extra gift wrapping gene? I seem to have been born without one. Hell, a water buffalo could do a better job than I've done...
  11. Q: What do you get when you have a scottish drinking festival, and no toilets? A: I think I need to get a penecillan shot. Thanks.
  12. I've been called "cold and heartless" by some, and "funny in a crazy way" by others. Can these two traits coexist?
  13. How much time would it take to set up a 5 minute stand up routine?
  14. What's with all the bouncy boobie avatars lately?
  15. Penthouse forum letters contain the most readable lesbian romances that I've ever seen.
  16. Q: What did the doctor say your problem was, dear? A: It should work. It says so right in this diagram.
  17. Q: Name three things in a proper pimp-mobile. A: I didn't think it could do that.
  18. Q: Twenty dollars for Half and Half? You must be joking... A: It's not pretty, but it works.
  19. Q: What are three things that give you pink eye? A: PLEASEEEE? I've been really good this year.
  20. Why are ceirtain ethnic foods great for a nation, but completely unpalatable for me? Take Greek food, for instance. Why is it that the things that should be warm are served cold, and vice versa?
  21. I can watch a full 24 hour marathon of "A Christmas Story" and never get tired of it.
  22. Why is it that the best way to score with a girl, is to act like you don't want to get her in the sack?
  23. Recreate the last chapter of Of Mice and Men.
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