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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Not actually working on it. Just talking about it. The big flaw with any of the Asumptions about AI behavior is that it will stay that way forever. Humans have a whole lifetime to get over anything they learned from Childhood to Adolescence. A AI would have unlimtied relative lifetimes to get over what it learned in the first few minutes. Hitler was not born or raised with a desire to murder jews. It was his experiences during WW1 - mixed with some common conspiracy theories of the time - that made him who we remember him as.
  2. Video 1+2 of reward hacking introduced the various problems. Now it is time to discuss some solutions. That maybe will not blow up in our face spectaculary:
  3. Mechanically building it? You jsut define "this is the Hyperspace dimension", "this is how time and space between normal and hyperspace relate" (1 km = 1 lightyear). And finally: "this is how much the EDM to get from there/to there costs". Since it is actually physical dimension, you have the same GM freedoms as you have with the "real world" side of the Campaigns. And as GM, you can define as many alternate dimensions into existence as you want. The biggest danger I can see with an alternate dimension FTL is that travel becomes too cheap/easy for the Ships. The cost for FTL is capped to whatever the EDM costs. So more then any other FTL, you want to add Skill and Sensory Power requirements to navigating there. It gives you angles to have the PC's stuck there due to damage. In Babylon 5 Jumpspace, they needed Jumpspace beacons to navigate. It was damn easy to get lost if you "fell of the guiding beam". Also interestingly, not many ships had own jumpdrives. Generally people relied on Jumpgates. While Military Vessels usually could jump themself, they preferred a Jumpgate if they had the option. Something I noticed quite a bit with alternate Dimension Travel lately, is that the alternate Dimensions is consdiered highly Psionically active: Warp in Warhammer 40k. Hyperspace in Sword of the Stars. Jumpdrives in Stellaris. Babylon 5 Jumpspace.
  4. Once you got a Artifical General Intelligence, all those wonderfull "rules" come all back to the Stop Button problem. I actualyl made a thread about someone dicussion actuall AI safty research: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/95631-the-insanity-of-trying-to-make-safe-ai/
  5. The "Ranma-Art" line in the top/righ corner was kind of a gead giveaway Also the sizes is exceedingly small, hard to make out any details.
  6. "People always think it is the cape" - the Demon Seer. Trevor Sight had the gift of magic, but it seemed it was a useless one in his case: He had no real knack for spells, curses or anything else but self defense and utiltiy spells. The only part he was somewhat good was summoning and controling of extradimensional horros. Somewhat because while he was good at controlling and summoning them, he had issues targetting them with his minds eye for he suffered from a form of Face Blindness when it came to said extradimensional horrors. A really vexing combination of traits. The solution turned out to be rather simple: The Seer glasses. These deceptively simple shades allow him to see into those extradimensional spaces without loosing sight of the real world and actually see the beings he is summoning. With those his extended training in summoning really kicked off. As he has to summon portal for the being on a "plane surface" and he likes to show off his control a bit, he tends to summon them on the inside of his cape. But that is not a actually requirement and even the ground or the enemies constume would do. As such many enemies have asumed it is the cape that maters, never going for the glasses that actually do mater.
  7. So the Raven has about the Wisdom score of Belkar?
  8. And I thought I was the only one. I thought the same thing about McCree originally. It is the sidebuns, I guess. They are just so "Hugh Jackman Wolverine", if you know what I mean: http://digitalspyuk.cdnds.net/17/09/768x506/gallery-1488560580-wolverine-hugh-jackman-x-men-days-of-future-past.jpg "Beware, evil takes forms far from foul." is among the first things one might think when seeing Kassandra, the Lavender Knight. This is even more true if one sees her places of activity after she is finished - full of corpses. But in this specific case, it would be asuming the wrong thing, for Kassandra is not a murderes and indeed not affiliated with the Undead. She is a Deathless: A being that while no longer living, also the anathema to undeath creatures. Where undead are re-animated by black magic, Deathless are animated by purified lifeforce and still/again posess their full soul. And without a exception, they hate the undead and hunt them (and their creators) across the earth. Powers: Being a deathless, Kassandra has the Absolute Live Aura, also called the "Life Terror Field" by Sentient undead: This energy field protects her equally against harm from both undead, magic and mundane sources and actually is painfull for Undead to be in contact with. It also has the added benefit that it repells any kind of dirt - especially the tainted bodyfluids from the slain undead - keeping her always looking perfect. It also smells slighly like Lavender, wich is the reason for her byname. Her original weapon of choice is Gravedagger, a sword that was once created during a "undead civil war" and has the ability to drain the dark magic right out of Animated bodies. While it would augment a undead wielder with the Absorbed powers, Kassanda can only use it to more effectively destroy undead with exceptional amoutns of dark magic. Her own Aura destroys the undead energies as the sword "feeds" it to her. In the modern age she updated her weaponry a bit, as it now includes pistols and a flamethrower. Thanks to the absolute life aura she does not actually need a helmet and indeed protetion is not why she carries the Lichs Redoubt around. One of the first arch-lives she slew was especialyl crafty and had a inestructible skull-shaped phylactery. However he understimade what would happen if it was converted into a helmet and kept close to a Deathless - the Absolute Life Aura effectively "locks him inside" of the Phylactery, never able to actually gather a new body. Moreover it is slowly erroding the dark magics, so baring any other way to destroy or it being "rescued" the lich should be permanently dead in a about a milennium.
  9. It is McCree from Overwatch. Well know Characters are not exactly inspirational.
  10. I got nothing, so I give next image rights to Opale.
  11. Bolo, it has been 8 days and 4 participations since you posted your image. What is your decisions?
  12. And that is why there is hope this will turn out good.
  13. Durge aka: The Space Warrior Deliverer of Justice Durgal Urgenon was originally a alien Courier pilot. His job brought him around and let him interact with many cultures, but his focus was on material he could go over during his long job-based traveltimes. One of the things he found on a alien Bazar was a special edition of the first 3 Star Wars Movies. His Shipboard mediaplayer had been modified to read a number of different storage formats for various cultures, and DVD's are actually rather easy to read. And one can only say: He loved it! He never figured out how these DVD's came to that bazar as he never found that specific merchant again, but henceforth he insisted that "the force" had guided them there to be found by him. Unforutnately finding the latest in local Star Wars Merchandise and Films is not that easy in Space, lightyears from the source. When he heard that they had made not only a prequell trillogy but also started working on a sequell trillogy he just could not stop himself: He had to get to earth! So he quit his job and made a beeline for earth. Unfortunately he was a bit overzealous in trying to get to the surface and crashed his ship straight into a swamp (where it propably still is, thanks to lack of force powers). He managed to get out wearing nothing but his spacesuit and made his way to civilisation. After some acclimatisation (and lots and lots of watching and reading anything related to Star Wars, Canon and Legends) he relized that his self defense blasters and his spacesuit gave him effectively superhuman abilities on the planet earth. So he decided to become a superhero for fame and money. How else should he be able to meet George Lucas or get Premier tickets for the next Star Wars Films? So he quickly repainted his Suit to match one particular Star Wars Character - Durge - while also taking this characters name as Hero Name. Unfortuantely he does not believe that "Han Shoot First" - owning to the first contact he had with the material being a special edition - wich does ostracise him with some other Star Wars fans. But he is just to happy to "live his dream" to be bothered much by it. Powerset: His Spacesuit offers a Jetpack and considerable protection. Luckily he does not need the Environmental protection for most climates on earth, as he can survive just about where humans can. His two self-defense blasters have a number of settings, inlcuding Blasts, Stunblasts, a short lived "energy net" to entangle foes, "taser lightning" and some other odd settings. They do however lack a deadly mode being only designed for self defense. He is basically a power armored, flying, energy blaster with a variety of attack options. Note: This image instantly reminded me of Durge, a Character from the older Clone Wars Cartoon Series (now belongign to Legends, I think). I asume this is a variant of him.
  14. The thing is that if he would have known, the prophecy would not have named him in the first place. Another dwarf (who would not have been told because of his different Character) would taken his place. It is a classical case of the Uncertainty Principle: The prophecy only said "when he returns home" without qualifier from where or anything. So the priest tried to avoid it by sending Durkon away. Him being send away, got him sticking to the OOTS. Wich resulted in him beign turned into a Vampire. Wich resulted in him bringing doom when returning home. A classical "trying to prevent X, leads to causing X". However there is a glimmer of hope: This prophecy came from Odin himself, through his high priest. Odin intentionally made this prophecy knowing it would at least come to this moment. Everything up to this moment at least, is part of Odins plan. Maybe there is something about Durkon being "the Person of the Prophecy" against all the other candidates, that makes it actually turn out good in th end (a failure for Hel)? Maybe somehow Durkon will not bring doom, because he was the one send away and turned?
  15. So I did idenfity him properly. Good to know. And of course, Roy has a very valid point there. Durkon would have acted differently (like asking Malak to not raise him at all) if he knew of the Prophecy. And/or that he would be replaced by another spirit.
  16. Not if the Invisible Plane still attracts fire. Then you just put yourself into a bigger target
  17. My choice is for Black Badger. You are next, BoloOfEarth.
  18. Tomorrow is the day of decision, if anyone still wants to participate.
  19. The alterantive would be "the temple brewmaster Firuk Blackore" from "Origin of the PC's", pages 14 and 19. Also something interesting: It was a Vision send by Odin via his high priest that got Durkon send away originally. Maybe this has all been part of one of Odins plans?
  20. That Dwarf, could it be Uncle Thirden? http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1088.html
  21. it is a mater of scale, really. Belkar might murder a few (hundred) people. DarkDurkon is literally trying to doom the Dwarven Race to a eternity under Hel.
  22. Reward hacking, part 2. Part one was mostly about it finding "very ideal strategies we did not anticipate". This one goes a bit deeper with more example. And then adds the AI actually hacking the reward function to always produce "max value":
  23. The uncertainty principle can help the Gamemaster here too. It is very versatile, after all "Any sufficiently temping lie is indistinguishable from truth."
  24. More subdued clothing might have helped. Even with "keep in place" magic that outfit is not suiteable for a supercombat. Theiss Titillation Theory has it's limits. Actually I could think of one way: If there was nothing to see under those clothes. As in her superform lacks those "details" of human anatomy like Ken and Barbie Dolls. And I just remembered that option too late. Also I got a new thing. I remembered this image from Deviantart I posted a while ago. What Superhuman story do you make of it?
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