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Everything posted by SteveZilla

  1. I thought that the character who was doing the teleporting was the one who takes the damage. Is this no longer the case (some/all the time)?
  2. Does this apply to both heroic and superheroic games? I thought that in superheroic games, normal damage was just added up, like a 10 STR guy using a 4d6 hand attack OAF (club) would do 6d6?
  3. Steve, I was reading the FAQ (for revised 5th ed.) and came across these two entries: They seem to contradict each other. Against continuing-effect Mental Powers when EGO is negative, the first one says that you use their current EGO, and the second one says use 0. Is one of them in error, or am I missing something?
  4. Re: STR vs. Gravity It seemed to me that it was more than just one person going that direction on the pricing. Active Points isn't always an absolute measure of how powerful a Power is. That's why some are "exclamation point" powers/advantages, and some are "stop sign" powers/advantages. I'd call affecting gravity itself (as opposed to building a Power -- like TK + AOE -- and calling the F/X "Gravity") to be a "Railroad Crossing with the lights flashing, crossbar lowered, and stop signs waving back and forth" power. In part because it's effects aren't purely game-system mechanical. It affects powers differently depending upon their F/X. Which I think is opposite of the basis of Hero System -- that F/X and mechanics are seperate.
  5. Re: escalating side effects rule That can easily be avoided by selling me your soul. Without one, you are immune to "bad soul effects".
  6. Re: STR vs. Gravity Yes, it does, which is why I am objecting to it at that price (and possibly on a mechanics standpoint regardless of price). Never said I was. While I believe that while clarity is required for agreement, it doesn't automatically lead there (We can both have clarity on something, yet still have a difference of opinion, IMO).
  7. Re: STR vs. Gravity Perhaps. I am having to put in extra time at work, and have been only able to spend bits and pieces of time on these boards. Not very condusive to a coherent discussion. I apologize if I have strayed. I blame Real Life issues.
  8. Re: Thought I understood MP, maybe I don't? Oh, I gotta vote for my namesake! Oh, no! There goes Tokyo! (Card made by Dr. A.) OH, and AFAIKR, if the slots and pool are to be the same object, they *must* take the exact same limitation(s). One thing to point out about making the slots/pool diferent foci is that the DEF of a focus is equal to the biggest power's Active Points/5. Unless it has a defenseive power, then it can use that in place of this DEF. (slight edit) Actually, in the case of a single object for the whole MP, the slots must have all the limitations that are taken on the pool, but can have additional ones on their own (like the dial-an-ammo gun -- each "ammo" has it's own charges). And usually, the only way to take a limitation on the pool is to take it on *all* the slots. So if you have a small power in the same gadget as a big power, the small one gets the benefit of being harder to damage because of the DEF granted by the bigger power. If they're seperate, it would only have it's own, smaller DEF.
  9. Re: STR vs. Gravity I didn't mean a true normal. I was effectively saying a non-brick (i.e., a non-super-strength character). A 15 STR character is in the center of a 13" radius 12G field. He may have any (un-advantaged) movement power except Teleportation, FTL, and EDM, and Tunneling. Please give me a book/page reference on what the character needs to roll to be able to remove himself from this field. Also, please provide the book/page reference that details any other effects on the character, like changes to his OCV/DCV, affects on Characteristic Rolls, END useage, Recoveries, and the like while in the field.
  10. Re: STR vs. Gravity I think my description matches the level of control that CE gives over temperature. A Temperature Effects CE can raise or lower the temperature in an area.
  11. Re: STR vs. Gravity Unless you're Q. There are clear rules for breaking out of a TK grab (or entangle), but no such rules exist for breaking out of a "gravity field". The effects of a TK grab (or entangle) are clearly defined in the system. The effects of greater or lesser G-forces are not clearly defined. Extrapolating real-world effects of an altered gravity field I thought that control over acceleration was directly implied even if all one has control over is the gravitational constant in his own hex. It's true that he would have no control over which gravitating body is exerting it's influence on him, but careful control and timing would let him "slingshot" around smaller objects that are close to his original path, thereby changing his course. And presuming he can make G be any value positive or negative, he can also exert a braking or accelerating force upon himself.
  12. Re: STR vs. Gravity I have to disagree with you. Any description of how a power is generated is at least a part of, if not the whole of, the F/X of the power. Whether a power affects the gravitational force in an area by changing G, or redirecting the gravitons, or by "warping space" -- those are the F/X of the powers. Just because one "utilizes" a real-world Newtonian formula in its explanation doesn't change that. I've attached a bitmap version for you. The image quality isn't as good as it probably once was, having been though the .jpg and .art wringers. I'd suggest either leaving it as a bitmap, or using .png to preserve what quality is left.
  13. Re: STR vs. Gravity Upwards would take a reversal of the gravitic field -- i.e., the gravity is now pulling on objects from above them, and to a greater level than the local gravity. It may be splitting hairs, but I have to insist that Gravity only pulls, and doesn't push.
  14. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Or "Honja" for short. Sounds like an imported car.
  15. Re: STR vs. Gravity Just divide the crushing damage by 12 and apply it against 1/12 their PD. Now you have the same overall effect, but on a segment-by-segment scale. Also, falling isn't what hurts, it's the sudden, crushing stop at the end.
  16. Re: STR vs. Gravity Okay, now that we have Environmental Power: Gravity, does it's use convey partial/complete immunity to the effects of inertial (sharp turns) and external Environmental Gravity (like flying upside down, but not spilling coffee from your cup)? The first I would easily consider handwavium, as it doesn't enter into it for characters when they move really fast. The second I could see as an adder to the power, or just presumed with the first level. Also, what are the effects of someone moveing through an area of increased gravity with something other than Teleportation? Emphasis on both Running and Flight. The problem I see is that the effect can depend somewhat on the F/X of the movement power. Then there is the effect on the character, just as he stands/hovers there (or tries to, anyway). (edit) And what about when the vehicle is in a gravity field *stronger* than it's Environmental Power: Gravity? Could it use it's EPG to counteract some/all of the external gravity?
  17. Re: AARGH! How do I build this power without exceeding active point caps? That third slot is a monster! At least 300 Active Points (I don't know the value of the Trigger)! Was there any particular reason for using Transform instead of a Ranged Drain Body?
  18. Re: AARGH! How do I build this power without exceeding active point caps?
  19. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I picked up on the stun gun/cattle prod look quite easily.
  20. Re: STR vs. Gravity Agreed. I wouldn't let a character have effectively Density Increase + AoE: Radius(+1), UAA(+1), Only to Increase Weight(-2).
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