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Everything posted by SteveZilla

  1. Steve, I have questions about the OCV & DCV mods from M/A maneuvers used with Two-Weapon Fighting. 1. On page 73 in the 5th ed, rev. book (margin example), it says that any OCV penalties from a maneuver used as part of a Two-Weapon Fighting sweep apply to all the attack rolls. Is this true if both attacks (maneuvers) used have OCV penalties? I.e., if I use the same maneuver for both attacks, and the maneuver gives -2 OCV, would the character actually be at -4 OCV for each attack? 2. It also says that the worse of the two DCV bonuses apply. If one maneuver gives a +1 bonus and the other gives a -1 penalty, the character will get +1 DCV instead of -1 DCV?
  2. Re: Daily Art Findings That picture could be the next Linux logo.
  3. Re: Autofire Find Weakness Yeah, but a 1 pip RKA + Penetrating will still go though all of it! And for regular atacks, every 5 Body rolled will take down one of the shells. Which makes it kinda like Ablative... Hmmm.
  4. Re: Autofire Find Weakness How about FiWe and FoWa? Strange, that reminds me of something about an English man... Instead of FiWe, You could limit the Ranged Drain so that it only lowers the defense Vs. your attacks...
  5. More than one power can contribute to the damage, like Strength with a HKA or, for instance. This is IIRC about the adding damage rules, of course. If a character has a 2d6 HKA and a 25 STR, he would normally do 3 ½d6 HKA. But the HKA is considered the base damage, and the STR adds to that (up to the normal 2x limit). Which brings me to my question, about it depending upon which power is being pushed. If he pushes his STR up to 35, he only gets to add 30 of it to the HKA because it's not the base damage (and is limited to 4d6 HKA w/ Strength). But if he pushes the HKA, it becomes a 2½d6 HKA (4d6+1 HKA w/ Strength). Also, if one is already over the doubling limit (like a 60 STR character using a 1d6+1 HKA = 2½d6 HKA w/ STR), pushing his STR would add nothing, but pushing the HKA would actually net 20 effective points increase in the attack (becoming a 2d6 HKA = 4d6 HKA w/ STR). ...unless pushing circumvents what is normally considered to be the base damage, and what is added damage, in an attack. I hope I've clarified my lack of clarity.
  6. Re: Autofire Find Weakness OH, there is one other limiting factor to Find Weakness: It only haves one kind of defense at a time ("normal" vs "resistant"). Armor Piercing havles all of it in one go. Though it is easy to buy Find Weakness to affect several, or all, attacks the character has, doing so with a Naked Advantage Armor Piercing means buying it once for each attack it can be used with. Sean makes a good point, in line with my points (IMO ). Not to derail the thread, this subject is the flip side of the character buying both high defenses and Damage Reduction. Oh! I know! I want to take Autofire on my Damage Reduction to reduce the attack, percentage-wise, multiple times (I.e., a 50% DR that "hits" three times would reduce the attack to 12.5% of it's original, after defenses, value)!
  7. Wouldn't it depend upon what power in the attack was being pushed?
  8. Re: Autofire Find Weakness I know I would never allow it in a game I might conceivably run. Nor would I let the player take +4 SPD - Only W/ Find Weakness, or +9d6 EB - RSR -- unless their EB were only about 3d6 to start with. A partially limited power still has it's full Active Points, and Damage Classes to count, after all. Autofire Find Weakness is IMO an attempt to do an "end run" around campaign Active Point or Damage Class limits. Yes, you could get the same fractioning of defenses with Armor Piercing, but then you have either gone way beyond the AP/DC limits, or the base attack is proportionately smaller. The time spent doing FW is one of it's limiting factors. So it the range mod when the target is at a distance. But the GM still needs to consider how much damage on average this (and any) character build will get through defenses, on average. If it's too high (regardless of it being the 24d6 EB, or the 12D6 EB and 18- Autofire Find Weakness), it's a problem.
  9. Re: Build a Mundane Object in Hero System I'd probably add OIF, Bulky to the snowshoes. It's not like one can imitate Fred Astaire in a pair.
  10. Re: VVP and AP limits Even if the VPP can make more than one attack power at the same time, they canot be used together -- even in a Multiple-Power Attack (5R, p311). Even if it's a Cosmic VPP, it still can only be changed as a Zero-Phase Action, and generally only "use" points once per Phase (i.e., no chage-to-movement-power-use-movement (a half-move)-then-change-to-attack-power-and-attack). And generally, VPPs are held to the same "Common Special Effects" as the other Frameworks. Personally, I am very leery of a character trying to fit everything and the kitchen sink into a VPP through "creative" (i.e., abusive) use of certain F/X -- like "It's Magic!", for instance. And the GM still has final say over each and every power the VPP character tries to make with their framework.
  11. Re: Build a Mundane Object in Hero System Boots: Armor +1 PD/+1 ED - OIF(Boots), Protects Foot/Shin locations Only(-?)
  12. Re: Build a Mundane Object in Hero System Oil Lantern: Images: Light, +4 PER, 6" Radius - OAF, Fragile(-1 1/4), 1 Fuel Charge(Easily Replaced Fuel, 6 hrs; -0) - Only To Create Light(-1)
  13. Re: Build a Mundane Object in Hero System How about a stapler? Clinging + UAA(+1), Charges(200; +1), Uncontrolled(Lasts until staple is removed; +1/2), Only up to 1 STR(-1) - Only holds together thin objects with a 0 DEF(-1) 12 Real Points.
  14. Re: Build a Mundane Object in Hero System Nah, just add "Physical Manifestation", or "Visible".
  15. Re: Build a Mundane Object in Hero System Wait! You forgot the eraser!
  16. Re: Adjustment powers vs. Megascale "Difficult to Dispel" also helps protect against Suppress.
  17. Re: Adjustment powers vs. Megascale So I can pay +5 points to get *two*? Wow! Sorry, sorry. I'll let the discussion get back on track now.
  18. Re: Resurrection and Heals Limbs for Recovery You could bring back 4th Edition's Regeneration, and apply the adders from 5th ed, revised to it.
  19. Re: STR vs. Gravity Both of those above describe what they do mechanically. Buying extra PD could be either really tough skin, chi-powered toughness, or an alien anatomy that isn't as 'fragile' as puny humans. Those are all F/X. But despite the different F/X, all those powers do the same thing: Increase the character's PD. The same F/X could be used when buying more ED for the character. You've just listed two possible F/X for Combat Luck. The mechanics is that the character gets extra PD or ED vs an attack, which is not what you listed. Also, combat luck is a talent, not a power. So a character's own Armor (due to being Colossus of the X/Men) now costs END each phase? Huh? *Big Ramification*, as that means there is no such thing as a persistent power anymore. Let's not forget CON Rolls to delay the onset of G-Loc! I think a lot of that depends upon the strength of the gravity vs the strength of the ability (either the STR stat, or the ability in quesiton). Superman won't be slowed down noticeably in a 2G environment due to his Strength and level of power (inches of Flight, etc.). Though that might not be a good comparison. 2G should (for game balance) have the same effect on all characters. If one character can more easily ignore that effect because of particulars of their build, then that can't be helped. I do remember seeing a chart in Star Hero that details the effects of extra gravity on different forms of movement. To be realistic, range penalties & range limits would apply differently, depending upon the F/X of the power (i.e., it can hose some F/X quite easily, and others it can't touch). A bullet/flamethrower (or equal non-foci-based power) will be more affected than a "photonic blast"/laser beam (Note to Blasters: Beware higher gravity! Always try to pick the highest "tech" F/X allowed in the game to mitigate this effect!) Heck, at high enough G's, just Diving for Cover could cause serious injury! I woulnd't make a fall in one's own hex cause damage -- but that could be just me. Otherwise, just take a single Change Environement that causes high G's, and also a very slippery surface (DEX rolls at a penalty to remain standing). Let your opponenets knock themselves out! Ideas are always welcome, Chris. Thanks for contributing. And I'm going to sit down sometime in the next week and read every entry in Star Hero that deals with gravity, inertia, momentum, and G-forces. It may be that the system has already solved our disagreement at least partly if not completely.
  20. Re: STR vs. Gravity I agree with those two points in general. The point I'm trying to get across is that any such Power construct should work as the mechanics of the power(s)/Advantages/Limitations state, without someone "interpreting" that it should have all these other nifty effects as well. Change Environment is a power like any other -- the player/GM can pick the F/X for what it does independent of what it does. Just because it has the word ‘Environment’ in its name doesn’t give it a special status. Can you give me a concrete example of where SFX and Mechanics cannot be separate - for any power in the book? Change Environment doesn’t give special abilities just because the name has the word ‘Environment’ in it. The CE TK works exactly like an AoE TK. If you house rule it so that it does (and let PCs have it), you are opening up a huge can of worms.
  21. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. It must have been painful, what with being stuck in a bed of red-hot coals and then beaten a lot.
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