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Posts posted by SteveZilla

  1. Well' date=' there's that. If we get negative rep back, maybe CourtFool would join us again.[/quote']


    Gods, I hope we never get negative rep back - for reasons unrelated to CourtFool's presence or absence. Some people here are very... strong... in their political convictions. The ability to negatively rep would IMO be the match that lights off NegRep wars the likes of which haven't been seen in ages.

  2. I am working on a FH campaign for a group of players that consists of long-time Hero players. As the title has mentioned they strongly disagree with how 6e handles characteristics. I am hoping that I can just leave 6e "as written" for the characteristics' date=' as the change I came up with will affect aids/drains. Besides I like how simple the aids/drains works now. If it is still an issue, I have come up with new costs for figured characteristics as a compromise. Let me know what you think of these new costs for the base characteristics; STR = 4 DEX = 6 CON = 4 BODY = 3 INT = 2 EGO = 4 PRE = 2 [/quote']


    You could always work up several "Package Deals", each containing fixed amounts of certain "Primary" and "Figured" Characteristics, Powers and Skill Levels as needed (using 6e prices). Bingo! 6e can simulate many other game systems, including 5e! :D

  3. Re: Throw people away


    How about a flash versus sound that does knock back and then add double knock back.


    I'm not sure if that would work against people/objects with no sense of hearing, similar in the way we can't use Dispel Knockback Resistance + Does Knockback against a target that has no Knockback Resistance to begin with.


    Why not just a Blast - Only for Knockback(-2)?

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