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Everything posted by Chuckg

  1. Re: Help with a character USPD had a build for 'super-eidetic memory' that was basically Retrocognition, Only For Events Perceivable By Self At One Time In The Past.
  2. Re: DC Universe Overview I'm not saying that Superman *can't* get a Mother Box -- goodness knows he's borrowed them before. I am saying that in this comic, Superman *didn't* get a Mother Box, as there's absolutely no scene shown with any of the above chars in it in the comic. (And no, the Watchtowwr didn't get the Boom Tube summoning upgrade, they kinda held back on the good stuff.) Are we to assume that it all happened off-stage? Majorly sloppy writing, again. Why not just have 22 pages of white space and a narrator?
  3. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist If you take this line of argument, then you are admitting that the only reason Batman lost the first time is 'cause of surprise advantage... i.e. Bronze Tiger weren't really *that* good. Which only reinforces my point anyway. So whether we call it heads or tails...
  4. Re: Opinions desired, Consequences of power/effect/disad combination I'd say he reverted to human form the instant he hit the body of water. i.e. -- he can't teleport through it at all. Water grounds, after all.
  5. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist The first time they fought -- when Lady Shiva was being intro'ed in Bat-Comics, and was less skilled then that she is now -- Batman was anything *but* holding back (they were trying to capture her for interrogation), and he needed Jason Todd to double-team/distract her to give him any chance at all.
  6. Re: Real-Life Hyperspace Theory? Sadly, I am banned from NGD.
  7. Re: Marvel's Best Martial Artists IIRC, Stick has beaten both Wolverine and Elektra like they were rented mules. (One at a time.) We're talking like watching a Green Beret pound on crippled infants, not an actual fight. So yes, Stick is *way* up there.
  8. http://www.newscientist.com/channel/fundamentals/mg18925331.200.html Hyperdrive (and anti-gravity!) may, in our lifetimes, become a reality. In the real world. Two things that speak out *against* activating my usual crackpot alarm: * The scientist in question eschewed publicity for decades, refused to make claims without experimental proof (that he was never able to fund), and is now dead. * Heim theory has repeatedly proven able to make accurate predictions in at least one respect (particle masses) that conventional physics theories have proven incapable of doing. OTOH, it's hardly like they've *finished* it yet. So I hope. I may not entirely believe, but I hope.
  9. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist > As for the story itself, nobody was holding Batman down at all. He > merely arrived to late to save her. Also, while she may no longer be > Batwoman post Crisis it's still an acknowledged fact that she was killed by > Bronze Tiger in that storyline. Really? Where? The only Post-Crisis mention of Kathy Kane that I know of was in "The Kingdom", and that was a fluke of Hypertime temporarily crossing over into the Post-Crisis reality, not her being part of it. As for guidebooks, authorized or otherwise, counting as canon -- no, they are not binding if contradicted by actual comics. If the comics conflict with the guidebook, the comics win, not the guidebook. Oh, and BTW, you completely ignored every point clearly showing that even if the story *is* still in continuity, neither Batman /or/ the Bronze Tiger are at the same skill level they were back then -- Bruce has clearly gone up, the Tiger's quite likely gone /down/.
  10. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist > A good reason to belive it's not? You mean aside from every reliable > source on the subject saying that it is in fact part of Post Crisis > history? Fan sources and guidebooks do not count. And given what was in that storyline, how can anyone say it's still in continuity Post-Crisis? The first Bronze Tiger/Batman fight had Bronze Tiger keeping Batman down while another member of the Society of Assassins killed Kathy Kane. The entire reason the Bronze Tiger fought Batman in the first place is because Batman was trying to stop *him* from killing Kathy Kane. But Kathy Kane doesn't exist Post-Crisis. Explain to me how that storyline is still in-continuity if this is possible? > It happened people, deal with it. *points up* > As for Batman dealing with a squad of SWAT team member without > trouble. Ummmm, no, you mischaracterize again. My point was that Batman has obviously shown improvement from his early years in comics to now -- back then, a squad of SWAT could give him trouble, today he casually steps on Navy SEALs like they're roaches. Ergo, even *IF* the story you mention was still in-continuity -- which it's not -- it still wouldn't matter, because Batman that far back in his career is not the same skill level as he is now. Furthermore, you completely ignored the part where more recently in comics (Ostrander's SUICIDE SQUAD run, again), Batman and Bronze Tiger went at it, and that time around, the Bronze Tiger was losing on points -- another data point to show that Batman has significantly improved since way back when. Either that, or the Tiger's been backsliding... and since that original storyline is when Ben Turner had been brainwashed into a living incarnation of martial rage by the original O-Sensei, a mental programming he has long since shaken off, backsliding is also a distinct possibility. He was amped majorly by the Dark Side back then. But what is vanishingly *not* a possibility is that the same relationship re: martial ranking exists between the Batman and the Bronze Tiger *now* as did back during the Bronze Tiger's first appearances, because *SO MUCH* has changed since then -- on both sides. Plus -- Kathy Kane doesn't exist post-crisis.
  11. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Actually, there's good reason to suspect it's not. Furthermore, in Ostrander's SUICIDE SQUAD run, they fought again and Bronze Tiger wasn't anywhere near as buff against Batman. But I already said this once already.
  12. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Hey, I freely admit that it's logically absurd and physically impossible. (Of course, this being comics, *lots* of things are logically absurd and physically impossible.) If it only happened the one time, I'd have been willing to write it off to a writer brain cramp and make it like it didn't happen. If the artwork were more ambiguous, I could have accepted an interpretation of 'she didn't actually move faster than the bullets, she just jinked around so fast that they shot wild'. OTOH, the artist went *way* out of his way to make it *absolutely* plain that ye majorly freaky stuff was in progress yo. Furthermore, it's happened more than once in the comic. And last, but definitely not least, she's not the only person in the DCU who can abuse martial arts to get temporary Flash-like superspeed. Post-Reboot Val Armorr's done the same, when he Martial Threw a charging Mon-El... a Mon-El who was charging at a high fraction of lightspeed. So, the general physical laws of the DCU apparently allow for very short-term(*) bursts of Flash-like superspeed from super-duper martial artists... even as ridiculous as that sounds. Is there a 'shrug' emoticon in here somewhere? (*) A step or two at a time, no more.
  13. Re: Detect or Bump of Direction? Bump of Direction *is* bought as a Detect, according to its breakdown in 5e revised:
  14. Re: DC Universe Overview Well, yes -- but how did Superman open it? He didn't have a Mother Box, and God knows Darkseid doesn't carry one for him to rip off, him having the power to ope those things on his ownsome.
  15. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Because Connor Hawke is one of the greatest martial artists in the world and Ollie is a half-trained street fighter without his bow?
  16. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever
  17. Re: DC Universe Overview They already used that excuse for Darkseid's miserable showing vs. Doomsday in HUNTER/PREY. No, honestly. Later on they tried claiming it was just a Darkseid 'avatar', not the real Darkseid. It didn't fly. Thanosbots were more believable.
  18. Re: DC Universe Overview Umm, Supes didn't even use a Mother Box to get to the Source Wall. He just... flew really fast. This is right after he punched Darkseid so hard that candy fell out. Well, marshmallow fluff. Or something. Behold the sadness... SUPERMAN/BATMAN #13 (and btw, yes, it only took Supes one page to beat Darkseid down like that. While there was a page or so of Supes dragging Darkseid from Earth all the way out to close solar orbit, and yelling at him, Darkseid hadn't taken any damage yet until the first page I scanned.) Darkseid got jobbed out SO HARD here that me and my friends call this guy 'Jobberseid', to distinguish him from the *real* Darkseid. Who apparently... went somewhere... after the first Crisis, and never showed up again, really... la la la la la...
  19. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist That was the temporary powerdown I referred to in BATGIRL #8. Very soon after, Lady Shiva retrained Cassandra so that her abilities were on-line again. She then gave Cassandra a year to prepare, so that come their match-up in BATGIRL #25, she'd be taking Batgirl on at her peak, not in a weakened condition. ... yes, pride is a bugger, and God knows Shiva has more than her share. As for 'DC's Taskmaster' -- well, she has the ability to learn instantly from her foes, yes (to the point where she picked up Thanagarian martial arts in a minute, just from watching how the Shadow Thief attacked her), but unlike Taskmaster, she don't stop there. She can also operate at superhuman levels of strength and speed via chi control or somesuch (whereas Taskmaster is specifically unable to 'overclock' his body, even if he's duping somebody who has those skills), and divine an opponent's next move, intent, and emotional state simply from his body language, on an almost Cypher-like level (for body language at least, not for regular languages).
  20. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever
  21. Re: DC Universe Overview At the end of INFINITE CRISIS #3, Alex also dropped the holo-disguise he was using to pass as Post-Crisis Lex, revealing his true form as a red-haired young man.
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