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Lord Liaden

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Everything posted by Lord Liaden

  1. What really makes a gaming location come alive for me are the NPCs. I like to know who are the factions, the power players, the helps and hindrances and just plain entertaining folks that PCs can run into. What plot opportunities will they provide? What secrets do they keep waiting to be unearthed? What are their personalities that make RPing with them fun and memorable? As long as I have a basic map layout for the site, I can embellish or improvise the details of where players go and how they get there, but I want fun encounters for them (or me as a player) along the way. Per that dimension I tend to prefer fictional real estate if it has such details built in, because then it's usually designed around the roles of the NPCs and their implications for the PCs. OTOH for a modern-day supers game I like as much of the real world as possible surrounding the campaign setting, for the sense of familiarity and grounding.
  2. Just looked that up -- looks good, lots of potential. Either this or Sodus Bay should be fine for your purposes. Main differences would be the countries you'd interact with if you want any international activities, and of course the role weather might play.
  3. It isn't. Miami is base of operations for a hero team called The Watch, while Houston's primary champions make up The Hero Corps. Houston is also home to a solo hero known as The Messenger. (See Champions Universe p. 72 for team membership. The Messenger has a full 5E write-up in Champions Universe: News Of The World.)
  4. The gunman was a former Houston PD captain. Let that sink in.
  5. This does put Republican lawmakers on the hot seat, though. Many have been avoiding saying whether or not they accept that Joe Biden won the election, but now they have to choose a side. Do they publicly align with McConnell and risk enraging Trump and his base of support, which includes many of their voters? Or do they stay loyal to Trump, lose the favor of the czar of their party, and leave themselves open to both public ridicule and accusations of sedition?
  6. Carter's presidency was a mixed bag, but it led him to his life's work, and a legacy to be proud of. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/528681-carter-center-issues-statement-encouraging-people-to-take-covid-19-vaccine
  7. Catchy line for a song, but someone forgot to tell Jimmy Carter.
  8. Sure. Sodus Point was a significant Great Lakes port in the past, and the bay could certainly be a harbor for a large city. It's only 2.4 x 4.4 miles.
  9. Yep, Sodus Bay looks like a good site for it. The history of the region wouldn't need much "what-if-ing" to justify a decent-sized city there.
  10. And that elf is wearing his mask wrong.
  11. Stand on guard tomorrow. Celebrate tonight. Victories should be savored, especially when we know we have to move on to the next fight.
  12. Anyone who thinks geese aren't terrifying, never ran into an angry goose.
  13. You're always welcome here. It's rewarding to hear that our community and our shared hobby offers you some comfort. I also fight against depression and anxiety. And I did lose the fight. But the loss was temporary. I got help, and I got better. Falling isn't the end, because picking yourself back up remains possible. In the depths of depression you feel hopeless, you feel you're worthless, and you feel that you'll feel that way for the rest of your life. None of that is true. And none of us here believe that about you.
  14. I think I heard it best expressed by Beau of the Fifth Column. Trump's supporters have turned over their critical thinking to him.
  15. There is a certain satisfaction to knowing there's a breaking point for even the staunchest right-wingers to accept the inept antics of Trump and his rubber-stampers. However, I've yet to be convinced that even this will seriously undermine his base of support.
  16. Could someone please help my ignorant ass? I'm not recognizing this map.
  17. That is the terrifying part. America did not reject Trump and Trumpism. Coronavirus, and Trump's own incompetence, were likely the only factors that defeated him this time. Even with all that, he came close to being returned to power. And many of those legislators who most egregiously protected and enabled Trump were reelected. That proves that the rhetoric of fear and hatred and blatant lies is effective in America today. The next aspiring tyrant has undoubtedly taken note of that, because the next one is probably smarter and more capable than Donald Trump.
  18. And Dad is the kind who won't ask for directions because he's convinced he knows where he's going better than anyone.
  19. Sadly, from the people who keep voting them into office.
  20. He's 82, and obviously had his positions calcified some time in the 1960s. But if it's any comfort, at least there's a good chance we won't have to put up with Epstein for four more years.
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