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Everything posted by FenrisUlf

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures *sigh* Must spread Rep...
  2. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I've been watching the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Love the writing, the characters and Rarity is so hot[/i], and I'm wondering just when Hasbro/the Hub will get on the ball and bring out the collected season 1 on DVD ad/or other collectibles associated with the series. They would make money hand over fist!
  3. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Istvatha V'Han rules several hundred entire dimensions. I doubt she really NEEDS to inflate her accomplishments to impress people.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Great character! But now I'm thinking we need a whole villain team of children's cute animal characters.
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  6. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I think this was an actual episode of The Real Ghostbusters. And it was a great one, too!
  7. Re: "We're just here to help -- honest!" Olorin, Badger, thanks for responding. And thanks too for the responses. These really DO sound like more realistic human responses than the ones shown in the original work. The bit about mind control -- yeah, that was one of my bigger problems with the story too. And yes 1000% on what you say Badger would do.
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares How did I miss this?!? MLP:FiM reference for the win. Sadly I don't know what movie you're referring too so I don't know how twisted it would be with a omnicidal maniac lunatic of a nightmare as the main character.
  9. Firstly be warned, this one is kind of long. One day your PC heroes are asked to investigate something very strange. An opaque force field has appeared over an inhabited area; probably a relatively isolated one, a small town rather than a suburb or urban neighborhood. It should also be very badly run down. Think like an Appalachian coal patch or the like. Or at least it was. The once barren area outside the dome now looks as lush as the Garden of Eden. At any rate, the authorities tell you that no radio or other contact has been made with anyone within the shielded area from the moment it came down. They did send some troops in, or maybe someone sneaked in, but they haven't come back. When the heroes (presumably) go to investigate they find a reception committee waiting for them outside the field. They are obviously alien and nonhuman, but they seem peaceful, even friendly when the heroes arrive. They come off as quite nonchalant about the field ("We're living here now, and we weren't completely sure how you'd react to us."). When asked about the missing people, they point to some of the aliens, who are indistinguishable from the others, and say, "There they are!" Questioning them proves that they are indeed the missing people, or at least have perfect copies of all their memories, and they are very friendly and cheerful about the whole thing. The aliens are also pretty tough (as much as the heroes). They will defend themselves if pushed but refuse to kill, and it should also be pointed out that their leader is probably on the power level of a major villain. Further questioning reveals that all the missing people have been changed, that they're all delighted with the change, and that they hope "Everyone else can join us! Because it's so wonderful in here..." If they ask, the PCs will NOT be allowed inside the force field under any circumstances. Any questions about their society should make it sound like utter paradise. Indeed, some of it might come off as slightly creepy for the pure sappy joy everyone seems to feel. The transformed people in particular are just so happy to be transformed and part of a new society. Oh yes, the aliens nonchalantly say that Earth is their home now, and having heard about all your world's troubles from their new friends, they want to save you all via transformation and absorption into their society. Oh, and everyone who doesn't accept transformation willingly will be forcibly changed "for their own good" when they "cleanse" the planet... which will also expunge every sign of human history, science, art, and culture. When? Oh, a month or so. But when it's done you'll be living in a joyous paradise. Doesn't that make you happy? Okay... what do your heroes do?
  10. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Another quick idea: maybe we could get a plot seed that involves the heroes getting approached by some refugees from one of I-V's conquests begging for political asylum on Earth? Of course, Her Nibs follows with the troops and demands the return of these "traitors" for punishment; and maybe some of the refugees aren't such nice people themselves. Heck, maybe some of them were supervillains where they came from!
  11. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? :hail: This sounds like it's going to cover everything I could possibly want to see. I am eagerly looking forward to it!
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures What would he pay his lawyer in, bananas?
  13. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO That's the most butch little pony I've seen since the Rainbow Slash fanart.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Would you believe I've seen people trying to tie the Lantern Spectrum into My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic, of all things? Most of them have Rainbow Dash as as a Green Lantern, though truth be told I saw Applejack as more of a Green myself, given her nonstop determination to keep the farm going...
  15. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Oh, Lord, I so love the scene from it where the crazy half-breed Joe Knox outlines his scheme for revenge on the white man: "You've heard of Typhoid Mary? Well, I'm going to be remembered as 'Pox Knox'!" And then later when Lee Marvin takes him to a doctor to get "the cure". "What?!? I thought you just gave me a pill!" "Pill? WE get rid of this the way you got it!" It was one of my father's favorite comedies, and when he was dying and still at home I got a copy and showed it to him. He managed a smile here and there, which, given his body-wide bone cancer, I considered a major victory at the time.
  16. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO I have to say, Whimsy sounds like she'd make a great character in the show proper. Kudos to you and your wife.
  17. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO The other thing to remember about Pinkie is that she can ONLY do that crazy/kooky stuff when she's happy. If she gets depressed or emotionally stung hard enough, she goes back to being plain old Pinkamena the Rock Farmer, at which point she's a very, very different pony.
  18. Re: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic HERO
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos That is every kind of awesome and win. Really, for kids of a certain generation, SFX were almost defined by two men, Ray Harryhausen and Eiji Tsuburaya.
  20. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I made a post about this ghastly film elsewhere on the forums, complete with a link to the trailer, if you must know more.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Right now I'm watching the SyFy Channel's desecration version of Moby Dick. It's just like the original, except that Ahab commands a nuclear submarine and he's trying to kill Moby with torpedo harpoons. Oh yes, Moby is 500 feet long and eats blue whales whole.
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style heroMachine Wow, it looks Like Gomez, Uncle Fester, and Lurch all got good and 'roided up since the last time we saw them on TV. At least it's not 'The Adams Family as envisioned by Rob Liefeld'. Seriously though, cool art.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Well, it is being made by The (aptly-named) Asylum. They're the same people who made Sharktopus and Mega-Shark versus Giant Octopus among man, many other Syfy Saturday 'specials'... so you can expect it to stink like a rotting whale carcass.
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