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Everything posted by phydaux

  1. Re: Beating Dr. Destroyer...how do (or did) you do it? No, I ment naked. And I was referring to the player, not the character. See, we were all doing shots of Jager. And Tanya, well, she's a real frendly type with a bit of a wild side. She just loves to be the center of attention. Oh... Wait... Now that I think of it that was a dream I had. I did mean "ganked" aka "killed."
  2. Re: Beating Dr. Destroyer...how do (or did) you do it? Remember those cruise missles I mentioned? There were also SAM missles. 6d6 AOE RKA, and the character had no rPD. ouch
  3. Re: 6th Ed Source Books? OK. I thought I was clear with the "as of this posting" bit, but I guess not. Thanks for the release schedual link. That helps. So 6th Ed. Champions books, as of this posting, one. The powers book. Gotcha. I'll be buying a few 5th Ed pdfs looks like, and ignoring 6th Ed for some time to come. Thanks!
  4. Re: 6th Ed Source Books? Thank You. But what source books currently are 6th ED?
  5. Re: Beating Dr. Destroyer...how do (or did) you do it? I had a team go up against Dr. D in a recreation of the old "Island of Dr. Desrtoyer" adventure using the 5th Ed. rule set. It was... bad. One hero almost got gaked before the team even made it to Destroyer. When they finally met The Good Doctor himself, he just toyed with them by firing AOE after AOE and laughing. PCs kept getting phased again and again and couldn't do anything. Then, as luck would have it, one PC ended up not being in the AOE for two attacks in a row, and actually got an action phase. She put everything she had into an attack. Not at the Destroyer, but at the island nuclear reactor's coolant circulation pump. Reactor overheated and the automatic safeties shut it down. No more propultion for the island. No power for the energy cannons. No more radar to guide the cruise missles. Destroyer fires off one last volly of AOE attacks to stun the PCs, then escapes just as the Navy brings the Battleships into 16" gun range.
  6. As of this posting, what Champions source books are 6th Ed compatable? And is there a 6th Ed version of the hero creator software yet?
  7. Re: Micro Heroes! LMAO @ Frodo Lantern
  8. Re: Wonder Woman on 350 points I've thought this one over a few times. WW, like Captain America, is a pocket brick. She has brick powers, but just not at full brick levels. In a 12DC campaign I'd give her a STR of 40, 1/2 end. Then I'd give her 3-4 Combat Skill Levels with the limitation Only to Offset Hit Location Penalty. Then it's "Called shot to the head, called shot to the head" all night long. I'd also give her 40 pips of STR at x2 End with the limitations Requires Ego Roll and Only for Feats of Strength. I might even toss in Requires Incantation "Hera Give Me Stregth!" A PD/ED of 18, and then 6 points of Hardened Armor, OIF Bracers wit hthe limitation Requires PER roll. 'Cause if she can see it, she can block it. No Flying. I'm Old School. WW doesn't fly. And as for the soft core bondage stuff, maybe in a Golden Age campaign but not Silver or later.
  9. Re: Epic level Champions How do you shoot the devil? What do you do if you miss?
  10. Re: Epic level Champions Got to be honest, I didn't read the whole thread yet. Great topic, though, and I do have some thoughts. I uaed to play a BUNCH of GURPS. I even reped for SJ Games and ran games at Cons & demos at local game stores. I liked GURPS, but one of the problems of the system was the 3d6 bell curve game engine. Now you're gonna say "Wait, Hero has a 3d6 bell curve game engine." Yes, but in Hero it's my bell curve vs your bell curve. In GURPS it's just your bell curve vs the dice. That means as your skills approach >16 you just never fail at anything. Once you reach a level of points where all your stats & skills are 16 or more then the character is just broken, because it will never fail at anything. In Hero system as long as PCs & NPCs are all roughly on par then bell curve rolls fall back to the 9-12 range where failure is always a real possibility. That's why whenever I run Hero I always put out "campaign norms." DCs, CV, SPD and Defense for all PCs must fall inside campaign norms. And the players have my word ad GM that all my NPCs will fall within campaign norms as well. "What? I'm the GM. I would never lie to you guys...." Now I also have a rule that PCs can excede campaign norms in one area if they wish. But if they do, then the character must be below campaign norms in TWO other areas. So if you want to be "The Strongest" then you can be, but you better also be slow and awkward. Or if you want to be "The Fastes Man Alive" you can be, but you better be made of glass and hit like a little girl. So as long as the GM enforces campaign norms then Hero System scales. But it does totally suck to be Green Arrow when you're in this lineup:
  11. Re: So what concepts are you tempted to play on the MMORPG anyway? Pocket Bricks. Love 'em. But just for the PnP game.
  12. Re: So what concepts are you tempted to play on the MMORPG anyway? These are the toons I play to create in CO, at minimum: Whammer - A Silver Age throwback character. He's a big, strong, tough, lovable, overgrown and superpowered Boy Scout in a mask. A balance of melee defense & melee attacks, few if any ranged attacks or controls. Quazar - Another throwback, not just to the Silver Age of comic books but all the way back to Champions 2nd Edition. Quazar is a flying Power Projector, and the second Champions character I ever made. In CO he'd lean toward ranged attacks with some defense and some controls. Mystica - A Bronze Age toon, Mystica is a Power Projector and has a vast aray of utility powers. She will make an excelent addition to any team quest. Mystica has willingly sacrificed the quiet life she might have had, and uses her vast mystical powers to protect the mundane world from mystical threats. She understands that others may also be called upon to sacrifice in her quest, perhaps scarifice greatly, perhaps even unwillingly. This is painful for Mystica, but issomething she knows must be done. She will have a mix of ranges attacks, controls, buffs & debuffs with a minimum of melee & defense. Shadowhunter - Careful not to slide to far down the slippery slope into the Iron Age, Shadowhunter is a Bronze Age Martial Artist. He is a stealthy stalker of the night. He seeks out the corruption that hides in the darkest places, and he drags the filth that dwells there kicking, screaming, beaten and bleeding into the bright and cleansing light of day. There are those who live above the law, but none are above the Famous Fists of the Shadowhunter. He will focus on melee attacks with some defense and a minimum of ranged attacks and controls.
  13. Re: So what concepts are you tempted to play on the MMORPG anyway? On the Champions Online forum they have let slip that they will be using non-unique names. So if you want to name your character Supreme Serpent, then you may. but be aware that there may be several other toons with the same name running around.
  14. Re: Cuts through anything
  15. Re: A qustion about the Ethical Treatment of Villians. As far as I know Hudson City is not included in CO. Since the Harbringer is a Hudson City character, then I don't think he'll be in the game on release.
  16. Re: TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players Well, I guess that would explain the avatar. Sorry for the snarkyness. It seems like every new player I've ever introduced to Champions, when it came time to make their first character, said, "I want to be Wolverine." Every damn one. After 25 years, it's gotten a little old. That's why I enjoy playing Silver Age throwbacks so much - When you have a party of six characters, and FIVE of them are ninjas fighting crime because a supervillian killed their parents, then playing a Super Patriot is actually different and original. Plus, it just gets under their skin so damn bad.
  17. Re: TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players Yeah, let me guess - Your favorite Watchman character was probably Rorschach, and your favorite Marvel character was Wolverine, and you love Batman & Daredevil, but only when Frank Miller writes them. And you've played every class in D&D except Paladin. Am I close?
  18. Re: June 2nd Current release date is Sep 1st.
  19. Re: TITANS - Superteam is now recruiting mature players I'd very much like to join. I'm an older player, perhaps one of the oldest posters on the Hero forums. I know I was one of the oldest regular members in my WoW guild. The guild you discribe sounds very much like my old WoW guild. I just recently deactivated my WoW account to return to CoH, in anticipation of CO. I also hope to get into the CO beta. These are the toons I play to create in CO, at minimum. I am, you see, a hopeless altaholic. Anyway: Whammer - A Silver Age throwback character. He's a big, strong, tough, lovable, overgrown and superpowered Boy Scout in a mask. He'd be happy to tank any mission for a guildie. Quazar - Another throwback, not just to the Silver Age of comic books but all the way back to Champions 2nd Edition. Quazar is a flying Power Projector, and the second Champions character I ever made. Mystica - A Bronze Age toon, Mystica is a Power Projector and has a vast aray of utility powers. She will make an excelent addition to any team quest. Mystica has willingly sacrificed the quiet life she might have had, and uses her vast mystical powers to protect the mundane world from mystical threats. She understands that others may also be called upon to sacrifice in her quest, perhaps scarifice greatly, perhaps even unwillingly. This is painful for Mystica, but issomething she knows must be done. Shadowhunter - Careful not to slide to far down the slippery slope into the Iron Age, Shadowhunter is a Bronze Age Martial Artist. He is a stealthy stalker of the night. He seeks out the corruption that hides in the darkest places, and he drags the filth that dwells there kicking, screaming, beaten and bleeding into the bright and cleansing light of day. There are those who live above the law, but none are above the Famous Fists of the Shadowhunter.
  20. phydaux

    OAF or IAF?

    Re: OAF or IAF? OAF and Conceal skill. Awesome. Thanks. Glad to see someone still remembers that old movie. It was a classic, back in the day. Right up there with Fritz the Cat.
  21. phydaux

    OAF or IAF?

    I have a character who's a Mystic - Decent sized VPP with the restriction "Magic Powers, only changable out of combat." I don't have a problem with this at all. Some of you old timers may remember an old anamated movie called "Wizard." It's about two brothers born to a female archmage. She loved both her sons, and taught them everything she knew. But the older brother was more talented than the younger, and this quickly developed into a rivalry. Try as she might, the archmage was unable to quell the bitterness between her two sons. When she fianlly dies, the two brothers went their seperate ways. The talanted wizard grew into a powerful and evil dark wizard. He began to gather armies and dark fowllowers to himself. The younger brother grew into a kindly wizard. Eventually the dark wizard sent his armies out to concor the world, and the young brother knew that the time had come for him to finally defeat his brother or die in the attempt. The brothers meet and begin their wizard duel, but all goes much the same as it always had when they were young - The dark wizard soon overwhelms and overcomes his younger brother. "You always were better than me," the young brother says. "But here's something mom taught me one day when you weren't around." The good wizard reached into his robes, took out a German Luger, and at point blank range emptied the magazine into his brother's chest. The dark wizard collapsed bonelessly into a heap, defeated. My question is, is the pistol a OAF, or a IAF? During combat, once the wizard puls the pistol it is obvious what the pistol is and what it does and it could be grabbed out of the wizard's hand, so it should be an OAF. But no one knows the Wizard carries a rosco until he pulls it out, so could be an IAF.
  22. Re: The Greatest American Hero I ran a version of that character during my first Champions campaign back in the 80's. Name was Kaptain Hero, high STR but with a high activation roll. One phase I tried to pick up a crashed school bus. I made my roll and lifted it up over my head while my low STR, low PD/ED team mate climbed down into the crater to rescue the inured school kids. All this happened as the press arrived at the scene and started to roll cameras. Great PR for the super team, right? Very next phase I biffed my STR roll and dropped the bus back on top of the kids, trapping my team mate in the process. Later in the session, after the evening news crucified the super team over the air, the other characters kicked Kaptian Hero out of the super group, sent out a press release disavowing any association with Kaptain Hero. When the gaming session was over the other players forbid be from ever playing that character again. The player who got the school bus droped on her character took Kaptain Hero's character sheet and tore it in half in front of me, the GM and the other players. I still have both halves of that character sheet, and look back on that session as one of the most fun gaming sessions I've ever had.
  23. Re: The Greatest American Hero
  24. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character? Quazar - Take away his Power Armor. Then he's just a normal person, other than being a high-tech genius who is blind without his glasses. Shadowhunter - Take away his gadgets. But then he's still an ass-kicking martial artist with a long list of skills and an even longer list of enemies. So he'd need 24/7 lockdown. Mystica - I'm sure Stronghold has some kind of magic-dampening technology. 'Cause if they don't she has both Teleport and Intangible in her Multipower....
  25. Hey guys! I'm just thinking out loud, but would any of you be interested in a Champions CCG? I've played Vs, and honestly the game mechanics stink. I'm convinced the only reason it exists is because of the Marvel/DC license. I've played Teen Titans, and it has great game mechanics but a limited scope due to the licensing. I'm thinking something set in the official Champions universe. It would have both heroes and villains from the various sourcebooks. Both could be used in the same deck, although "theme" decks would naturally work better. Players would play "objective" cards that either the player or the oponent could attempt. Objectives would be worth differant numbers of points, and when you reach a particular point total you win. I'd want to make sure that the game was balanced for both dueling and multi-player play, that many differant theme decks were possible and that the game included a variaty of game mechanics for varied play. At the same time it would have to be much more simple than the RPG, perhaps unrecognisably so, except for the art, characters and setting. I have not approached Steve or anyone else about this. I'm just trying to find out if there is interest.
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