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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I've been trying to think of big name supervillains in the CU that might try launching a plague, but it doesn't seem to fit the motif of the most likely ones. Doctor Destroyer would probably find it to be too slow a process and maybe even beneath his dignity to initiate a plague, even if he could win control of the world by providing a cure. He seems to prefer doing flashier things like making monsters and orbital death rays. Teleios is another one more into making monsters than germs. Mechanon I could see doing it, maybe thinking he is using life to destroy life. A slow plague that can't be stopped would probably be really appealing to him.
  2. How would a pandemic like COVID-19 play out in a superhuman world? In the Champions Universe, there are many supervillains with the skills to whip up something like it, most likely pretty easily. Could you imagine VIPER starting a pandemic? How does a superhero help in a pandemic?
  3. I’m under one here in California. My refrigerator chose this week to die, and then the order went out to close down the state one day before a new one could be delivered from Best Buy. I have to go out every couple of days for ice now to keep milk and eggs in the house. I’ve been telecommuting all week for my job, and it’s actually been pretty productive.
  4. Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate is a less toxic variant that is also being made available. There's a company called Teva Pharmaceutical that is donating 10 million tabs of it as a potential treatment of COVID-19.
  5. Thank you for the updates. I’m working from home right now, and my daughter is out of school through early April. I think we should plan on social distancing being a thing for at least another 2-4 weeks.
  6. I’m hearing some chatter that drive-in movie theaters will experience a resurgence of business as the safest venue to see a movie given the risks of infection in regular theaters.
  7. Ohio’s governor is talking about ending the school year now, since he thinks this will peak in April or May. it could end up being a short school year in many states.
  8. Mexico is considering closing their borders due to the Coronavirus. I find that ironic. I wonder if CNN will scream racism if it happens.
  9. Upgraded? That's an interesting spellcheck change. Either that, or you've got incredible students.
  10. Some possible ways to keep safe.
  11. My daughter’s school district is now closed until April 6th, and my company is having me work from home starting Monday. Among our other preparations, my wife has bought about four hundred pounds of rice.
  12. My niece spent her Spring Break in Europe, visiting London and Paris, traveling between the two cities by train. Her vacation's coming to an end this weekend, when she flies back from London. I'm hoping she didn't get infected.
  13. They’ve just announced that all gatherings, including sacrament meetings, are now being temporarily suspended worldwide. I just got an email on this from the First Presidency.
  14. Star Trek can help save us nerds from the Coronavirus.
  15. I’m fine with meeting at Durzan’s or Killer Shrike’s House in a couple of weeks, if they’re still willing to host then. That said, my wife’s worries about this virus continue to grow, so I might have to bow out of the game for a few months to keep her happy, even if it’s held at someone’s house. I’ll let you know in a few weeks if it’s getting that way. KS, I hope your daughter is better soon. I’ve been through that experience with my own little girl a few times. Each time is always worrisome for a parent.
  16. I just read that the Emerald City Comic Con has been postponed until summer.
  17. I wonder how this will affect the big fan-type conventions, such as Gen Con? If this thing keeps spreading and more people go into panic mode, I think there’s a fair possibility that the biggest ones like Gen Con, Anime Expo and maybe the San Diego Comic Con could end up being ghost towns this year.
  18. So, what news from the rest of Herodom on the coronavirus outbreaks? Has it reached your town? 4/3/20 EDIT - Adding a website link that projects COVID-19 cases.
  19. Are we gaming this Saturday? FYI, due to my wife's ever-increasing concerns about the coronavirus outbreaks in the US, this will be my last game weekend for a while unless we change to meeting at someone's house.
  20. Because of the rain, our family plans were canceled, so I’m available tonight after all. I’ll see you all in a few hours.
  21. I won't be available this Saturday due to family obligations. Sorry about this. I'm fine with either Lawrence or Vaughn running my character in my absence, if either is willing.
  22. This talk of rivers gives me a nostalgic inspiration for a campaign that use magical riverboats to travel up and down one of the largest rivers. I could see it done as a type of magical steam tech using fire elementals to heat water that runs a steam engine. Life along such a river could be quite interesting, kind of a fantasy version of a Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn setting with magic.
  23. Yes, that is what I refer to. I find it to be a very interesting setting concept, and the character-building section is very useful in my own campaigns.
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